"Brit-Am Now"-206
Mar 2, 2003
1. Brit-Am Proofs from Prophecy:
2. French find ancient 'elite' Gaul tombs
1. Some Brit-Am Proofs from Prophecy:
Brit-Am and Biblical Prophecies
[Based on Biblical Truthchapters 11 & 13 and on Originchapter 10]
"This is not the end.
It is not even the beginning of the end.
But, it is, perhaps,
the end of the beginning:"
Sir Winston Churchill
Our studies of the Book of Genesis revealed to us the
following: Mankind was told to be fruitful and multiply and conquer the
earth. Adam and Eve sinned and all of humanity was punished. A Deluge
covered the earth from which only Noah and his family survived. All peoples
alive today are descended from the three sons of Noah. Abraham was
descended from Shem the son of Noah. God chose Abraham to be the instrument
of His Will, to be blessed and to bring a blessing upon all peoples of the
earth (12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 cf. 24:4). Abraham was promised that his
seed would be extremely numerous (15:5, 22:17). He was assured that he
would inherit the Land of Canaan (15:7, 17:8) from the Nile to the
Euphrates (15:8). Nations and Kings would emerge from Abraham (17:6). Sarah
the wife of Abraham was blessed that she would become a mother of nations
and kings of peopleswould come from her (17:16, 21): This means the
monarchs of several nations ruling at one and the same time, such as the
monarchs of Western European countries do now. Only Isaac the son of
Abraham would inherit the covenant of Abraham (17:19, 21:12). One of the
purposes of the promises was that through the blessings they would be
enabled to do justice and judgment (18:19). After Abraham was tested with
the binding(Akeda) of Isaac everything about the blessings became
unconditional (22:16) apart from inheriting the land that remained
contingent upon Monotheism and obedience. Abraham was told that his seed
would inherit the gate of his enemies(22:17 cf. 24:60). Isaac married
Rebecca who it was predicted would become the mother of thousands of ten
thousands(24:60) and that her seed would possess the gate of those who
hate them(24:60). These prophecies meant that the promised seed would
possess international thoroughfares and vantage points of strategic
importance as the USA and Britain (and only they) have done. Isaac was
given all the Land of Canaan (26:3). Isaac was to be the ancestor of
innumerable descendants through whom all the world would be blessed (24:4,
Isaac fathered twins, Esau and Jacob (25:24). Esau was the
older. Rebecca had been told that the elder would serve the younger
(25:23). Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (25:33). Jacob received the
blessing of the firstborn from his father Isaac (27:27). Jacob was promised
a healthy climate, agricultural plenty and mineral riches (27:28 repeated
in the blessing to Joseph 49:25) and that he would be the master of his
brethren and rule over nations (27:29). Jacob was to receive the blessings
of Abraham and to inherit the Land (28:4, 35:12). His seed was to spread
all over the earth (28:14). Jacob married Leah and Rachel (29:30). His
firstborn was Reuben (29:32), then came Simeon (29:33) and Levi (29:34),
then Judah (29:35). Rachel gave her handmaiden, Bilhah, to Jacob who begat
Dan (30:6) and Naphtali (30:8). Zilpah the handmaiden of Leah was the
mother of Gad (30:11) and Asher (30:13). Reuben found mandrakes (30:14) and
gave them to Leah who hired the attentions of her husband Jacob and bore
Issachar (30:18) and after that Zebulon (30:20). Rachel bore Joseph
(30:24) who is the vanquisher of Edom meaning Germany or Europe in general.
Only Britain and the USA have proved that they are capable of fulfilling
the task of Joseph. Jacob fled from Laban and headed towards the Land of
Canaan. An angel wrestled with Jacob (32:24) whom he overcame and received
the name Israel(32:28). Jacob was promised that a nation and a company
nations and kings would come from him (35:11). Benjamin was born and Rachel
died (35:18). The name Benjaminmeans expression of my right hand. The
motto of the Norman kings (descendants of Benjamin) of England was God and
my right hand. Israel (i.e. Jacob) gave his son Joseph a tartan-designed
coat of many colors and this made his brothers jealous (37:3). Joseph was
sold into Egypt where he became the virtual ruler of the land and saved the
house of his father from famine. Joseph also saved the Land of Egypt and
other lands from starvation. Judah through Tamar begat Pharez (38:29) and
Zarah (38:30). Joseph married Asenath daughter of Potiphera priest of On
(41:50) and begat Manasseh (41:51) whose name means delegated responsible
representationsuch as that of the USA. The second son of Joseph was
Ephraim (41:52) whose name implies an aristocratic system such as that
found in Britain. Joseph was reconciled to his brothers who went down to
Egypt with all their families. The sons and grandsons of Israel numbered
seventy souls. The names of the sons and grandsons (ch.46) are similar to
the names of descendants of Israelite Tribes who populated much of Western
Europe. Jewish tradition and Arab legends trace the Lost Ten Tribes to
Western Europe.
