The Brit-Am
Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes
Brit-Am Now no. 1446
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
18 January 2010, 3 Shevet 5770
1. Cristian
Historical Information from Rumania
2. George Forrester: The Link Between Tehran (Iran) and Warsaw (Poland)!
3. Jane E Marchant:
Scythians and Cimmerians Mainly Spoke
Hebrew, not Aramaic
4. What Are the Colors of Israel?
5. Michael Williams: Pictures of Birds from New Zealand
Historical Information from Rumania
From: "Cristian Sildan" <cristians@eudis.ro>
re Brit-Am Now no. 1444
#1. Question Concerning What Languages the Scythians and
Cimmerians Spoke
Peace again Yair!
Here in Romania we have a lot of legends and etymologies, they might be of
So, you say the Schythians called themselves "Arami" or ''Arimi", well, the
Macedonians call themselves "Armani", and they consider themselves Romanians.
They speak a Romanian dialect with many Keltic-like inflexions. Also, I've heard
the Icelanders call humans "arminen". Then there's Armin the Germanic leader.
And the Hermiones.
Also, we have a lot of tumuli and ruins from the Antiquity, most likely around
the Scythian/Thracian times, and when you ask the old peasants about them they
say things like:
"these are from the times of the Giants"
"these are from the times of the Giant Jews"
"these are from the times of the Mongols"
"these are from the times of the Mongol Jews"
"these are from the times when we used to be Jews".
Now, I think the bulk of our people is most likely a mixing of Japhetite
Thracians with Shemite Pelasgians. But if the Dacian elite of the ante-Roman
period was Israelite, that would solve a lot of these mysteries. One of the
biggest being "why the Romanian culture hasn't continued the Dacian observed
cultural patterns"? Maybe we could put here the supposition of Isaac Newton that
the Germanic invaders of Rome came from Dacia, and so it was the elite of the
ancient Dacian kingdom that departed after the Roman conquest and went
As for the "Mongol-Jews" mentioned above, I think the peasant traditions must
have mixed the remembrance of the Israelite character of the Dacians with some
more recent remembrance of the Khazars. As far as I am concerned, the Khazars
are most likely steppe-adapted Judahites, for the bulk of them. After all, most
of the steppe migrators of the ancient times were Armenoid in race, and so are
most Jews today. The Mongols dislodged them only in the last 800 years or so.
But for the peasants, all the ones who came from the steppes must have been
Mongols, especially if migratory, because of the more recent historical
experience. The same way as for example, when one hears today someone speaking
English, they first assume him to be American because they are more powerful and
present in the world than the Brits during the last decades, despite the Brits
being the first English speakers and much more ancient.
Also, I wouldn't bet the descendants of the Mayflower to be small matter. I've
heard a story like they are 2 million today or something like that. It seems the
10,000 first settlers in the US became 20 million today or so. The population
was doubling every 25 years or so, during the 18 and 19th centuries, from the
birthrate (once every 20 with the immigration) so it's feasible.
God bless,
2. George Forrester: The Link Between
Tehran (Iran) and Warsaw (Poland)!
From: jracforr@comcast.net
Subject: Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1444
Hi Yair
The division within the Jewish family seem to follow the same pattern of
ancient Israel and reproduce the division of Judah from Ephraim .The Sephardi
Jews from the Iberian peninsula could be regarded as primarily of the tribe of
Judah,while the Ashkenazi Jews from Germany and Eastern Europe are of Ephraim.
When we realize that the Iranian capital Tehran is the Geographic equivalent of
Warsaw Poland, former home to millions of Ashkenazi Jews, it is quite possible
that ancient Iran was once home to a large Ephramite population.
This may help to explain part of Iran's interest in Israel ,you share ethnic
ties. It may well be that the Shia branch of Islam is Semitic and provide a
communication link that has future potential.
However Tehran / Warsaw poses a serious threat if it's actions are misunderstood
. Many Middle East states were exploited by colonizing powers and this is a
contributing factor to there hostility towards the west. Anyone who appear to
further that exploitation is a target of their wrath .
Shalom George Forrester
3. Jane E
Scythians and Cimmerians Mainly Spoke
Hebrew, not Aramaic
I have spent the last three years specifically studying the alphabets of the
Northern and Southern Houses of ISHaRaAL (Israel). Alphabets are very closely
related to languages. My website is largely devoted to it.
