.  Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Ten Tribes 

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Brit-Am Now no. 1528
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
17 June 2010, 5 Tammuz 5770
1. Jennie Schmidt: We just love that "We Con the World" video. 
2. Thomas Gray: Jap
Wack. The Japanese Mitsuo Fuchida and other Matters
3. Cecil Davis: Jap
Wack. "We had to, at all costs, unconditionally defeat both of them."
4. Nathan Proud: Jap Wack. Craig White Foresees Japan Attacking Australia!
5. Brian Patmore: Jap Whack. "The enemy knows who the Israelite nations are and are targeting them!"


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1. Jennie Schmidt: We just love that "We Con the World" video. 
Re: Flotilla Choir Parody: We Con The World

Dear Mr. Davidiy:

We just love that "We Con the World" video.  My daughter Rebecca already posted it on her face book and has huge favorable response!  I hope your site sells a billion T-shirts!

On a different note:  I was watching the video from the air of the gulf disaster, and saw huge rivers of yellow, white and red, dwarfing the boats, but no oil at that spot, at that time.  Is that sulfur?  Maybe Iron?  Maybe the white is super heated water or something.  If they are trying to cap off a volcano, it would be a first for mankind!

I usually get updates from the National Weather Service, but received one a few days ago saying their address is now .gov (the government took them over) and they think things will be more efficient now...etc. etc. and not to rely on them for life saving information.

So far, no evacuation notice, so I hope that is good.  We are packing our stuff just in case.

Keep up the good work!

2. Thomas Gray: Jap Wack. The Japanese Mitsuo Fuchida and other Matters
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1526

The name Mark was looking for was Mitsuo Fuchida. His fascinating story is available somehwere on the internet, since I printed out a copy some years ago.  He was the only one of 70 officers leading the Pearl Harbor attack that survived (barely) the war.  Mitsuo Fuchida, as a repentant war monger, apparently accepted the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as something that was necessary to get his former compatriots to quit.  I take the position that Hiroshima and Nagasaki should NOT have been bombed.  I believe that there is a limit to what we should do regardless of what atrocities the other side has done.  We also need to make a distinction between those brainwashed soldiers that did unspeakable atrocities and civilians who just happened to live in Japan.  Accidental civilian casualties is one thing.  Deliberately burning civilians to death is another.  General Curtis LeMay, who commanded the fire bombing of Tokyo, admitted that if the U.S. had lost the war, he would have been convicted of being a war criminal.

As I studied the history of the final stages of the war in the Pacific, I understood the ferocity and horror of it all, and understood the need to end it, but also struggled with the concept of killing those innocent people.  Since I believe in a sovereign God, I began to ask if God had provided a better way, and as I watched a documentary of the battles for Iwo Jima and Okinawa, I saw that God had provided a perfect and just solution, if only the U.S. leaders had sought it in prayer.  The atomic bomb was not quite ready when the battles for those two islands were underway, but it was almost ready.  Iwo Jima was the command and communications headquarters for Japan, a very small island.  There was no need to test the bomb in New Mexico.  Iwo Jima was a perfect test spot.  Command center gone.  Still don't give up?  On to Okinawa.  When the U.S. Marines landed there, the Japanese were holed up on one end of the island and provided no resistance to the U.S. landing.  It was a God-given perfect situation.  Round up all residents of the island, and take them off the island. Then show mercy to a the few poor Japanese soldiers who were forced into war by leaving boats and offering surrender and escape by aerial announcement.  After an appropriate wait, drop the second bomb there.  Take movie footage and send that to Japan.  Wait for Japan to dare send a military expedition out again.  In the event of great stubbornness, the third bomb would have come in handy on the open sea.   I don't know what would have happened for sure after that, but I am confident that God had made a provision that did not involve deliberately burning innocent people to death.  Genesis 18 teaches us that God does not take collateral damage lightly.  We should not either.

Do you still accept those innocent people burning to death as a necessary way to respond to the horrible atrocities of the Japanese leaders and soldiers?  Then you shouldn't mind if God sees fit to do the same in the U.S. some day to repay the evil deeds of U.S. leaders and immoral people who rip babies to pieces in their mothers' wombs.  On Judgment Day, there are going to be over 100,000 Japanese, who had no knowledge of nor complicity in the horrible deeds of Japanese soldiers, lined up crying for vengeance for themselves and loved ones who walked around for agonizing hours with their mouths melted shut.  What is God going to tell them?  Isaiah 33:1 gives the answer.  He is going to tell them that the country that did that horrible deed had the same thing done to them, and God does not lie.

