"Brit-Am Now"- 434

1. Question on Runic Writing
2. "Did You Know?" in Spanish
3. "Did You Know?" Again, in English (Please send to wherever possible)
4. Was Atlantis actually Ireland?

1. Question on Runic Writing
>Subject: runes???
>Dear Yair Davidy,
>  We wanted to know if the runes that are in southern
>Sweden are written in ancient Hebrew.  Also do you know anything about the
>stone in New Mexico with the ten commandments written in Hebrew?  My
>children have been asking me these questions.
>Linda Jensen

The Runic letters are somewhat different from the Ancient Hebrew ones
though they appear to be derived from them.
The Runic inscriptions in southern Sweden according to the researches of
Orjan Svensson mainly use
a dialect of Ancient Hebrew or a dialect of Aramaic which is a related
language that some Israelite Tribes
preferred. See
Regarding the inscription in New Mexico I saw a study that claimed it was
forged but other claim it is genuine
and we have no  decision on the matter.

2. "Did You Know?" in Spanish
From: jeannette.orantes@syngenta.com
Subject: Did you know....

Dear Rabi Yair:  Following shaliaj Ketriel instructions, enclosed please
find the document you sent duly translated to Spanish for the people who
might need it.  May Hashem, blessed His name, continue blessing you
  Jeannette Mazariegos de Orantes
Development and Technical support Dept./KAM
Tel: 502.339-8111
Subject: RE: DID YOU KNOW?


De acuerdo a la Biblia diez de las doce tribus de Israel fueron esparcidas
lejos (2×.Reyes 12:19) formando su propio reino de "Israel" (2× Reyes
12:20) y fueron exiliados por los asirios (2× Reyes 17:18)  Ello olvidaron
su identidad (Oseas 1:9 7:8, Isa as 49:21) y se tornaron las diez tribus
perdidas.  En el futuro ellos volver n a ser reunidos con los Jud os
(Ezequiel 37, Isa as 11:13, Jerem as 3:18) de "Jud " pero mientras tanto
ellos tienen un papel que desempe ar.  Ellos fueron destinados a estar
situados en los confines de la tierra tales como Norte Am rica, las Islas
Inglesas, Escandinavia, Holanda y Pa ses Bajos, Australia, Nueva Zelanda y
Sur frica (Deuteronomio 33:13, Isa as 24:16 26:15 41:8-9 49:6) para ser las
m s ricas (G nesis 27:28 49:25, Deuteronomio 33:13-16, Oseas 2:8) y m s
poderosas (N meros 24:8-7 Miqueas 5:7-9) naciones de la tierra y controlar
la mayor a de las bases estrat gicas internacionales (G nesis
22:16-17  24:60)  Todos estos puntos junto con otros muchos,  muestran que
los descendientes de las diez tribus perdidas pueden encontrarse solamente
entre las naciones occidentales especialmente las de habla inglesa.  Lo
correcto de nuestra interpretaci n de los versos relevantes es confirmada
por fuentes tradicionales jud as y por los hallazgos de las ltimas
investigaciones hist ricas y cient ficas.  Su destino podr a depender de
esta informaci n.  Usted necesita saber.
Para m s detalles ver:

o contacte
Yair Davidiy, Brit-Am, Pob 595, Jerusalem 91004, Israel

Jeannette Mazariegos de Orantes
Development and Technical support Dept./KAM
Tel: 502.339-8111

3. "Did You Know?" Again, in English (Please send to wherever possible)
According to the Bible ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away
(2-Kings 12:19),
formed their own kingdom of  "Israel" (2-Kings 12:20) and were exiled by
the Assyrians (2-Kings 17:18).
They forget their identity (Hosea 1:9 7:8 Isaiah 49:21) and became the Lost
Ten Tribes. In the future they will re-unite with the Jews (Ezekiel 37,
Isaiah 11:13 Jeremiah 3:18) of "Judah" but until then they have a role of
their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the  continental
extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles,
Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
(Deuteronomy 33:13 Isaiah 24:16  26:15 41:8-9 49:6), to be the richest
(Genesis 27:28  49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13-16 Hosea 2:8), and most powerful
(Numbers 24:8-7 Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth and to control major
international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17 24:60). All of these points
together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes
can only be found amongst Western Nations especially the English-speaking
ones. The correctness of our interpretation of the relevant verses is
confirmed by traditional Jewish sources and by the findings of up-to-date
historical and scientific research. Your destiny may depend upon this
information. You need to know.
For more details see:
or contact:
Yair Davidiy, Brit-Am, POB 595, Jerusalem 91004, Israel

4. Was Atlantis actually Ireland?
Geographer says isle matches Plato's description
By Kevin Smith
Updated: 1:23 p.m. ET Aug. 6, 2004

DUBLIN, Ireland - Atlantis, the legendary island nation over whose
existence controversy has raged for thousands of years, was actually
Ireland, according to a new theory by a Swedish scientist.