As I understand it the main language of the Scythians and Cimmerians was closer
to modern Jewish Hebrew (as well as Greek, Latin and Old English), than modern
Syriac, Iranian, Persian or ancient Assyrian Aramaic. Some of them may have
picked up Assyrian Aramaic (mainly under force?conquering nations tend to
enforce their languages on their subjects) while in exile, but for the most part
they continued to speak King David's Paleo Hebrew (which was virtually the same
as Ancient Hebrew [the first language spoken on Earth], except for a different
Once (most of them were) in Europe they developed and used the Phoenician, Paleo
Greek and Etruscan alphabets. Alphabet family trees show that these alphabets
evolved straight out of the Paleo Hebrew (Moabite Stele) alphabet that King DUD
(David) and SHaLaME (Solomon) used in their Golden Rule. From Etruscan came the
Latin/English alphabet. English is spoken by most of the ancestors of the
Scythians and Cimmerians today. Over 90% of English words have Hebrew roots, and
the English alphabet is the most similar in graphology (shape) to the Ancient
Hebrew alphabet out of all alphabets today (much more so than the modern Jewish
Hebrew script even).
Aramaic in linguistics means ?from Aram? (the region). Both languages, and
alphabets have sprung out of Aram (Babylon). The ?Aramaic? languages of today,
such as Syriac should not be confused with Aramaic alphabets.
The modern Jewish square script is 100% Aramaic. It's precursors were developed
in Babylon. The Southern House has used ?Aramaic? alphabets for the last 2500
years. That does not mean they have mainly spoke the Syriac language during that
time. Everyone knows that the Jewish people have retained their ancient Hebrew
words even though a lot of their ancestors lived in Babylon.
Similarly, just because the early members of the Northern House once lived in
Assyria, it does not mean they mainly adopted Aramaic languages. Our modern
European languages are so closely related to Hebrew, that it is almost
impossible that they did not speak mainly Paleo Hebrew.
Kind regards
Keep up the good work!
Jane E Marchant
4. What Are the Colors of Israel?
What were the main colours used by the 12 tribes of Israel to
depict them as a nation? Edgar.
Brit-Am Reply:
Each Tribe had its own color or colors.
For the individual Tribes go to:
The Israeli Colors as a nation were the colors used in the Taberncale i.e. white
along with shades of red and blue.
Yellow (representing gold) may also have been sometimes employed.
5. Michael Williams: Pictures of Birds
from New Zealand
Subject: Free Pictures for your articles
Dear Yair,
The way you were explaining the Moa in your Articles on the land of
the Moa you were explaining didn't sound like the statues of Moa I was
familiar with from Public Parks & Museum Exhibits.
I don't think a Moa is like a Turkey at all apart from the fact that
they are both flightless.
"Another bird in New Zealand which did not fly and once was extremely
numerous is the Moa which was like a turkey but is now extinct."
Maybe Visual images might be an easier way to show people what a Moa is.
You a quite welcome to use these picture I took Myself in your articles.
2 of the pictures of the Moa were taken at Kowhai Park,Wanganui,New
And the other one was taken at Te Papa national museum of New
Zealand,which includes a Haast Eagle in the Picture (Haast Eagles were
Moas Natural enemy).(Te Papa is in Wellington New Zealand).
Another Native New Zealand Bird, which is more likened to a Quail than
the Kiwi is the Weka (I have included 2 Weka photos for you if you would
like to use them too.The Weka is also flightless & they are More common
than Kiwi.These pictures of the Weka were taken at a School Camp of mine
when I was younger,the Island was in the Marlborough Sounds I think the
Island was Matoara island or Some other nearby Island.(the Weka photos
may be slightly less of quality as they were taken with a cheap Camera).
The Pictures are free to use they aren't copy righted or anything I took
them all myself.
I havn't got any pictures of a Kiwi I can send you that I took,I must
take a picture of one so You can use it.
Well Bye for now
May God bless you and your family & I hope you all have a happy Sabbath
tomorrow too.
Michael Williams
Brit-Am Comment:
In our essay on Australia and the Land of Sinim in Bible Codes
we also included notes on New Zealand
even though we have a separate article on New Zealand and the Bible Codes.
The reason why we also have a section on New Zealand in the article on Australia
is because both Australia AND New Zealand appear to be included in the concept
of Land of Sinim i.e. the South Land.
Numbers 11:30-32 speaks of the who landed in the camp of Israel and were unable
to fly away.
This passage also includes the term SINIM at a statistically significant
#6. God Fights For Israel
#7. New Zealand: The QUAIL AND THE KIWI
In Hebrew the birds are referred to as "slav" which is translated as "quail".
## The existence of such birds that
cannot fly or fly only little was in fact a characteristic of New Zealand where
with the lack of natural predators birds filled the ecological niche that
elsewhere was taken by other animals.
Birds in vast numbers that cannot fly or that fly very little and as such are
easy prey to human or animal predators are in fact a UNIQUE CHARACTERISTIC of
New Zealand! ##
One of these birds was the KIWI which is a common nickname for someone from New
Zealand even though many New Zealanders may not feel easy with it.
Michael has sent us pictures (shown below) of some of the birds in question.
The first photos shows wekas. The second photo shows a reconstructed moa being attacked by an eagle.
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