"Brit-Am Now"-973
1. Sam: Brit-Am and the New Year
2. Brit-Am Membership Certificates and Magazine Subscription
3. Needed "Ancient Chronicles of
1. Sam: Brit-Am
and the New Year
At this time I don't think that Brit-am should do anything more that the
3 R but I do think we should increase studies on different subject that maybe we
haven't looked at before and try our best to increase message to others.
I think people get upset because they would love to return to Israel but at this
time there not a way for us too but Joes shouldn't give up hope on that either
it will happen at a later date( if Brit-am finding are correct) because the
bible tell us so but for now good things happen for those who wait and we should
spread message to our people where we live.
Brit-Am is the only Jewish organization that will give us the time of day
are so we are all very bless to have you Yair and members don't have to take my
word for it just goggle the lost ten tribes in goggle search engine and see how
many Jewish organization you come up with listing the lost ten tribes as Brit-am
people and member will find that there only one organization and that is Brit-am
and so all us should do our very best to make Brit-am stronger this year that
year before.
I would love to become a certificate member but how do I do so? Would anyone
else like to help me help Brit-Am for the new year?
Many Blessing to you Yair and may the new year coming up soon be a bless year
for all Brit-Am.
Brit-Am Comment:
It is true we are the only Jewish organization in this field and a Jewish
organization is needed.
We also are able to use Jewish sources to supplement and enhance general ones.
We sometimes suffer prejudices for being a "Jewish" source so using our "Jewishness"
as an added
feature has compensatory justification.
Nevertheless beyond being a "Jewish" source we tend to think of ourselves as the
"only" source
present that has the needed potential to prove the case and reach the general
Maybe we are wrong but I doubt it.
2. Brit-Am
Membership Certificates and Magazine Subscription
Anyone subscribing to our magazine automatically receives a
Brit-Am membership certificate.
We hope soon to print new certificates and send them out to all present members
replacing the old ones.
The 10 issue of the magazine is in the final stages at the Printers and next
week should be delivered to us.
The magazine contains very valuable information and articles of great interest
that are unavailable elsewhere.
The following 11th issue of the magazine, Brit-Am TRUTH is in preparation.
Cam Rea and Stephen Spykerman have sent in articles and Yair Davidiy reveals new
historical evidence
of significance.
3. Needed
Ancient Chronicles of Eri
especially first section.