
Brit-Am Now no. 1393
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
2 October 2009, 14 Tishrei 5770
1. Henry Rhea: New King James and King James
2. Chaplain Kerry Lance Bulls:
Likes New King James Translation
3. The New English Bible
4. The Brit-Am Web Site as a Liberating Element
5. Owen Murphy: The Making of the KJV
Shelagh McKenna:  Meaning of the Name "Britain"
7. Cam Rea: Happy Sukkot
8. Jay: Jeroboam
ben Nebat
9. George
Helon: In favour of the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible
10. The Talmud and English Common Law
11. George:
Bashan in Britain?
12. The Book of
Proberbs Chapter Two (NEB)
13. Brit-Am, the Movement of the Ten Tribes, Over
Succot, 5770.


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1. Henry Rhea: New King James and King James
From: hrhea@maxxconnect.net
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1392

Hello Yair.  Just thought I'd put in my two cents on translations and which one is best to use.  I personally prefer the New King James, as it eliminates much of the archaic language and some of the errors of the King James while retaining much of the poetic flow, making for easier readability.  However, one thing you might want to consider is that the old King James is the only translation that does have really good Concordances with Hebrew to English and Greek to English dictionaries keyed to it, plus Lexicons as well that are keyed to the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.  So before you change you might want to consider that there are other very good reasons for using the old King James in spite of the archaic English used.

Henry Rhea

2. Chaplain Kerry Lance Bulls: Likes New King James Translation
From: Kerry Bulls <kbulls@bak.rr.com>
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1392

Hello Yair,
Greetings in the name of the Lord.  I like the New King James translation.
Have you considered that one?

Chaplain Kerry Lance Bulls

3. The New English Bible

Yair Davidiy is used to reading the Bible in Hebrew and only refers to English Translations when
commentating on the text. I therefore am not familiar with different versions. I did however by chance
acquire a copy of "The New English Bible. The Old Testament".
I have not studied this version but I skimmed through parts of it. Their translation of Genesis does not look the best but we could use it as a basis to work on. The translation of Proverbs looks impressive as do sections from the Prophets.
On a superficial level the style in my opinion is of a high quality.
It appears likeable and inspiring.

It is not available on-line but we might still use it.
If we use it our already complicated existence may become a little more difficult but not necessarily to a serious degree.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Due to its official status and scholarly translators, the New English Bible has been considered one of the more important translations of the Bible to be produced following the Second World War. F. F. Bruce, then
Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis in the University of Manchester, declared that "To the sponsors and translators of the New English Bible the English speaking world owes an immense debt. They have given us a version which is contemporary in idiom, up-to-date in scholarship, attractive and at times, exciting in content..." However, T. S. Eliot comments that the New English Bible "astonishes in its combination of the vulgar, the trivial and the pedantic."

Even so, despite the attractiveness of the New English Bible chances are that we will end up using the New King James Version
which was brought to our attention by the letter of Henry Rhea and Chaplain Kerry Lance Bulls above.

4. The Brit-Am Web Site as a Liberating Element
Brit-Am Now no. 1391
#10. Suggestion:
Make the Brit-Am Site Your Home Page
We suggested that the Brit-Am Site be made your Home Page.
Not everyone will take up this suggestion.
An alternative is to place the Brit-Am Site on a prominent place in your FAVORITES list.
It happens when surfing or seeking information that one gets stuck or has difficulty in moving from one URL to another.
We find that in such cases clicking on the Brit-Am URL  to be the best way to return to the mainstream of cyber space and to get back into action.
The Brit-Am URL reacts with relative alacrity and uploads quickly.
You move into Brit-Am and from there are free to continue unimpeded.
The Brit-Am URL is quick, clean, and liberating.

5. Owen Murphy: The Making of the KJV
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1392

Hello Yair; regarding your search for an adequate bible translation, we came across a very interesting and historically accurate book on the origins of the KJV.
  It is entitled , Gods Secretaries -the making of the King James Bible. The author is Adam Nicolson. Published in 2003 by Harper Collins.
  This is a straight forward account where the author does not seem to have a preconceived bias nor a religious axe to grind. It is so well written that we found it hard to put down and entertaining as well. The author shows how the translators agonized over the scriptures and dealt with the opponents of their interpretations politically and ecclesiastically.
  Reading this account helps to a great extent to understand the multiple audiences one faces in a work such as yours.
  Too bad about those who take offence at your endeavors. They may find themselves to be the poorer for it in the long run.
  Keep up the good work and may Hashem bless and keep you.
  Cheers Owen

