Archaeological opinion (for what it is worth) also says the same:
# archaeological surveys indicate that until the eighth century [i.e. the 700s
after the Assyrian Exile] the population of the Judahite highlands was about
one-tenth that of the highlands of the northern kingdom of Israel. #
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin
of Its Sacred Texts",
by Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman, 2001, p.238
There is a minority opinion that the Lost Tribes are to be found amongst
Ashkenazic (European) Jews. This seems unlikely or if at all true then as
applying to minority amongst the Jews and a minority of the Ten Tribes.
Alternately it could be that in this as in other cases elsewhere the Jews
eventually applied to themselves traditions that pertained to populations who
had been in the area before them. There were legends that the Lost Ten Tribes
had been in parts of Europe. Later when Jews settled in those areas it was
obvious that the Gentile inhabitants around them on the whole could not be from
the Ten Tribes so in time the local Jews began to apply those traditions to
For instance, a portion of the Lost Tribes had been in Germany. This was
reported by sages such as Solomon Luria, "Chochmat Shlomoh", Maharshal,
1510-1574, and became part of Jewish tradition. It is also mentioned in gentiles
sources such as the Austrian Chronicle concerning the period up to 223 CE. They
had moved away into the Netherlands, France, and the British Isles. Some
remained but later moved en masse to North America in the 1700s and 1800s. The
local Jews of Germany etc received these traditions or heard the legends from
others and may have applied them to themselves or had them applied by others
from outside who were not aware of the historical background.
At all events, Jewish Tradition and Commentaries overwhelmingly agrees that the
majority of the Ten Tribes did not return and did not re-unite with Judah but
are still destined to do so.
It may be that many of those Gentiles who over the centuries converted to
Judaism were from the Ten Tribes or from Judah. This however is besides the
point. The Bible says that the Ten Tribes on the whole will remain separate and
distinct from Judah until the End Days. Such is the situation at present.
2. Alistair Williams: Remarks on the
Re: The Rabbi Said: GOMER
is a Name of Israelites! http://www.britam.org/GOMER2.html
Dear Yair,
The article on Gomer and the associated names ie Gimmeri or Gameru is
The link and subsequent mention of Wales needs clarification.
I live in Wales close to predominantly Welsh speaking areas.
It is true, Wales in the Welsh language is Cymru, the pronunciation is however
not as you suggest. Phonetically it is Cumree. I am not a Welsh speaker but
attended a school where Welsh was taught as a second language.
In addition you might be interested to know that under certain circumstances the
letter 'C' is substituted for a 'G' making the name for Wales in Welsh Gymru
pronounced Gumree. 'U' in Welsh is always 'ee'.
'Y' on the other hand has a number of sounds it can be 'u' as in up 'ea' as in
The pronunciation of Gimmeri and Gymru are almost the same.
I find another Welsh word fascinating.
Easter in Welsh is 'Pasg' which has been linked to the Hebrew 'Pesah' which
suggests Passover may have once been kept in Wales until a certain church
doctrine changed times.
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