"Brit-Am Now"- 393
April 26, 2004
1. Brit-Am on the Radio
2. British Israelites and the Jews
3. Latest Researches Confirm Brit-Am Historical Conclusions
1. Brit-Am on the Radio
2. British Israelites and the Jews
From: Athol Bloomer <atholbloomer13@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-392
Dear Yair,
In regards to circumcision among the British gentry and upper classes, i
think some of the reasons are the large number of them with Jewish or
crypto Jewish ancestry and the widespread British Israelism of the
aristocracy and gentry. John Wilson the founder of the British Israel
movement was of Scottish Jewish ancestry. He was also a good friend of
Bishop Solomon Alexander (the former Jewish Rabbi of Norwich) who became
the first Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem. Bishop alexander presided over some
of the early meetings on british Israel given by wilson in London.George IV
and Maria Fitzherbert were also believers in the new British Israel ideas.
Both Queen Victoria and Edward VII were believers in British Israel as well
as numerous members of the Royal Family. This old style british Israelism
was not anitsemetic and many of crypto Jewish families were strong
adherents to British Israelism. The Apostolic Catholic movement of Sir
Henry Drummond of Albury Park was also influenced by British Israelism
(Anglo-Israelism) and they appointed twelve apostles of the Lost Tribes
over Europe and America. Sir Henry Drummond himself was the Angel or Bishop
of Scotland. Francis V Woodhouse was the apostle appointed for America and
Dallon was the apostle of France and the rest have slipped my mind at the
Many modern British Israelites have parted company with the orthodox faith
of the Anglican and other churches and become a law unto themselves and
degenerated into antisemetic cults. The pentecostal British Israelites seem
to be an exception to this in the main.
3. Latest Researches Confirm Brit-Am Historical Conclusions
New archaeological findings prove that in the period 300-500 CE a great many
people including ruling military elites moved from the 'Scythian" area to
and Germany and from there they moved westward.
This is in accordance with the findings made by Brit-Am and published by us
from the
very beginning.
More details will follow.
May the God of Israel bless all our people and especially all
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Yair Davidiy
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