6. Shelagh McKenna:  Meaning of the Name "Britain"
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1392
#2. Interesting Site
European national origin stories

Regarding the origin of the name ?Pretani?, mentioned in your Article #2: 
The best online account I could find for the origin of this theory was in Wikipedia's article on "Cruthin":
T. F. O'Rahilly reconstructs cruthin as earlier *k riteni, a Q-Celtic borrowing of *priten .
This is a plausible explanation for the name, though it is probable that the people in question were actually pre-Celtic inhabitants.
But I wish to point out that there are in fact several theories about the origin of the name "Britain". More than one can be true, since a word with one meaning can be derived from an older word with another meaning. Here are some candidates:
Baratanac (Phoenician): land of tin
Brutus (Trojan): eponymous founder
Pritani (P-Celt): painted men (so it is claimed)
Breaghan/Brehon (Q-Celt): eponymous founder
Pryd (P-Celt): time
Brit (Hebrew): pact
It is interesting that the Welsh call the north of the island "Prydyn", and the south of the island the very similar "Prydain". Perhaps a fluent speaker of Welsh can explain the difference between the two.

Shelagh McKenna

7. Cam Rea: Happy Sukkot
From: Cam Rea <tragicpoet77@yahoo.com>
Subject: Shalom

I want to wish you and the rest of the Brit-Am readers a happy and safe Sukkot. Also, I want to mention that I have gotten four emails in the last two days from people looking for me in Jerusalem. The answer is no I am not in Jerusalem, and no I am not with Yair in Jerusalem. I wish I was and one day hope to be their for Sukkot with Yair.

Thank you
May God Bless you all!
Cam Rea

8. Jay: Jeroboam ben Nebat
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1391 (Nebat)
#6. Question Concerning Jeroboam son of Nebat

Shalom Yair:

My main question before was whether there could be any connection between Nebat and the Nabotaeans.  Probably I have found the answer here in my own home.  An obscure reference from "Legends of the Jews" by Ginzberg, says that an Angel who spoke with Abraham on the way to the sacrifice of Isaac had disguised himself as a Nabotean.  Most likely then, the two names are not connected at all for if Nabotaeans were around so long ago, the Nabotaeans of the post-Temple era were not descended from Nebat, as my acquaintance asserted.
In the King James Version, Nebat is correctly referred to as an Ephrathite, according to the Hebrew.  Other translations, including the Artscroll Tanach, change this to Ephraimite without explanation.
David's father was also an Ephrathite and the Artscroll Tanach goes to some length to explain this refers to David's father as being from

There are several mentions of Jeroboam and Nebat in the "Book of Legends Sefer Ha-Aggadah" ((Davka) SCSI CD-ROM edition).  One reference vaguely connects Nebat with Rachel, as your specific reference did,  Another compares Roman guards, who inspected Jewish pilgrims in Jerusalem carrying firstfruit offerings, to Jeroboam, i.e., "as Jeroboam son Nebat had done",


9. George Helon: In favour of the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible
Subject: BRIT-AM: 1386 and Bible Types [from George HELON, ben akhar ben ZEBULON]
Shalom Yair,
Now that the question has been asked "Should Brit-Am stop using KJV Translation?" [BRIT-AM: 1386], I believe it should in favour of the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible.
First published by the English College at Douay between 1609 and 1610, the Old Testament Books of the Holy Bible were translated from St Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible [c. 405 AD] and meticulously compared with extant Hebrew, Greek and other versions.
Only 27 years earlier in 1582 the English College at Rheims had already published a revised version of the New Testament.
The two separate revisions of the Old and New Testaments were combined to formulate the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible - the only traditional Catholic Bible in the English language.
Not only did St Jerome [c. 347 - 420 AD] have access to many no longer extant multi-lingual manuscripts and sources - ancient, numerous, gnostic, et al - he studied Hebrew in his 20s, was fluent in Latin and Greek-speaking from birth.
The King James Version - conceived in 1604, and begun in 1607 - is a Protestant version of the Holy Bible into English that was eventually published in 1611. The motivation for the KJV was blatantly political rather than being for spiritual enlightenment; the KJV was a conceited attempt by King James to distance the Protestant Bible, from the Catholic version.
The authority of the Latin Vulgate Bible was ratified by the Council of Trent at its Fourth Session celebrated on the eighth day of April 1546: The Holy Council "declares that the old Latin Vulgate Edition, which, in use for so many hundred years, has been approved by the Church, be in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions held as authentic, and that no one dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it... [Decree Concerning the Edition and Use of the Sacred Books]."
Scripture is sacred: "in order to obey the mitzvot of ADONAI your God which I am giving you, do not add to what I am saying, and do not subtract from it [D'varim (Deuteronomy) 4:2 - Complete Jewish Bible]."
Now consider the passage from Deuteronomy 4:2 -
[From the KJV] "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you."
[From the DRB] "You shall not add to the word that I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it: keep the commandments of the lord your God, which I command you."
Other passages forbidding the adding to, alteration of, or subtracting from Scripture include: Deut. 12:32; Prov. 30:5-6, and Rev. 24:18.
I for one feel that the Douay-Rheims Bible fulfills your criteria of "being accurate and capturing the literary of the Hebrew original [BRIT-AM: 1386]." It should appeal to many.
Regards from Australia,
George HELON, ben akhar ben ZEBULON

