"Brit-Am Now"-62: Beliefs of Brit-Am

Date: 08/01/2002 8:38:32 AM Central Daylight Time

Beliefs of Brit-Am

Below is a message concerning Brit-Am Beliefs and Organization.
The said organization is supposed to serve YOU for the good of us

                   Brit-Am Israel Organization
Declaration of Principles
Outline on Principles of Brit-Am Israel Identity
1.      Belief in Biblical Prophecy: This principle is open to
interpretation. We are not laying down any iron-cast rules on the
subject.  We are not saying that our interpretations of prophecy have to be
accepted. We simply require recognition in principle of Biblical Prophecy.
2.      No self-hatred. Refusal to countenance hatred or unfair attitudes
towards Israelite entities. No anti-Jewishness, no hatred of America, no
hatred of Britain, etc.
3.      The Lost Ten Tribes are today found mainly amongst so-called
"Gentile" peoples especially those in parts of Western Europe and their
descendants overseas.
4.          Many descendants of Israelites and Jews are also to be found
scattered throughout the world. Brit-Am is open to these people and we
categorize them (for want of a better term) under the heading of "Captive
Jews". "Captive Jews" are Israelite or Jewish descendants who lost their
identity and emerged from amongst dominantly non-Israelite peoples. They
are distinct from the Lost Ten Tribes in so far as the Lost Ten Tribes
retained some degree of communal cohesion.

                      Aims: Propagation, Research, Fellowship
The aim of the organization is to spread (Propagate) Biblical and General
Knowledge of Brit-Am Identity, as well as encourage further Research etc,
and ALSO to enable association of those who believe in it, i.e.
Fellowship.  We wish primarily to spread the message of Hebrew Identity and
to constructively interest as many people as possible.
The Organization (referred to as "Brit-Am") will be headed by Yair Davidi.
The headquarters will be in Jerusalem. These two points are functionally
necessary at present since the Organization is just getting on its feet.
Branches will be established wherever possible.

                              "BRIT-AM of ISRAEL" NAME
               We wish to build this organization and give it a formal and
dynamic structure.  BRIT-AM ISRAEL is also known simply as "Brit-Am" and
the term "Brit-Am" may be used interchangeably with “BRIT-AM
ISRAEL”.   BRIT-AM ISRAEL, in Hebrew, means "A covenant  [brit] of the
people [am] of Israel.   It involves a play on words:  Isaiah twice refers
to the lost Ten  Tribes as  a "Brit-Am" (Covenant of the People), see
Isaiah 42;6 and Isaiah 49;8.
In addition "Brit-Am" is the same as early medieval forms of the name
"Britain".  It hints at both   Britain (Brit) and America (Am) with the
additional name "Israel" (as in "BRIT-AM ISRAEL"); it  also indicates the
present State of Israel and the Jews.  In the State of Israel the term "Am
Yisrael" is commonly used to denote all the Jewish people. The name BRIT-AM
ISRAEL therefore encompasses those peoples we are, at present, sending our
message to.

·       The Hebrew Bible (Tenach) is the message of God.
·       The (Hebrew) Bible has a message pertinent to all
mankind.   According to the Bible, those who are of Hebrew descent have a
special role to play while a corresponding extra commitment is required
of  them.

   Below is a summarization of our Research results up to now: Our tribal
identifications are not iron-clad principles. It is enough to accept the
principle that the Lost Ten Tribes are to be found largely amongst people
of western origins and in the USA without being specific and without
nullifying other possibilities.

Our Researches to-date have led us to the conclusion that:
·        * Out of the original 12 Tribes of Israel, Ten were lost.  Two
remained.  The present-day Jews being descended mainly from the two
remaining Tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
·       * The Khazars were a Kingdom in southern Russia, many of whose
leaders converted to Judaism.  The Khazars were descended from the Lost Ten
Tribes.  The Khazars were blood-relatives of the Picts who went to
Scotland, and of the Anglo-Saxons, and of peoples in Scandinavia.  In
addition to the Khazars many other converts to Judaism through the ages
were descended from assimilated Jews or from members of the Lost Ten
Tribes.  Similarly, many of those who came as immigrants from other places
to "Lost Israelite" host nations were descended themselves from
·        * Most of the Lost Ten Tribes migrated to Northwest and Western
Europe and their descendants are now in those areas or in North America,
Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
·       * We do not claim that all residents of the said nations are
descended from Israel. We do, however, affirm that most descendants of the
Lost Ten Tribes are residents of those nations.  On the whole they are
unaware of their Israelite Identity.  Even so in the course of history the
Israelite origins of peoples in those areas have influenced national
developments and national characteristics.
·       *  The Tribe of Joseph was divided into two other Tribes:  Ephraim
and Menasseh.  People from ALL the Israelite Tribes congregated in North
America, but in general Menasseh dominates the U.S.A.  -     Britain has
characteristics of Ephraim.
·        * Reuben was important in France, Issachar in Switzerland,
Benjamin in Belgium, Zebulon in Holland, Dan in Denmark, Naphtali in
Norway, Gad in Sweden, the country of Finland was influenced by the Tribes
of Simeon, Issachar, and Gad; Simeon, Dan, and Ephraim were important in
·       * Proof exists confirming "Brit-Am Israel" identity beliefs.  Some
of the evidence has been presented  in works by Yair Davidi - such as “The
Tribes” (1993, 1996), “Ephraim” (1995), “Lost Israelite Identity”   (1996),
"Joseph" (2001), "Ephraim" 2nd edition (2001), as well as in articles in
our journal BRIT-AM (formally TRIBESMAN).  Our sources include the Bible,
Talmud, Midrashim, Commentators, Classical Greek and Roman historians,
Chroniclers, Legends, Linguistics, Archaeology, and where pertinent genetic
and other scientific studies exist.  Much additional evidence is available
and needs to be uncovered and published.  Even though we have revealed much
of the evidence, it is not ours alone.  Our proofs have never been properly
refuted. This means that the identity of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel with
western peoples should be acknowledged.  Once this acknowledgment
is     forthcoming it is possible to discuss whatever practical conclusions
need to be made. Knowledge of Brit-Am and its researches and similar
studies needs to be spread to as many people as possible.  We also need
input in the form of reactions, articles, and information.

·       * There is a need for the present-day "Jews" of Judah, and the Lost
Ten Tribes, to recognize each other and to work towards re-unification and
reconciliation.  The Bible says that such reconciliation has to take place
and at some stage, and will do so.

One of the first steps (and perhaps the most important of all) towards
re-unification is the establishment and affirmation of Israelite Identity
by the peoples in question and also the recognition by the Jews of Judah
that the peoples concerned are their brothers.
We need assistance in every way possible including by way of both large and
small-scale contributions as well as purchase of our publications and
assistance in publishing new works and re-printing existing ones.  This is
very important