"Brit-Am Now"- 459
1. Black Irish were Israelites?
  2. Wrong Impression: Yair Davidiy is Acknowledged in UCG publication
3. New Year Resolution?

1. Black Irish were Israelites?
From: Gary S
Subject: Irish=Israelites

Dear Yair

Thank you for this intriguing website with so much fascinating material.
I have noticed a strong resemblance between many beautiful  Jewish children
in Israel and many beautiful children among the "Black" Irish.
Especially among the girls.
It is hard to actually explain what it is.
Definitely the "Black" Irish have Israelite descent , and are not simply
descended from one or two ships from the Spanish Armada.
Also among Belgian children I have seen this particular resemblance

However , I also think that some groups in Africa and Asia are also
descended from Israelite tribes, I do not agree that only in Western Europe
can the descendants of the tribes be found

Gary Selikow

  Those Who Bless Her (Israel) Will Be Blessed, And Those Who Curse Her
Will Be Cursed (Genesis 12:2-3)

"To take G-d's vengeance on Midian" -- for whoever stands against Israel,
stands against G-d.

Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil.
(Isaiah 5,20)

You might be president one day. You will make mistakes, and God will
forgive you. But God will never forgive you if you abandon the state of Israel.

Rev. W. O. Vaught, Pastor
Immanuel Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas,
to parishioner and then-Governor William Clinton[i]

  2. Wrong Impression: Yair Davidiy is Acknowledged in UCG publication
From: Eric Schendel <schendel@bigplanet.com>
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-458

Hi Yair,

Just for your information, although you are not credited very generously,
they do cite you at least twice.  Using their "search" facility, I found
your name on the following pages:


At any rate, this site appears to be one of the numerous spinoffs from the
disintegration of Herbert W. Armstrong's organization.  I suspect a lot of
their material is derived from material originally prepared by that group.

I hope you are well.


Reply: You are correct. I judged too hastily.
Here are the mentions:

Focusing on the biblical promises, some scholars have undertaken extensive
research to advance the knowledge that God's promised blessings to
Abraham's descendants have largely been fulfilled in the British and
American peoples. Although many have contributed to the basic research,
here are a few people who have made significant contributions to the
advancement of this area of study.

John Wilson, Anglican layman from Cheltenham, England, published Our
Israelitish Origin in 1840. This work was the first full-blown thesis
connecting the Anglo-Saxons to ancient Israel. Wilson drew on the best of
contemporary scholarship and methodology. He made particular use of the
work of Sharon Turner (1768-1847), a monumental figure in British
historiography whose multivolume work, The History of the Anglo-Saxons,
traces the Anglo-Saxons back through Europe to the Balkan countries and
ultimately to the Crimea and Caucasus Mountains-exactly what we would
expect according to <http://www.ucgstp.org/htmlbible2/2ki017.htm>2 Kings
17:6 and <http://www.ucgstp.org/htmlbible2/1ch005.htm>1Chronicles 5:26.

Edward Hine, a banker and successor of Wilson, wrote Forty-Seven
Identifications of the British Nation With Lost Israel (1871).

Hine claimed to have addressed five million people on this topic during his
lecture-circuit career.

John Harden Allen, Methodist minister from the U.S. Pacific Northwest,
wrote Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright (1917).

T. Rosling Howlett, Baptist minister, had pastorates in New York City,
Washington and Philadelphia.

Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900) was the royal astronomer of Scotland and
emeritus professor of astronomy at Edinburgh University.

Col. John Cox Gawler (1830-1882) was the keeper of the British crown jewels.

Herbert Armstrong (1892-1986), founder and chancellor of Ambassador
University, wrote The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy,
published in several editions until 1986.

Steven Collins wrote The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel ... Found! (1992).

Yair Davidy authored The Tribes: The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples
(1993), Ephraim (1995) and Lost Israelite Identity (1996).

John Ogwyn, minister of the Living Church of God, wrote What's Ahead for
America and Britain? (1999).

Israeli Talmudic scholar Yair Davidy, in his book The Tribes: The Israelite
Origins of Western Peoples, presents convincing evidence that the displaced
Israelites retained their subtribal clan names during and after their

"Proofs adduced," he writes, "are derived from Biblical, Talmudic,
Historical, Archaeological, and Linguistic sources as well as Folklore,
Mythology, National Symbols, and National Characteristics" (1993, p. xiv).
As a resident of Jerusalem, Mr. Davidy had access to the historical and
biblical sources on the shelves of Jerusalem's National Library.

Tribal and subtribal names, he points out, are a key to tracing the
Israelites' wanderings. In his introduction he summarizes his conclusion:
"'The Tribes' produces evidence that most of the ancient Israelites
assimilated to foreign cultures and forgot their origins. In the course of
time they reached the British Isles and north-west Europe whence related
nations (such as the U.S.A.) were founded" (ibid.).

For thorough coverage of this aspect of Israel's migratory history we refer
you directly to his books The Tribes: The Israelite Origins of Western
Peoples (1993) and Lost Israelite Identity (1996).

3. New Year Resolution?
For us the present period is the beginning of the Hebrew Year 5765.
The new edition of The Tribes should be available shortly. Other works may
also be published.
This year we hope to improve ourselves.
Our magazine Brit-Am Truth will (God willing) be improved upon and come out
more frequently.
A regular (though probably short) Brit-Am publication in Hebrew may also
appear regularly.
We intend to continue as we have been while reaching out to Judah as well
as Joseph.
Our research findings will be refined and improved upon and released to the
public domain.
We hope to place more emphasis on the Bible and Bible-learning.
We need your support spiritually and materially. Finances are very
important and enable to do what must be done.

Spreading the Brit-Am message is our task.
We do this full time and God willing will continue to do so
as long as necessary.
Your purchases and offerings enable us to work for our peoples.
If possible please send us an offering along with an order for our
Books offered:

for only $25 for both books together.
[the books for this offer will be sent out when THE TRIBES
is published which should be soon].

"Origin. You too are from Israel! You too are the People"
[A Summary of Most of the Major Biblical and Historical Research
Until Now]
"Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West "
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel"
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America",
PLUS a sample issue of our
  magazine BRIT-AM Truth

Any two books plus an issue of the magazine for $30
All four books plus an issue of the magazine for $50

Magazine "Brit-Am Truth" usual price $15 one issue
5 issues $40
12 issues $80
20 issues for $120

Upon subscribing (for five issues or more) you will receive an official
membership certificate
with the Brit-Am symbol in colors of  red,  white, and blue.
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Yair Davidiy
POB 595
Jerusalem 91004

"And I will bless them that bless you" (Genesis 12:15).
