"Brit-Am Now"-996
1. Cam Rea: "the more we help in pumping out books, magazines, and articles, the
high criticism will have to respond sometime"
2. Brit-Am TRUTH Magazine Announcement
3. Brit-Am Questionnaire: Answers to Question no.8
1. Cam Rea: "the
more we help in pumping out books, magazines, and articles, the high criticism
will have to respond sometime"
re Brit-Am Now"-995
#2. Brit-Am Questionnaire:
Answers to Question no.A.7
After reading the survey on supporting Brit-Am by means of finances. You get a
mix crowd, with mix answers, with mix concerns. I don't think I answered that
part of the question if I do recall. Most of us have money, but money that has
to go to things like bills, food and children. This is all true. But I do like
what one person said about $5 month pledge. This is possible if WE all do it
together. We also have to remember that this is an organization devoted to
suppling what we think is truth to those who are interested. Don't get me wrong
when I say "we think as truth." As a person who has studied under many
historians one of my professors said to me that "History is not an exact
science." How true it is regardless of your religious and secular beliefs
concerning history. But by giving what we can, when it is possible, is good. For
the more we help in pumping out books, magazines, and articles, the high
criticism will have to respond sometime.
Cam Rea
2. Brit-Am TRUTH
Magazine Announcement
Our magazine Brit-Am TRUTH issue no.10
is now being sent out to subscribers.
It is being sent out in batches.
Progress in dispatching the magazine is going at a reasonable pace.
Please be patient.
An announcement will be sent out when the last batch has been sent.
We still have in stocks copies of issues nos. 8 and 9.
New subscribers who wish their subscription to start retroactively from
issue no. 8 i.e. to receive issues nos. 8, 9, and 10 at once
instead of beginning with issue no.10 should let us know when
3. Brit-Am
Questionnaire: Answers to Question no.8
A. 8. Do you find the Brit-Am message convincing?
See extracts from answers given:
Summary and Intermediate Conclusions to Question A.8:
Nearly all said they were convinced. Some were already convinced before coming
to Brit-Am. Some are convinced but have reservations. Others are convinced since
they have done research of their own on the subject which has confirmed what
Brit-Am says. The proofs from linguistics such as Name similarities etc were
doubted by some who however believe for other reasons. The main purpose for
belief was given as Biblical Sources. There were those who emphasized the
Biblical Studies as their main or only justification whereas others stressed
their appreciation of research in secular areas to complement the Biblical
points. One correspondent accused us of basing speculation upon speculation and
passing it all off as proven evidence.
There were those who said we had some things wrong but agreed with the main