Before he died Jacob blessed Joseph (48:3) and made Ephraim
and Manasseh full-fledged tribes in their own right (48:5-6). Ephraim and
Manasseh would became a multitude in the midst of the earth and the name
Jacob be called upon them and the name of his fathers Abraham and Isaac
(48:16). This means primarily that the essence of the forefathers would be
expressed through the sons of Joseph. It has a secondary meaning that the
very names would recall the forefathers. Abraham was known as the
Hebrew(14:13) and the early inhabitants of Britain called themselves and
were termed by others Iberimeaning Hebrews. Names given to the
Scythians and to the Saxons who settled England were derived from the name
Isaac. The name Jacobis recalled in the Union Jack of Britain meaning the
Uniting of Jacob, and in the nickname Yankiwhich is short for Jacob.
Ephraim would be greater than Manasseh. Ephraim would become a
multitude of nations (48:19), malo hagoim(i.e. fullness of the nations)
and rule over other peoples. Manasseh would also become great after Ephraim
(48:19). Jacob blessed all of his sons concerning their destiny in the
Latter Times (49:1). Reuben (France) would be unstable and attempt to
conquer the Holy Land. Simeon and Levi would be policemen (49:5) like the
Irish in America. Judah would keep the law and teach his brethren who would
eventually acknowledge the righteousness of Judah (49:8). Judah would be
like an old lion. Judah (unlike the other tribes) would always be
recognizable as descended from Israel. Zebulon would dwell on the seashores
(49:13) as the Dutch descendants of the Sabalingoi (People of Zebulon)
do. Issachar would be neutral and landlocked in a mountainous area (49:14)
like the Swiss. Dan would be a judge of his people (49:16). Gad would
become a troop of Goths(49:19) who settled in Sweden. Asher would eat
dainties and enjoy riches (49:2). Naphtali was to become like a hind in
Scandinavia (49:21). Joseph would establish overseas colonies (49:22) and
would help Judah re-settle the land. Joseph would have his presence felt
many oceans. Joseph would be blessed with good climate, agricultural plenty
and mineral wealth (49:25). Joseph would dwell in separate areas from his
brothers (49:26) like the North Americans, British, Australians, New
Zealanders, and South Africans do. Benjamin is likened unto a wolf (49:27)
which was a symbol of the Normans who conquered England. The son of
Manasseh was Machir (50:23) whose name in Hebrew embodies the concept of
Capitalism. The name Machir evolved into the name of America. The symbol
the USA is a pyramid which was a symbol of Joseph.
The blessings given unto the forefather had to be fulfilled in
the Last Days. The only possible peoples who fulfill all the criteria
mentioned in the Bible are the nations of Western Europe alongside Britain
and her daughters and the USA.
Historically shortly after the northern Israelites were exiled
new peoples appeared in the Middle East and then made their way westward.
These people were Israelites.
Tribal Standards were set up around the Tabernacle (Numbers
2:2). These standards in most cases depicted symbols similar to those still
present on the national coats-of-arms of nations in which the relevant
tribe is prevalent. The dominant colors of the Tabernacle and of the
Israelite Nation were red, white, and blue.
The Israelites likened unto a unicorn (Numbers 23:22 24:8),
and a lion (23:24). Their descendants will be found in many waters (Numbers
24:7), i.e. abiding by different Seas and Oceans. They will be very
powerful (24:7), becoming a universal militarily might and a world power
(24:8). Manasseh (symbolized by a unicorn) will become the most powerful
tribe and the fullest expression of Israelite might (Numbers 24:8).
The Hebrews were divided into administrative groups of tens,
fifties, hundreds, and thousands (Deuteronomy 1:15) such as practiced by
the Anglo-Saxons in former times. The principle of equality before the law
was enjoined upon them (1:17). The Israelites were destined to number at
least 600 million males plus family (6:11). They were forbidden to adopt
pagan customs of the peoples around them (12:30). If they did, they would
be exiled. The Israelites would lend to other nations and not borrow (15:6
28:12). The term Arami(translated as Syrian) could be used as another
name for Israel (26:5): Aramiaccording to Pliny was the original name
applied to the Scythian Sacae from whom the Anglo-Saxons and kin derive.
Each Tribe had its own peculiar uniqueness (29:10). Judah was known for
keeping the law and Northern Israel with Joseph for social justice. If they
did not keep the Law they would ultimately be cast into another
land(29:28). The words used for another landcan also be translated as
New World. This expression
(The New World) was later applied to America after it was be discovered
by Europeans and given that title. The seventy clans of Israel are
juxtaposed to the seventy nations of the earth (32:8).
