.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Details on How To Contribute to Brit-Am

Brit-Am Now no. 1494
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
15 April 2010, 1 Iyar Nissan 5770
1. Brit-Am Message.
2. The
Khazars and the Scythians
3. New DNA article: "Africa and Western Europe in DNA" by
Cristian Sildan
4. New Article: "Cracker True" by
Yair Davidiy
5. Ecclesiastes [The Preacher] chapter one.


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1. Brit-Am Message

Brit-Am Note: This message is being repeated here not just for the sake of its being recorded BUT rather in the hope that it will be heeded and that they who can help Brit-Am more will do so.

Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes, is continuing its activities. What we are doing at present is important.
We hope, in addition to our present activities, to concentrate more on Biblical Studies and matters directly connected to the identity of the Lost Tribes of Israel.

We would appreciate your feedback.

As usual we are in need of financial assistance.

If the message of Brit-Am is true (and we believe it is) then it deserves and needs to be promoted.

We do have an influence. We have strengthened belief in the Israelite origins of Western peoples right across the board. Other Israelite Identity groups (including the largest and most important) refer to our findings (e.g. on DNA etc) or use information that we have provided. They do not necessarily name Brit-Am as the source. They have inhibitions about recognizing our research contribution. Nevertheless due to Brit-Am, belief in this issue has been invigorated and its presentation modernized by other groups who are also interested in the subject.

In addition political thinkers, philosophers, and others have also been influenced by Brit-Am and on occasion have acknowledged it.
It may be that certain leading national personalities have also had an interest in our teachings.
This is all very nice and may be important but in the immediate sense it has not helped our financial situation.

At present we do receive publication orders and offerings.
 These fluctuate but on average cover 70 to 80 (sometimes 90) per cent of our needs as a functioning organization.
This is not bad but it is not enough.
It means that we keep on going as we have done, do not expand significantly (at least not yet), and after a while have to meet expenses that have accumulated or bill that were not paid when they should have been.
[ One of our supporters some months ago made a large offering. This was supplemented by a personal contribution to Yair Davidiy from one of his family. We were thus enabled to overcome a serious monetary crisis that had developed and also to publish our magazine, New TRIBESMAN.]

Anyway until we expand a little more from time to time we are liable to face a crisis and to have to make an appeal to all our subscribers.
One of those times has now caught up with us.
Brit-Am is in need of funds.

We understand that we should continue and that those we now reach should help us somewhat more than they do at present.
We are on the map. We help you or at least endeavor to do so.
We help others.
We are of service to the Israelite nations and to Judah.
We believe that whosoever assists Brit-Am in its endeavors will be blessed from Above.
Please help now by sending a check or through PayPal.
To Make an Offering to Brit-Am:
2. The Khazars and the Scythians
From: GAshley923@aol.com
Subject: Check out New Hypothesis on the origins of the Khazars
New Hypothesis on the origins of the Khazars
The Khazars and the Scythians
by Vladimir Pomakov

Map showing the lands populated by the Scythians
- they almost completely correspond with the state of the Khazars.
Thus, for the first time, it was documented that the "KHAZARS" were the same "AGATZIRSquot;, the same ancient Scythian, or Kelto-Scythian tribe "AGA-TIRZ", or as they called themselves in Herodotus time, "KOZARS". (Therefore, all this about the Khazars being Turkic, or Turkic-Caucasian (!) tribe was pure nonsense. The very term "Turkic-Aryan" is impossible and is in itself a transcendent folly.

Brit-Am Comment:
This article claims that descendants of the Khazars may be identified with the present-day Slavic inhabitants of the Ukraine.
We disagree but nevertheless, the article makes some good points.
3. New DNA article:
"Africa and Western Europe in DNA" by Cristian Sildan 
Proof from Africa of the Middle East Origins of R1b1!
Y Haplogroup E also from the Middle East
The Y(male chromosome) DNA haplogroup R1b1 is found in Black Africa, mostly as a minority element though amongst a few peoples it is quite prominent. It got there through the migrations of people from the Middle East. Christian Sildan shows how this confirms the Middle East origins of R1b1 which is otherwise associated mainly with Western Europe.

4. New Article:
"Cracker True" by Yair Davidiy
Many North American Whites feel alienated and discriminated against. They say that the rights and feelings of minorities are respected and their interests promoted at the expense of whitemen. They claim they would not be allowed to promote their own culture and values in the same blatant discriminatory way that is permitted to colored people. Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Tribes, is very reserved about people identifying along racial lines instead of Israelite ones. Nevertheless, this is what people tend to do. US Whites and those drawn to Identity issues should be aware that their probably justifiably injured feelings are liable to be exploited by elements that in effect work against them. The article below brings as an example an article (written by Kramer alias M.R. Richards) that complains of discrimination against whites while inserting a blatantly anti-Jewish message. We quote the article in question and comment upon it showing how it works against the interests of they whom it purports to speak on behalf of.

Proverbs 25:9 says:
Debate your case with your neighbor,
And do not disclose the secret to another.

In the Hebrew original the verse could be rendered as saying:
Argue the quarrel you have with your fellow,
and do not uncover a matter pertaining to someone else.

i.e. Keep to the point.

5. Ecclesiastes [The Preacher] chapter one.

1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

       2 ' Vanity[a] of vanities,' says the Preacher;
      ' Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.'

       3 What profit has a man from all his labor
      In which he toils under the sun?

       4 One generation passes away, and another generation comes;
      But the earth abides forever.

       5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down,
      And hastens to the place where it arose.

       6 The wind goes toward the south,
      And turns around to the north;
      The wind whirls about continually,
      And comes again on its circuit.

       7 All the rivers run into the sea,
      Yet the sea is not full;
      To the place from which the rivers come,
      There they return again.

       8 All things are full of labor;
      Man cannot express it.
      The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
      Nor the ear filled with hearing.

       9 That which has been is what will be,
      That which is done is what will be done,
      And there is nothing new under the sun.

       10 Is there anything of which it may be said,
     " See, this is new''
      It has already been in ancient times before us.
       11 There is no remembrance of former things,
      Nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come
      By those who will come after.

 12 I, the Preacher, was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

13 And I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven; this burdensome task God has given to the sons of man, by which they may be exercised.

14 I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and indeed, all is vanity and grasping for the wind.

       15 What is crooked cannot be made straight,
      And what is lacking cannot be numbered.

 16 I communed with my heart, saying, 'Look, I have attained greatness, and have gained more wisdom than all who were before me in Jerusalem. My heart has understood great wisdom and knowledge.'

17 And I set my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is grasping for the wind.

       18 For in much wisdom is much grief,
      And he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

To Make an Offering to Brit-Am:


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God willing, they who assist Brit-Am will be blessed.
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'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without
God or the Bible.'
  George Washington

Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.

