.  Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Ten Tribes 

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Brit-Am Now no. 1527
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
17 June 2010, 5 Tammuz 5770
1. Mark A. Robinson: Caroline Glick in "We con the World" video.
Tess: Japanese Were also the Enemies of New Zealand
3. Oljetreet Britt: Looking for other Brit-Am People in Norway and the North
4. Thomas Malloy: Closing of the Muslim Mind
5. Kerry Bulls: First the revelation and then finding it in the Bible.


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1. Mark A. Robinson: Caroline Glick in "We con the World" video.
RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1526
Flotilla Choir Parody: We Con The World
Yair, Regarding the "We con the World" video, The lady in the brown dress at
the end of the song is Caroline Glick, assistant managing editor for the
Jerusalem Times and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. She is a
very cogent thinker and writer. Mark A. Robinson
2. Tess: Japanese Were also the Enemies of New Zealand
Re Brit-Am Now 1525: Peter from Dunedin

Shalom Yair

Not all of us New Zealanders have an "isolated islanders" view of the world and we certainly should be well aware of the role the Japanese played in WW2. My father served in the Pacific theatre, my mother actually saw Japanese subs reconnoitering Auckland harbour - Kiwis knew what our fate would be if the Japanese ever landed here. Perhaps those kiwis who live in the far south where Dunedin is are not so aware of how close NZ came to being attacked!

One of the women in my fellowship was a Japanese prisoner of war (as a small child). After the war she found out that her camp of women and children were scheduled to be bayoneted by a certain date - the war ended 5 weeks before that date.

Generally kiwis are accepting of the necessity of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki since the alternatives would have been more horrific. Peter from Dunedin does not hold a commonly accepted position in my opinion but may well be in keeping with Christadelphians who tend to be pacifists.

Blessings - Tessa
3. Oljetreet Britt: Looking for other Brit-Am People in Norway and the North

Shalom Yair!

Thank you again for all you work! It is so important.

I wonder if you can help me to find other people in Norway that use your website. You know,
I feel a bit "lonely" as an "Ephraimite" here in the north... And I will be very glad if you could possibly help me.

Thank you.

Britt Lode, Norway
Brit-Am Reply:
It is suggested that subscribers to this list from Scandinavian nations (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland) who are interested in communicating with each other send their e-mail addresses to us and after a week or so we will send them out. Anyone from Scandinavia who is interested in organizing this matter (instead of leaving it to us) should make contact.

4. Thomas Malloy: Closing of the Muslim Mind
Dear Yair;
While I was reading Brian Patmore's response to Peter. Dennis Prager was interviewing Robert Reilley author of Closing of the Muslim Mind. The Muslims came up with a theology that god controls everything. Therefore when an apple falls, it isn't gravity, it's god. If you disagree, you're a heretic. He continued by listing various scholars were were exiled, and their books burned.
5. Kerry Bulls: First the revelation and then finding it in the Bible.
RE: Brit-Am Commentary to 2 Kings 6:1-6

Hello Yair
I have been a student of prophecy and the Hebrew Prophets for about 35 years.  I find the Rabbi's explanation of how the axe head floated as palatable since the axe handle sinking and finding the lost axe head is more of a miracle to my way of thinking than the axe head floating up.  It is an incredible miracle regardless of how it actually occurred.
A friend of  mine once said the Hebrew way revelation comes is:
First the revelation and then finding it in the Bible.
He said that the Greek way to revelation is:
First the written Word and then the Revelation.
I like it.
God bless you in your ministry.
Kerry Bulls

See Video Clip:
Flotilla Choir Parody: We Con The World


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