1. Timothy F. Murray: Is Ten Tribe
Arousal amongst the Signs presaging the nearness of the
End? Re The Ten Tribes were all Exiled and are
Amongst Western Peoples!
Polemics: David Parsons Refuted! http://www.britam.org/parsons.html
Let me thank you for your website refutation of Mr. Parsons'
article in the JPost CE of October. Please also note my own refutation
in letters to the Editor of the December issue, together with that of
John Hully and others. There are serious scholars and teachers who
appreciate your own research and stand along with you for this vital
teaching. I seriously wonder if perhaps Brian Hennessy's December
article about so-called "Christian Zionists" may have light to shed on
this. I think he's struck the right note there, as well. At all events,
something big is moving on this subject, both among Jewish and Christian
scholars. Could this be among the signs presaging the nearness of the
End? May God continue to bless your efforts.
Timothy Murray.
2. Kevin: Brit-Am Web Site is "Our
Site"! Yair,
You asked about my URL. I misled you, in my original e-mail, by referring
to Brit-Am's web-site as "our site" ! I meant to express my identification
with Brit-Am's offerings in its web-site, and so referred to it as "our
site". For those of us who are 100% convinced of our understanding of the
whereabouts, today, of Jacob's descendants, Brit-Am is, indeed, "our site",
with you as its chief constructor and editor.
Thanks for your clarification of written Hebrew.
Best regards,
Kevin. 3. Brian S.:
General and Linguistic Observations.
I have only just found this site. I am blown away by seeing my own ideas which
everyone dismisses as "weird" expressed here. Perhaps less color and smaller
type would add a degree of seriousness that the material deserves.
Just 2 weeks ago was the Shabbot in Hanukkah. The haftara for that is Ezekiel
37:15 though the end of the chapter. To me, the Tanaac is a LIE OR Ephraim is
still out there, unrecognized by himself or the world. And tonight begins the
shabbot of the last parsha of Genesis. Jacob blesses and prophecies the latter
days of his sons and of Joseph's sons. How these two (Ezekiel and the parsha)
can be read without putting two and two together requires deliberate
self-blindness, or divine blindness, that is now in the process of being lifted.
I was blessed to come upon the Plain Truth some thirty years ago. I had always
been interested in History, but I became almost expert on American, British and
Israelite History. I am in awe of your efforts to do what I kept telling myself
I must do. I never could figure out where to start!
I was in Israel this summer doing a Hebrew language course. With an eye out for
"coincidence" I have "found" some Hebrew words that seem to have made the jump
into English without coming in through commonalities with Indo-Aryan language
groups, or the Crusades. I have NOT found these words in French (where they
ought to be if fro the crusades) nor German (if derived from past Indo Aryan
connection with Semitic language). I wonder if there has been any research on
word frequency.
Our understanding of the TLT (I like that abbreviation, saves a lot of typing),
ought to be demonstrable by linguistic studies.
I would theorize that English has a higher proportion of Semitic rooted words
than does German, though both are descendants from a common Germanic branch of
Indo -Aryan. Armstrong equated Germans with Assyrians, and I do too. So I
suspect that the Israelites as masses of more or less cohesive tribes traveled
with the Assyrians north into the Caucasian Mountains and joined with the
westward migration of many peoples including Scythians into Europe. If
Israelites were second class citizens within Assyrian majorities, they might
with Yiddish sarcasm refer to them as strangers: Ger. (Though it was them who
were sojourning amongst the Assyrians. Notably the Germans do not call
themselves German. Nor do other languages. Only English does.
Al the best,
Brian S. To Make an Offering to
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