
"Brit-Am Now"-993
1. Query on Lactose Intolerance
2. Americanization, Individualism, and Joseph
3. Posting of different perspectives to be encouraged
4. BAMBI:  Outline of Geographical Proofs
and List of
Ephraimite Criteria
5. New Feature:



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1. Query on Lactose Intolerance

M wrote:


What is this thing about lactose intolerance being related to the
ancient Israelites?  I read something about it, and so I drank a
whole gallon of milk in one sitting.  I didn't get sick at all.  I am
wondering about what that means?  I'm not lactose intolerant at all.
Got Scottish/Welsh lineage.   How would that relate to the "lactose
intolerance" in relation to ancient Israelites?


"Lactose intolerance" can be inherited and/or acquired. Since the Ancient Israelites were promised "A land of milk and honey" they would probably
not have been lactose intolerant. There was a thread on this matter.  We were using scientific reports and discussions elsewhere (a spate of which occurred at the time) along with the experiences of our own subscribers. Some people said that homogenization and other modern treatments of
milk were at fault. Nothing substantial really emerged and we did not really expect it to do so.
We were all really just throwing views and information around out of general interest.
Even if lactose intolerance does tell us something it should be remembered that the Northern Israelites
have been exiled for almost three thousand years which gives much time for a lot of changes.

2. Americanization, Individualism, and Joseph
From: Tommy
Subject: Reply to Ms. Jan

Reply to Ms. Jan:

       Ms. Jan you hit upon a good point in comparing Americanization with Individualism. America is the epitome of individuality, Indeed the home of "rugged individualism." Yet because Human beings are social creatures it should never be thought of as an absolute; even rugged individualists have families. Individualism and it's sister; classic liberalism are the ideological foundations that facilitated the growth of Western nations, or the nations identified by Brit-Am as Joseph.
That Genesis portrays Joseph as having lived an individualistic life, that individualism is a salient feature of Western nations and that Christianity is a religion of personal salvation are obvious to me. Whether Judah is community minded and whether it is by nature, or by nurture as a result of centuries of forced shtettel [Jewish ghetto] life is what is unclear to me. Yet Genesis does portray Judah as the one concerned for his brothers in large and Benjamin specifically in that classic Judah/Joseph confrontation of Genesis 44.

3. Posting of different perspectives to be encouraged
Dear Yair,
Please don't quit posting opinions because somebody disagrees.The remarks (of you and others), the responses to the remarks, the disagreements about the remarks, the responses to the disagreements, plus more remarks keep the Brit-Am emails interesting! I like to read the different perspectives of you and the other readers whether they coincide with my beliefs or not. So if someone threatens to withdraw their support because they are angry because of someone else's or your viewpoint not agreeing with their own, they are not ready for the reconciliation part of the three "r's" anyway.

New Talk: Quite short (ca 20 minutes)
#2. Outline of Geographical Proofs
and List of Ephraimite Criteria
5. New Feature:
Discussion of the Bible, Biblical History,
Lost Israelite Tribes Identity in the Light of the Bible and other
matters relating to Scripture.

Please comment and contribute.
This feature has great potential.