Anyone who believes Isaiah 33:1, should be recommending to people to move out of the U.S. as soon as possible, unless you believe that the fallout will not reach them in their location.  Regardless of that, the economic condition of the country will be trashed and I doubt that the U.S. will have a generous benefactor like Douglas MacArthur to help it get back on its feet.  Again, I strongly suggest moving out of the U.S.  I suggest Africa or South America, perhaps to help Palestinian refugees resettle.

Thomas Gray.
3. Cecil Davis: Jap Wack. "We had to, at all costs, unconditionally defeat both of them."

Hi Yair,

I was flying B-29s against Japan from the Island of Guam when, from the Island of Tinian, the 2 Atomic bombs were flown. There was no one that I know of in our Wing that cried over the damage and deaths that were caused.

I have heard over and over again the ignorant "Do-gooders" that are against the action taken, they have no personal knowledge or understanding to be able to judge, nor were they there fighting a foe that had no mercy on wounded or prisoners. We were involved in a war that the Japanese started and had we not won these complainers would be speaking Japanese and bowing to Japan's Emperor. The same goes for the war against the Nazis; we had to, at all costs, unconditionally defeat both of them.

Had we ground attacked Japan and many die-hard Japanese women and children been killed, these "Arm chair commandos" would have bitterly complained about that too.

In the mid 1960s in California, I met Captain Mitsuo Fuchida who led the raid against Pearl Harbor and had a long talk with him, he had become a Christian and was preaching wherever he could. He became a US citizen in 1960; his personal and very interesting story can be found on the NET, I located it by using his name in the search.

Your friend,  Cecil
4. Nathan Proud: Jap Wack. Craig White Foresees Japan Attacking Australia!
re Brit-Am 1526 - Australia

With all the talk of Japan and Australia in the most recent Brit-Am Now, I think it's fitting to share a link to an article on Australia and Japan written by Craig White, entitled "Australia in Prophecy." In the article, he relates how a future coalition of SE Asian countries will attack Australia. They are Cush, Gomer, and Tarshish (he identifies Japan as western Tarshish). He outlines how Japan especially had ambitions to take over Australia and remove whites from the East. In fact, their Tanaka Memorial outlined their plans to rule the world.

As previously stated before by others, it was good that we used nuclear war against the Japanese. In war, you do what you have to. Though it is always tragic whenever war is fought, it is often necessary.

Nathan Proud
5. Brian Patmore: Jap Whack. "The enemy knows who the Israelite nations are and are targeting them!"
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1527
Shalom Yair,

Tess is absolutely correct.

Inside Sydney Harbour, Japanese mini subs sunk a Ferry boat that operated between Circular Quay (Sydney Business district next to the Opera House) and Manly, a beach-side suburb on the northern extremity of the harbour.

My mother and father were on the next ferry and noticed that half way across the harbour their boat started to go around in circles (to avoid being hit.)

The Japanese had landed in remote northern Australia, planted crops and came back to harvest them without anyone knowing anything.

Our forces discovered printed money specially for Australia for the period after they were to conquer Australia.

In Darwin the Japanese aircraft came almost down to street level and sprayed all the streets with gun fire etc.

One elderly gentleman stated that one plane went past him and he could see clearly into the cock-pit of the plane and would never forget the expression on the face of the pilot when he saw him.

I do not know how many people died in Darwin or Townsville, the events had been kept secret from the rest of Australia until after the war.

If you ask me if there will be a repeat, it is possible as they have a so called warrior code called "Bushido" demanding absolute obedience and do not be caught, die first for honour not to disgrace the country, family and Emperor. Brain washing and they do "behead" prisoners the same as the Moslems !!

Make no mistakes in this one !! What I have heard of things found in the theatre of war would send chills up and down the spine of any decent person !!

It is definite that the enemy knows who the Israelite nations are and are targeting them.

We are commanded from old to treat the "ger" stranger as one of us as long as he accepts the Torah by which our nation should be run.

The problem is that Ephraim by and large is ignorant of his identity, the Torah, language etc etc.

Hence the taking of refugees by a small group of nations, all Israelite nations, will lead to future tragedy.

Pray for Israel both inside the land Eretz Yisrael and also in the other Israelite nations, they all will need every prayer.

Shalom for now,

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