.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1423
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
4 December 2009, 17 Kislev 5770
1. Question on Norway, Anti-Semitism, and Israelite Origins
2. Brit-Am and Belief in the Bible
3. Brian
Patmore: Irish Surnames of Biblical Significance


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1. Question on Norway, Anti-Semitism, and Israelite Origins
Re   TR-32
#4. Norway, Israel and the Jews by Manfred Gerstenfeld
How do you reconcile the Anti-Israel anti-Jewish sentiments prevalent in Norway with the Brit-Am understanding that many of the people of Norway are descended from the Lost Ten Tribes and that the Tribe of Naphtali is probably predominant amongst them?

Brit-Am Reply:
Anti-Semitism of a type is also found amongst Jews. Recently there were reports of Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Charedim) being physically attacked by secular non-religious Jews. Such occurrences are apparently not uncommon though rarely reported because the Media is not so interested and the Ultra-Orthodox refrain from reporting since they lack trust in the authorities.
The Holocaust may not have been possible without Jews assisting the Nazis.

There was always tension between Judah and Tribes of the Northern Kingdom.
Amongst the Israelites were intermixed Canaanites,
Edomites, and others.

The article which we quoted pointed out that anti-Jewish anti-Israeli sentiment was more common amongst the elite of Norway whereas the common
people were less affected.

The article also emphasized that the NORWEGIANS SEEMED OBSESSED WITH JEWS AND ISRAEL!

The article may well have been a bit too one-sided.
In WW2 there were indeed Norwegians who co-operated with the Germans but the Norwegian Army resisted the German invasion and the Norwegian Resistance rendered valuable services to the Allies.
After the establishment of the State of Israel there was a period where Norwegian governments and labor leaders etc  were very pro-Israel.
Norway (with British connivance) supplied Israel with heavy water needed to produce the first Atom Bomb that Israel manufactured.
Individuals of Norwegian descent in the USA (such as Senator Jackson) were also in several instances notes as being pro-Israel.

Perhaps the present obsession of Norwegians somehow reflects an underlying identification?

It is a known phenomenon that people with Jewish ancestry or with a Jewish father (but not mother) or who for some reason or other cannot be accepted as
Jewish (without a valid conversion) sometimes develop a strong resentment, even hatred, towards Jews as if they have been unjustly deprived of something.

Perhaps subconsciously something similar is happening with the Norwegians?

Perhaps a greater exposure to Brit-Am, Lost Ten Tribes Movement, would help cure the Norwegians of their anti-Jewish sickness?

At present Brit-Am has a few supporters in Norway.
They are not numerous but despite their small numbers have shown themselves to be generous and committed to us and to spreading the message.

2. Brit-Am and Belief in the Bible
Those of us who belief in the Bible sometimes encounter disbelief.
Sometimes this is rational and based as if to say on academic or pseudo-academic reasoning and sometimes it is simply plain ornery prejudice.

Brit-Am proofs and teachings help prove (as if to say) that the Bible is true without requiring academic type answers to questions that are often just invented for their own sake and for which there may not be much point in answering anyway.

Brit-Am, the Lost Ten Tribes Movement, should be also appreciated for this aspect of its existence.

3. Brian Patmore: Irish Surnames of Biblical Significance

Shalom Yair,

All is going good Down Under.

Check out some Irish family names mate:

Hamil................Ha Melech
Hashem..........Ha Shem
Rourke & O'Rourke.............Ruark ?
Kavenaugh.......Kavana (blessed ?)
Zerah (Zarah) ........Line of Judah
Tamar, Tammy,.........Tamar
Danaan (Tuatha de Danaan) .....Dan
Daniels....................Dan or of Dan
How many more do you know of  Yair ?

The Israelite links is particularly alive in the Emerald Isle !!

Another one for folks to check is if you read Homer's "Illiad" and try to explain what the Danaans were doing at the walls of Troy !!

Pretty clear isn't it mate ?

Maybe some folks can add more names to the list.

Food for thought !!

All the best mate,



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