Brit-Am Now"-662: Pledge Drive

Brit-Am Newsletters and e-mail services are free of charge.
We need your presence and participation.
Some of you subscribe to us not because you agree with all that Brit-Am says but you
are prepared to listen and learn.
Others agree with us and already knew the essence of our message before
we entered the scene. For such people we help confirm and add to the basic truth
they already knew. Still others came to us by chance or out of curiosity
and became convinced through the essential truth that is apparent in the proofs
and evidence we show.

Our purpose is to spread the Brit-Am message and to enhance it.
The mere fact that you subscribe to our services enables us to do that.
Nevertheless, we get by through the sale of our publications and offerings.
This is the means through which we function
and send out our message and God willing will continue to do so.

We are asking those of you who can help to do so
and we are suggesting that you consider making a monthly pledge to us
through a new button installed on our web-site.

I repeat that this is a suggestion and no more than that.
MOST of our subscribers do not contribute financially
and there is nothing wrong with being one of them.
If you are able to help however please take the suggested option into

Message from the Brit-Am Webmaster, Betty Rhodes:
Attention: I have added a new button to the Brit-Am home page - you will find it in the left column of blue buttons, and is labeled 'PLEDGE DRIVE'. This will take you to the page
where it will give members a sign up page where they can pledge or subscribe either a $10 or a $15 pledge which will be paid monthly. Once the initial subscription is set up, these modest payments will be automatically made for participants on a 30 day basis.
Yair, please add this memo to your next NOW newsletter and give your readers the opportunity to sign up for this important PLEDGE DRIVE - as I am sure they have benefited from the Brit-Am efforts in the past. All money goes to Israel for Brit-Am research and development and to assist Yair.
Thank you,
Betty Rhodes

 God willing  the work of  Brit-Am will continue and we will conduct it as long and as well as we can.
Your  offerings  and purchases enable us to work for our peoples and for you.
Please help us to keep going by sending us an offering.
Order  Brit-Am publications. They are worth acquiring and reading and giving to others
who may be interested. The information is important, worth knowing, and interesting.
Brit-Am is on your side. Brit-Am represents you.
Helping Brit-Am means doing good to yourselves and others as well as to us.
"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).

Books offered by Brit-Am:
All prices include postage by  air-mail.

"THE TRIBES. The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples" (3rd edition)
Book is a Classic, ca 592 pages including 48 maps and 44 illustrations.
Contains vital information in a highly readable text.  Special introductory price only $30.

"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
[A Summary of Most of the Major Biblical and Historical Research
Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
Any two  of  the above four books for $30
All four books for $50
All four books plus "The Tribes" for $70.

Magazine "Brit-Am Truth" usual price $15 one issue
5 issues $40
12 issues $80
20 issues for $120
The prices include postage by  air-mail.

Upon subscribing (for five issues or more) you will receive an official membership certificate
with the Brit-Am symbol in colors of  red,  white, and blue.
Send a personal check to the address below:

Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004
"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).