Atlantis, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote in 360 B.C., was an island in
the Atlantic Ocean where an advanced civilization  developed 11,500 years
ago until it was hit by a cataclysmic natural disaster and sank beneath the

Geographer Ulf Erlingsson, whose book explaining his theory will be
published next month, says the measurements, geography and landscape of
Atlantis as described by Plato match Ireland almost exactly.

"I am amazed no one has come up with this before, it's incredible," he told
Reuters. "Just like Atlantis, Ireland is 300 miles long, 200 miles wide,
and widest across the middle. They both have a central plain surrounded by
mountains. I've looked at geographical data from the rest of the world and
of the 50 largest islands there is only one that has a plain in the middle
­ Ireland."

Sinking of North Sea shoal
Erlingsson believes the idea that Atlantis sank came from the fate of
Dogger Bank, an isolated shoal in the North Sea, about 60 miles (100
kilometers) off the northeastern coast of England, which sank after being
hit by a huge flood wave around 6,100 B.C.

"I suspect that myth came from Ireland and it derives from Dogger Bank. I
think the memory of Dogger Bank was probably preserved in Ireland for
around 3,000 years and became mixed up with the story of Atlantis," he said.

Erlingsson links the boundaries of the Atlantic Empire, as outlined by
Plato, with the geographic distribution of megalithic monuments in Europe
and Northern Africa, matching Atlantis' temples with well-known burial
sites at Newgrange and Knowth, north of Dublin, which predate the pyramids.

Could Plato have known?
His book, "Atlantis From a Geographer's Perspective: Mapping the Fairy
Land," calculates the probability Plato would have had access to
geographical data about Ireland as 99.98 percent.

Previous theories about Atlantis have suggested it may have been around the
Azores Islands, 900 miles (1,440 kilometers) west of the Portuguese coast,
or in the Aegean Sea. Others locate it solely in Plato's imagination.
Copyright 2004 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior
written consent of Reuters.

URL: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5623857/

To the chapter on Ephraim in our work "the Tribes" (that we will eventually
post out)
we have added an appendix summarizing DNA studies for the British Isles showing
differences in the population origins from one area to another. This
summary is followed by a
short commentary.
Concerning Migration Patterns in Europe and the division of populations
within the British Isles
our conclusions diverge slightly from the DNA explanations and
significantly from what were the
previously accepted conventional explanations. Our divergences from the DNA
explanations are
relatively very small. from the point of view of DNA studies our
conclusions regarding historical
movements have been verified.
We conclude the said appendix with the following point:
We do not agree with DNA assumptions as presently accepted. DNA science
says that mutational changes took place tens (or hundreds) of thousands of
years in one male (Y chromosome) or female (mitochondria) ancestor and that
from this ancestor descend all those who today have the same feature .
Our impression (based on DNA and general genetic writings) is that:
(1. The mutations could have taken place hundreds (not necessarily
thousands or hundreds of thousands) of years ago.
(2. The changes could have affected large population groups all at once and
not just one specific ancestor. People with the same type would not
necessarily be related to each other (though there remains a chance they
were) but rather that their ancestors had once been in the same area at the
same time and subject to the same influences.
(3. After the changes do take place they become hereditary (until the next
change) and therefore can be used to trace populations from one area to
For example it was stated that the DNA of most people in North and South
Wales (two otherwise different areas) is the same as that of the Basques in
Northwest Spain. The DNA assumption is that the Welsh and the Basques had
the same ancestors. This may be so BUT according to our explanation the
results merely mean that the ancestors of the Welsh and the ancestors of
the Basques were once in the same region
of Spain and later separated. Before separating they could still have been
different peoples.

