"Brit-Am Now"-208
March 4, 2003

1.Question: Individual Family Geneaologies and Israelite Origins
2. Joseph Needs to Repent
3. Welsh Christianity and Old Testament traditions?
4.  Craig White: Israel is God's battleaxe
5. History: Bronze and Iron Ages

1.Question: Individual Family Geneaologies and Israelite Origins
At 20:18 03/03/2003 -0600, M wrote:
>Dear Yair, you were referred to me by J.  I was wondering if you have
>anything that would tell me if McXXX of Ireland might be descendants of Israel?

We usually cannot say much about individual families.
We can say in general that many Israelites settled in Ireland and at one
stage comprised a significant proportion of the population.
If you read our literature you will see references to Tribes, settlements
,and ancestral heroes who we identify as Hebrew. If through your own family
researches you tie up with any of these then you have something to go on.
Also many families and regions have legends and traditions of their own
that indicate Israelite connections. What applies to Ireland is also
applicable to all other Israelite
dominated regions.
  Brit-Am would like to establish a branch dealing with individual
family genealogies and establish links with investigators of like mind. At
present we cannot.

2. Joseph Needs to Repent
From: yoseph@
Subject: Front Door:"Brit-Am Now"
Subject: "Brit-Am Now"-205-(206)-207
that we would see the Geul in our lifetime would be wonderful news [goes
without saying]; however it might be wise to consider the alternative: the
decimation of Yosef's armies and the ruination of Galut Yisrael's cities as
they are sent into captivity [shbiy].  It seems that Brit Am does not
consider such a catastrophe possible.  cf. Yechezqiel 20, Yermiyahu 3
i do not think the Geul can occur prior to a face-to-face confrontation in
the wilderness between HaShem and Yisrael, and the TESHUVAH of Yisrael.
sorry to spoil the fun but those are the facts.

3. Welsh Christianity and Old Testament traditions?
Timothy Burton sent me an article 'Truth Triumphant' by B.G. Wilkinson. I
do not know how reliable the article is
but below are a few extracts that could be of interest and if correct
perhaps significant:
B. G. Wilkinson:
(Limited Extracts Only):

The Welsh still consider the sixth century as the most brilliant period of
their history.[3] Columba was finishing his work in Scotland when Dinooth
was at the height of his career.  Since these two were leaders of the same
faith during victorious years of Celtic Church advance in the British
Isles, Dinooth learned from Columba, and followed his program of

(p156)  Wales was the first of the nations of Great Britain to feel weapons
of aggression directed against the Celtic Church after the arrival of the
papacy.  Welsh believers exemplified the bravery of others who laid down
their lives for their faith.  The Celtic people were renowned for their
courage, and they almost exhausted the conquering forces of the Roman
Empire when army after army melted away before the native tribes of the
Welsh mountains.The Welsh, a part of the great Celtic branch of the human
family,[5] were originally pagan in their religion.  Some practiced
polytheism, while others followed druidism.  The schools of the druids are
famous in history for their scholarship and literary training.
One name around which romance has built a voluminous literature is that of
King Arthur, the Welsh hero.  This George Washington of his country must
have fought many fierce battles to throw back the AngloSaxons.  Evidently
Arthur was the sword of the Lord in defense of the British Church.  He is
credited with building or repairing many churches, as well as with
successful battling.  The historian Gibbon says:
But every British name is effaced by the illustrious name of ARTHUR, the
hereditary prince of the Silures, in South Wales, and the elective king or
general of the nation.  According to the most rational account, he
defeated, in twelve successive battles, the Angles of the north and the
Saxons of the west; but the declining age of the hero was embittered by
popular ingratitude and domestic misfortunes.[13]

In the second place the Welsh would not accept what Augustine did in
Kent.  On the advice of Gregory, he proceeded to sanctify, not abolish, the
idolatrous festivals he found there.  It was the practice of the apostles
and their immediate successors wherever possible to abolish pagan
sacrifices which, they declared, were sacrificed to devils.[21] Images of
no kind were permitt

The historian A.C. Flick says that the Celtic Church observed the seventh
day as the Sabbath.[23] The believers resented the effort to stigmatize
them as Judaizers because they conscientiously believed the seventh day of
the fourth commandment to be still binding.

