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British Israelism, is an old tired concept that is mainly spiritualizing the scripture and is about 200 years old.. And I read a lot of those, too, A lot from old discredited preachers, whose names I can't remember.. It is like replacement theology and everybody brags that they are "Manasseh or Ephraim". The 13 states of America wanted to believe they are "the new Israel",
Britain did a great thing when they brought in the concept of a Zionist entity in the Middle East. I have studied all that but have forgotten the main ones who pushed this, maybe Lord Balfour or Winston Churchill, But since Brit signed the white paper in 1939 to prohibit Jewish immigration to Israel, it has become Israel's enemy. Let them say they are the Lost Philistines. The Philistines were carried away in the 7th century, BC, also. I saw the authentic inscriptions written on the walls of Ekron. Where did they go? They are not the present Palestinians.
I wrote that book [?] because I did not believe in British Israelism and found ample evidence to prove it is not true. I can't go back and bring back five or six years of evidence that I found. Sure some Jews are living as gentiles but the people who studied this and went and visited the places maintain that the tribes went East, not to Europe. Rabbi Avichail actually went and lived in the places from 1975 to 2005, principally in Afghanistan and eastward and has written extensively, kept the feasts, taught Torah..
He has hundreds of testimonies from people who have encountered the "Lost Tribes". Why don't you talk to him and give him the benefit of the doubt? HE is NOT a false prophet. No one has showed me that they have studied British Israelism any except to compare certain words like "Dan" and "Denmark". All I am saying is that I studied and found many evidences which I don't have now. I do have some books which I am not going to reread now. None of these were false prophets but actual people that went there or lived there. Also Avichail knows where the sons of Moses went. Why doesn't anyone say anything about them or say that they are "Gershom" ? Why doesn't someone ask about what happened to the Sons of Jonadab, the Rechabites, who were carried away in the deportation to Assyria. They were back talking to Jeremiah in 35th chapter, and were again carried away 150 years later in the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah said they would never lack a man to stand before God. Why doesn't someone claim to be them?
I found a lot of information from university journals and magazine articles after I wrote the book. You ask for specifics: Here it is KULANU. 11603 Gilsan Street, Silver Spring, MD 20902 3122. I took their journal from 1995 to 2005. They took over coverage of Menashe and when other tribes emerged they sent Rabbis and the Jewish Agency to investigate and work with them concerning Aliah, if desired. . The Jewish Agency is not slack in finding emerging Hebrew tribes. KULANU, has regional offices to cover the tribes in Brazil, China, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Nigeria, South Africa, Tutsi, Uganda. Not a single tribe has emerged from Britain.
I know in the 1950s The Hebrews came home from Iran and Afghanistan. The Bukharian , Iran, "Jews" living in north Jerusalem make up part of them. They claim to be of the ten tribes. You remember I walked miles in Jerusalem to search out the Bukharian Jewish neighborhood.. I talked to people who knew them but they had scattered..
Thank you. Julia Andrews
The commandment exists. You may theologize and philosophize about it as much as you wish. However you deal with it the commandment is obligatory. The only question that remains is when and how this commandment may be put into effect.
Tradition says that the Lost Ten Tribes will return and will be instrumental in rebuilding the Temple.
Make no mistake about it. We are Fundamentalists in so far as we believe in the literal truth of the Bible and this means putting the Bible into practice in accordance with Divine Will.
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