Brit-Am Now
no. 1608
Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
2 December 2010, 25 Kislev 5771.
1. Comment on You Tube Brit-Am Clips: You speak the truth.
2. Alistair Williams: House of
Rahab (Secret Adherents of
Joseph) Awakening; Visitation has Begun!
A Response to the article:
Arouse Yourself! O Israel! by
3. Bruce McKerras:
Biblical Sources Showing that ISRAEL AND JUDAH are not rejoined as yet.
Recently I read the account of Joshua at Jericho.
.... All the while there is another group waiting to become Israelite by
adoption, the house of Rahab.
It's important for all of us to understand who we are and where in the order of
things we are supposed to be.
Joshua's Israelites were made up of Israelites by birth and Israelites by
adoption, your work helps us to understand that wherever we live is an indicator
as to who we are, yet some of us or people we know may be spiritually of the
house of Rahab, they know and believe in the G-d of Israel but are yet to be
adopted fully.
In Avigdor's article it is important for those of Joseph to note that he is
already beginning to experience part of the curse...
Deut 28 49-51...
In Britain we have experienced ever increasing numbers of immigrants of a
certain religious identity. As part of our own identity we are duty bound to
offer santuary to anyone, but this duty has become a curse...
They have eaten the increase of our land, and we are being destroyed by the
demand they place on the system, and as a member state of the EU we have to
abide by the charter on human rights...
It is important to cling to the truth, G-d told Moses we would fail, He doesn't
lie, we have failed as a nation and therefore we will experience a time of
3. Bruce McKerras: Biblical Sources Showing that ISRAEL AND JUDAH are not
rejoined as yet.
ISRAEL AND JUDAH, not rejoined as yet. Bruce McKerras
August 2010
The Bible has over 160 instances in the same verse, where Israel and Judah are
mentioned together as different entities. It's clear that they are not to be
rejoined until after the Middle east is cleared and His people are regathered,
judged and settled together in the Land.
Mainstream Church teaching... says that the Jews now in the Land are all Israel.
Some teach Replacement theology, where the Church is now the new Israel.
Have they rejoined already? Josephus, the Jewish historian, circa 100AD, wrote
that the 10 lost tribes were a great multitude, then living beyond the Euphrates
In the Talmud, Rabbis Akiva and Eliezer circa 200AD, discuss the question of
when the 10 lost tribes would return. So, only Judah was present at that time.
At the establishment of the State of Israel, in 1948, the name was to have been
Judah, but David Ben Gurion changed to Israel at the last minute.
So, we await the fulfillment of these prophecies;
Ezekiel 37:21 I am going to take the Israelites from their places of exile
among the nations. I shall assemble them from every quarter and restore them to
their own soil.
Ezekiel 37:22 I shall make them a single nation in the Land and one King will
be over them all. No longer will they be two nations or divided into two
Jeremiah 50:4 In those days and at that time, the people of Israel and the
people of Judah will come together and in tears go in search of their God.
Jeremiah 50:5 They will ask the way to Zion, turning towards her and saying;
Come, let us join ourselves to the Lord in everlasting covenant.
Hosea 1:11 The people of Judah and Israel will be reunited and will choose for
themselves one leader.
Micah 7:8 My enemies, do not exult over me [ Israel] Though I have fallen, I
will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.
Micah 7:9 Because I have sinned against the Lord I must bear His anger until He
pleads my case, gives judgement and establishes my rights.
Micah 7:10 Then my enemies will see it and be shamed, those who said "where is
your God ". I will see their downfall, they will be trampled like mud on the
Micah 7:11 The day for rebuilding and extending your boundaries will come.
Micah 7:12 A day when Your people will return to the Land, from every sea and
every mountain.
Zechariah 1:18-21 The four horns [ nations] that scattered Judah and Israel.
The four smiths [destroyers] have come to
overthrow them.
Hosea 2:23 Israel will be My new sowing in the Land, I will love them and say
to them,
"You are My people" and they will say "You are our God".
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