.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

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Brit-Am Now no. 1485
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
26 March 2010, 11 Nissan 5770
1. New Articles by John
Bellerophon, Joshua, and the Canaanite Conquest of Lycia in Turkey"
Bellerophon, the Amazons and the Reproach of Egypt"
Bellerophon and Joshua, the Conquest Left Incomplete"
2. Jonathan
Caro: Advice and Encouragement
3. "There is still hope for the USA!"


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1. New Articles by John Salverda:

Bellerophon, Joshua, and the Canaanite Conquest of Lycia in Turkey

"Bellerophon, the Amazons and the Reproach of Egypt"

"Bellerophon and Joshua, the Conquest Left Incomplete"

2. Jonathan Caro: Advice and Encouragement
 RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1483
#1. Polemics: Brit-Am Topples Topless TOP

Dear Mr. Davidiy,
Just a follow-up to a previous note of encouragement for the overall excellence of your ongoing and singular work. While I at first doubted the utility of publishing the sometimes irksome run-on remonstrations with various detractors (though never the content of your otherwise fine syntheses of disparate fields), I have come to see the wisdom in providing such elaboration as both a respectful and kindly evocation of the Jewish dialectical method and a general model of how one prepares to answer the skeptic. This very process of engagement also draws us all toward G-d, which in the end is what I would contend your constructive work is about, without ever denaturing the unique grandeur and completeness of the biblical system of understanding about how this is may be accomplished. Given your prodigiousness in every other regard, exceeding that of enterprises very many times greater in resource, your extra measure of patience is its own accomplishment. Somehow, a Brit-Am 'Institute' of sorts has to be established in order to amplify and concentrate, interdisciplinarily, the resources needed to convey the vital message; it by now seems obvious that so much more basic and integrative research, interpretation, and positive communal influence could be established with adequate added effort.
It is by now a commonplace to suggest that our post-modern condition is in dire need of  refreshing spiritual and historical metaphors to contextualise our place, purpose and meaning in the world. We are surely complicit in the murder of G-d if we continue to ignore the murder of the redemptive commonality of our hitherto, lost ancestral history and provenance, the truth of which He, indeed and wondrously, has embedded,
hiddenly into the evolution of the world historical process toward the ultimate regeneration of our consciousness of its Divine purpose. The recovery from such 'lostness', this re-entry by The Tribes into history from under the blanket of our current collective Western self-estrangement may well be the most powerful and vital of all the competing contemporary metaphors for the reclamation - across so many dimensions - of our humanity. To fully comprehend it, as you have so ably have assisted us, to exult and participate in the ever-subtle grandeur of this aspect of G-d's vision, long ago declared by His Prophets, is tantamount to discovering perhaps the most explicit, material, and living 'proof' of His existence and Divine Providence. As an 'idea' and its reality it may readily trump and ironically subvert all the alienating and hollow, may I say, soul destroying deconstructions of our time. Let no one fool you into thinking their is a large general resistance to this portal into biblical G-d consciousness, for I encounter nothing,
but awe and enthusiasm from virtually anyone who objectively appraises the Brit Am
proposal even in purportedly disinterested secular quarters; and certainly no invocation of a catastrophic spiritual 'identity disorder', for how in any case may such a crisis pertain in the Western multicultural arena, at least, where, increasingly so little non-trivial identity remains. It is instead the re-appropriation of such a lost history that may just retrieve us from the West's existential exile and all its attendant dangers into which we have all so suddenly and directly entered.
To that end, it is imperative to keep up the cause; to keep publishing and communicating
in diverse, where appropriate, forums and settings; exploiting as fully as is feasible all the digital textual, audio, visual and publication resources available as these for now potentially provide the greatest opportunity to amplify the Brit Am proposal; where appropriate to create, in person, the right cultural, educational, and spiritual exchanges of the relevant and interested peoples.
I still await the day when e-book publication of your books for immediate payment and download is made available - apparently, fully half of all books being sold on Amazon these days are being purchased in ebook ready formats only, witness the anticipation by the market of the new iPad. Any and all of your content/materials need to be organised, republished or annotated with new and even more substantial Rabbinic approbations, if possible, to meet the large demand and interest once properly tapped into that surely exists, both to disseminate the material and help raise necessary funds. Will your out of print book on Celtic-Israelite commonalities ever see the light of day for purchase, at least by me? Amongst my contacts it is an area of enormous and continuing interest, which you would do well to further develop or re-develop. I have already purchased four of your books, including your recent and superb Tribe 13 on the Khazars; a qualitatively similar and updated re-presentation of the Celtic case, similarly contextualising the whole confusing Celtic historical problem in relation to the Lost Tribes would probably go very much further than Tribe 13 ever could, however noble and valuable that contribution, in expanding your audience throughout the very substantial Scots-Irish diaspora, whose native and genealogical interests never cease.
May you continue to be blessed with continued success,
Jonathan Caro

3. There is still hope for the USA!"
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1483
#2. Cecil: Is the USA Finished?

From: celtic

There is still hope for the USA if Individuals would repent and keep G-d's Commandments .

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