

"Brit-Am Now"-961
Nickie: Let us not lower ourselves
2. "Peace and Courage to Get Through the Day"
3. Allen Ramsay: Take the High Ground

1. Nickie: Let us not lower ourselves
Subject: RE: Nutcase and Germany
"Brit-Am Now"-960
#2. Challenge to Nut-case
Dear fellow learners-in-progress (is there such a term?)

While the person whose opinion differed greatly from those shared by Yair,
it is okay to differ while seeking the truth. Time will bring us to
agreement, hopefully.

The problem was not in differing, but in the manner in which the "nutcase"
attacked and belittled the teacher. Let us not lower ourselves to attacking
the "nutcase" who was so deemed because of his passionate insistence that
what he understood to be the truth, was indeed the one and only truth. If
we attack him in the same as he attacked Yair, then we will be like him and
no different ... when actually all (or most) of us are only searching for

About the Germans ... as most of us should know, the people who now live in
what is called Germany very likely are NOT those who were the ancestors of
any of us who might have descended from those of the ancient travelers.

We also should know that the people who live IN a country are not always of
the same lineage or of the same political mindset or religious opinion of
the people in governmental leaders who lead the country. Talk to 10 people
in America and see how many agree with anyone!

I CRINGE a little when reading the "GERMAN" very STRONG OPINIONS lately
because I am still seeking my father's MYERS lineage, and it MAY be German,
while my mother's ancestors came from England, Scotland, and Ireland.
Regardless of what I find as my father's lineage, I do KNOW who my heavenly
Father, YHWH God is and He definitely does KNOW me.

It, again, is important to be able to search for "facts" without attacking
or condemning others who may not have such "pure" ancestors as to know they
are Judah or Israel or a blend of something else. We can seek the truth and
share the truth without becoming like the "nutcase".

Thank you Yair for all you have done to enlighten us. You are indeed a
blessing. Nickie

2. "Peace and Courage to Get Through the Day"
From: S
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-960
#1. Brit-Am Appeals Demeaning?
Hi Yair,

I would like to respond to "Brit-Am Appeals Demeaning?" (I would like my
response to be published to everyone but please don't use my last name or
email address)

Brit-Am's appeals for financial donations are not demeaning at all. On the
contrary, it should be a shame upon the readers who enjoy the benefits of
teachings, information, and nearly daily bible studies without offering a
token of financial support to the givers and doers of that service. A few
years ago I had the ability to send in a few donations now and then. When I
found myself in a financial crisis Yair Davidi sent me money, without being
asked and without even questioning me why I was in trouble. He has been
extremely kind to me, asking for nothing, yet right there to help without
any expectation of a return blessing.

I have gone through 2 years of on and off unemployment and pay cuts, but
recently was promoted to a position which puts me back on a better financial
standing than I have ever had. I am of the mind that the most important
thing with finances is to never shirk the responsibility to assist those
that serve me in spiritual matters. If each one of us were to pledge a sum
every month and stick to it, it would support a spiritual service which we
are all involved with. If you are extremely poor, just send $5 or $10 every
few weeks or months. If you have more, give more. The important thing is to
determine what you can realistically do and then PLEDGE to it and stick to

I've seen some dark days these past years and sometimes just seeing that
Brit-Am subject line citing a bible verse in my inbox, gave me peace and
courage to get through the day. I am making a pledge, and would ask others
to consider doing the same, to send a monthly check to Yair for an amount
that is manageable and trustworthy based upon our own individual abilities.

"I will bless them that bless thee..."

God bless you Yair, and THANK YOU

3. Allen Ramsay: Take the High Ground
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-960
#2. Challenge to Nut-case
Yair, please stay focused on Brit-Am and not on this German hate
stuff. Don't buy into it as it demeans the true spirit of the work.
Take the high ground please.

- Allen Ramsay