The Blessing of Moses (Deuteronomy chapter 33) tells us that
Joseph will be blessed with agricultural plenty and mineral resources
(33:15-16). He will dwell in regions that are physically separated from the
other Israelites (33:16). Joseph is likened unto a young bull and to a
unicorn (33:17). England is nick-named John Bull. Joseph will defeat
other peoples all over the world until the ends of the world. Dan will be
young lion leaping from Bashan (33:22) which was also known as Basilia,
and Basiliabecame another name from Scandinavia. Asher will dip his foot
in oil (33:24) which can refer to petroleum and the North Sea petroleum
fields concern areas associated with Asher, such as Scotland and
Scandinavia. All the peoples of Israel on the whole will be militarily
powerful (33:27 33:29), enjoy relative security, agricultural bounty and
healthy climates (33:28).
Isaiah (chapter 49) speaks of Isles and the tribes of Jacob in
the ends of earth, of a Brit-Am, or covenant of the people and other
identifying characteristics. Jeremiah (chapter 31) links the North Country,
coasts of the earth, Israel, Ephraim, and "Isles afar off". He says that
Ephraim is an aegelwhich is a form of the name Angle. Jeremiah says
that the trail of the dolmens will indicate the migratory path of the Lost
Hosea (chapters 1 &2) says that the Ten Tribes will link up
with Gomer and not be considered as Israelites until the End Times. In
Exile, they will be as numerous as the sand of the sea (1:10), very wealthy
and agriculturally blessed (2:8). They shall worship the Baal(2:8, 2:13,
2:16) like the Celts in Britain and Gaul once did. In the Last Days they
shall Return to God and seek the Kingdom of David (3:5). ). In their place
of exile Ephraim will have given birth to strange children (5:7). Some say
this indicates intermarriage with other peoples. The Exiles will return
from the west (11:10) and Hosea describes them (like Napoleon named the
English) as a nation of shopkeepers (12:7). Obadiah speaks of Joseph
destroying Edom meaning Europe especially that section connected to Germany
and Rome. The House of Joseph shall destroy the House of Esau (Obadiah
1:18). The Talmud (Baba Batra 123; b) says that only Joseph is capable of
defeating Esau. Obadiah (1:20) according to the Commentators places the
Lost Ten Tribes in Britain, France, and Holland.
Micah (1:16) likens members of Judah who joined the lost tribes to a
bald-headed eaglewhich is the symbol of the USA. Micah, chapter five,
speaks of the Lost Ten Tribes as being the WORLD POWER who is capable of
defeating all other nations and of whom all nations of the world are in
fear. This is the same as was said by Bilaam in Numbers (24:8) and by the
Prophets elsewhere in the Bible. Micah says that when the Israelites return
they shall inherit Bashan and Gilead as in former times (7:14). Zecariah
(10:10) also spoke of Ephraim inheriting Lebanon and Gilead.
Zechariah says that God is angry with the non-Israelite Gentiles because
they persecuted Judah. God was a little angry with the Jews and the
Gentiles took advantage of it to oppress Judah more than was warranted
(1:15). Whoever harms Judah hurts the apple of God's eye (2:8). In the last
days the righteousness of the faith of Judah will be acknowledged (8:23).
Messiah son of Joseph: God says that HE will send HIS messenger before HIM
to prepare the way and rebuild the Temple (Malachi 3:1). Rav Saadia Gaon
(b. ca. 890 CE) and Iben Ezra (1080-1164 CE) said that the MESSENGERis
the Messiah son of Joseph. The Messiah son of Joseph, according to the
Malbim (1809-1879) and others will be the future head of the Lost Ten
Tribes when they return to re-unite with Judah. They will assist Judah to
rebuild the Land. Judah will return to the Land first of all to prepare the
way for the rest of his brothers [see the book Ephraimand the Commentary
on Hosea]. The Lost Ten Tribes will have to return and accept anew the Law
of Moses and Israel (Malachi 4:4).
This verse refers to the Lost Ten Tribes returning and
identifying their ancestral fore-fathers from the Tribes of Israel. The
Lost Ten Tribes of Israel will be made aware of their Brit-AmHebrew
identity. Judah will also know. This will be accompanied by a mutual
arousal towards repentance, reconciliation, and re-unification.
George Washington: <Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to
political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. It
is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.>
2. French find ancient 'elite' Gaul tombs
French find ancient 'elite' Gaul tombs
SOISSONS, France, Feb 27 (AFP) - A major ancient burial site
containing some 40 tombs that date back to the fifth century BC has
been unearthed during excavation work in France, archeologists said
They said that the tombs, which mainly contained adults, were found
in various groupings by a river in the village of Vasseny, in the
northern Aisne region.
One or several Gaulish villages had buried their dead on the site
for almost 100 years between 450-350 BC.
Archeologists said they had found one woman and two men who had been
buried in three so-called chariot tombs, indicating that they were
the highest ranking members in their community.
"The great interest in the Vasseny necropolis lies in the
juxtaposition of simple tombs and chariot tombs within the same
grouping," said Patrick Brun, head of research at France's
scientific research centre CNRS.
The villagers buried in the tombs appear to have been members of an
ancient elite, with the men still equipped with their armour and the
women wearing necklaces, bracelets and earrings.