10. The Talmud and English Common Law
The laws of the Talmud are mostly derived from the Bible or from Rabbinical Sages applying Biblical Principles.
Talmudic and Rabbinical Law may have influenced European lawmakers in general including those of the Early Church.
These influences may explain certain parallels between the Talmud and general European legal principles.
It has been claimed the BEYOND ALL THAT  English Common Law contains many parallels to Biblical ones.
In my opinion this dates back to King Alfred if not well beyond that.
It is suggestive of a common national psychology and traditions in common.
Theodor Opatowski in a few of his posts to us in the past as well as in an article in our magazine touched on this issue.
Books and papers have been written on the subject in the past but today seem to be available only in the Rare Books section of major libraries.
An example is John Sadler, "Rights of the Kingdom" in the 1660s.
It could be worth the while of some scholar at some time to go back over this material.
The work would require more specialized knowledge and expertise than I myself have or am liable to progress towards in the near future.
Someone else hopefully will ultimately get around to it and the results could well be promising.

11. George: Bashan in Britain?
From: jracforr@comcast.net
Re: Weekly Portion: Haazinu

Dear Yair

The following quote  about Bashan was in your mail

 ##RAMS OF THE BREED OF BASHAN:  There is a breed of sheep known as merino that originally came from Spain and then was developed in Australia. This made Australia a rich country. The Australians say they grew up as a nation on the sheeps back due to the rich woolen fleece produced by the merino. I suspect the merino developed originally in the Land of Israel##

It could be noted that the British Isle in the Atlantic region is the geographic equivalent  Bashan in the Jordan river valley and was the home of the tribe of Manasseh and the USA is the equivalent of Samaria the home of Ephraim. It is not strange to see the " Ram of the Breed of Bashan " prosper in all former English colonial territory.
  The Giants which built the stone monuments in Bashan could also have built  " Stonehenge" in Britain.

           Regards, George

12. The Book of Proberbs Chapter Two (NEB)
1 My son if you take my words to heart and lay up my commands in your mind
2        giving your attention to wisdom
and your mind to understanding,
3             if you summon discernment to your aid
and invoke understanding,
4        if you seek her out like silver
and dig for her like buried treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD and attain to the knowledge of God;
6 for the LORD bestows wisdom
and teaches knowledge and understanding.
7 Out of his store he endows the upright with ability as a shield for those who live blameless lives;
8        for he guards the course of justice
and keeps watch over the way of his loyal servants.
9 Then you will understand what is right and just and keepa only to the good man's path;
10 for wisdom will sink into your mind, and knowledge will be your heart's delight.
11 Prudence will keep watch over you,
understanding will guard you,
12  it will save you from evil ways
and from men whose talk is subversive,
13 who forsake the honest course
to walk in ways of darkness,
14 who rejoice in doing evil
and exult in evil and subversive acts,
15   whose own ways are crooked,
whose tracks are devious.
16 It will save you from the adulteress,''
from the loose woman with her seductive words,
17 who forsakes the teaching of her childhood and has forgotten the covenant of her God;
18  for her path runs downhill towards death, and her course is set for the land of the dead.
19 No one who resorts to here finds his way back or regains the path to life.

20 See then that you follow the footsteps of good men and keep to the course of the righteous;
21 for the upright shall dwell on earth
and blameless men remain there;
22 but the wicked shall be uprooted from it
and traitors weeded out.

Source: The New English Bible

13. Brit-Am, the Movement of the Ten Tribes, Over Succot, 5770.
Tonight begins the Feast of Succot.
It lasts (in Israel) for seven days.
Chances are that we will not be posting anything out over this time though a final decision has not yet been taken.
The intention at present is to work at a very reduced rate just taking down posts and information etc and to spend the rest of the time in learning or visiting.
Anyone who is in Jerusalem at this time and wishes to meet us for a cup of coffee etc should make contact to:


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