There is much evidence that the Sabbath prevailed in Wales universally
until A.D. 1115, when the first Roman bishop was seated at St. Davids.

(p164) The old Welsh Sabbath keeping churches did not even then altogether
bow the knee to Rome, but fled to their hiding places where the ordinances
of the gospel to this day have been administered in their primitive mode
without being adulterated by the corrupt Church of Rome.[25]The Welsh and
the papists led by Augustine disagreed.  The Welsh Church continued
independent. Nothing would ever now satisfy Rome but the obliteration of
the Celtic Church.

The change came when William the Conqueror landed in England with his
Norman warriors and overthrew the AngloSaxon power. Here is a truly
interesting parallel.  When the Franks, still pagans, crossed the Rhine to
overthrow Gaul, the papacy cooperated with the new pagan tribes, relying
upon her great alliance with the Eastern emperor to so influence the
invaders that, in ruining Gaul, they would also ruin the Celtic
Church.  And such came to pass as we present later in studying the
widespread work in Europe of the Celtic mission­aries from Ireland and
Scotland.  Likewise, William the Conqueror had the full assurance of the
help of the pope, and the understanding that he would have this continued supp

A new turn in affairs came with the victories of King Edward I. This
aggressive warrior, who overthrew Sir William Wallace of Scotland as well
as Prince Llewellyn of Wales, asserted his claim to be the head of the
Welsh Church, and also to be the sovereign lord over Wales.  By statutory
legislation he decreed that English law should be the code of procedure
wherever the crown had visited the states in Wales.  In other territories
he was willing that the old Celtic ecclesiastical measures should prevail
in the church while English civil law ruled in secular matters.  Thus from
A.D. 1272 until King Henry VIII, Wales was no longer under Welsh law both
civilly and religiously, but was under three different codes.Under Henry
VIII all this was swept aside.  This monarch, who had brought into
existence the Church of England, ordered that the civil and religious laws
of England should be supreme throughout Wales.  This had an immense effect
in tearing down Welsh customs and in overthrowing the influence of the
Celtic Church.  It placed the Welsh clergy in the difficult position of
either surrendering their convictions and practices of centuries, or being
found in rebellion again

4.  Craig White: Israel is God's battleaxe
From: surfer1 <surfer1@tpg.com.au>
Subject: [origin of nations] Israel is God's battleaxe
Israel is God's battleaxe, and what America and Britain have been doing in
international affairs over the past 200 or more years has been their acting
out their their future millennial role. This does not mean that they are
perfect in their duty, but they have tried to destroy fascism wherever it
threatens the world.

As such they are naturally the world's policeman, no matter how clumsy they
have been. Manasseh is at the peak of its power and it will be interesting
how they deal with Iraq. Is it downhill from here as Europe gets its act
together or will the still hold on as the single world superpower for a
while longer, giving the Church enough time to proclaim the Ezekiel warning

If the Anglo-Saxon powers ceased to dominate the world, others will step
into the breach, and they will not have the same mentality as America and
Britain. Instead of wishing to bring world peace and 'democracy', their aim
will be very different ...


5. History: Bronze and Iron Ages
I was asked about why the Bronze Age preceded the Iron Age since bronze is
an alloy
and therefore should have been harder to produce.
Apparently, bronze is comprised of copper (ca 85%) and tin (ca 15%). Both
melt at much lower temperatures than iron does
and are easier to control. Iron requires a higher temperature to melt in
and after that must be worked skilfully and beaten by an iron smith  in
order to produce a better product. Even after the iron age began bronze in
most places was the metal most in use.
Most bronze products were as good as or better than most iron ones
especially in the earlier stages.
The advantage of iron is that it is more plentiful, more easily obtained
from the ground, and when processed properly is better.
In the Middle East iron and bronze were known alongside each other from the
very beginning. The change from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the
Middle East was ca 1100 BCE and is marked by cultural and pottery style
changes more than an actual increased  use of iron.
In Europe iron was first introduced after 700 BCE by the Phoenicians and
Israelites in Spain.
The Israelites had become expert iron-workers and appear to have introduced
the use of iron throughout their areas of migration.
Nearly everywhere they went the Israelite exiles were foremost metallurgists.