Brit-Am Now
no. 1624
Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
5 January 2011, 29 Tevet 5771.
1. Natalie Pavlik:
The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and Ancient Israel.
2. Steve Mathe:
The "Function" of the Covenant and Brit-Am.
3. The Unwanted American Empire?
1. NataliePavlik:
The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and Ancient Israel.
Yair: I have followed your teachings for many years and I must say that I agree
with almost everything you propose.
I have a book called 'History of the Jews of Spain and Portugal' by Jose Amador
de los Rios the book is in Spanish and it is actually a 3 volume series of the
whole story of the Jews from times immemorial. This author explains that the
Israelites were in Iberia from the memorable times of Nebuchadnezzar conqueror
and lord of all the world. Who, not only settle the Israelites in the worst and
most ferocious areas of Betica but they also penetrated the center of the
Peninsula, and in particular they settled in the Carpathian Regions from which
was the head and metropolis the city of Toledo founded during the days of
Are you aware of this'
The book says: chapter 1 page 49, 50
Many and
respectable are the Christians historians, that following the testimony and vote
of the rabbis from the second half of the fifteenth century, have admitted not
only to the expedition of Nebuchadnezzar that brought to Iberia the conquered
Jews, but also the most oldest commercial routes, that opened and established
its communication and treaties with the indigenous tribes, that finally buckled
under him. To them it was not doubtful , but all the contrary, it looked like
an unquestionable fact that as soon as the existence of the Iberian nation was
revealed to the peoples of Asia, they began to bring to their shores the Hebrew
ships, attracted by their fame and lure of its prodigious riches. Tarsis,
the renown Tarsis,
that has been considered by skillful geographers, and perspicuous interpreters
of the Sacred Scriptures and of antiquarian scholars, to be the Pyrenean
Peninsula or at least like the ancient Tartesus,
after Betica,
gave acceptance to the fleet of the Israelites; and when, fulfilling the
prophecy of David, his father, it was Solomon who received as king and lord of
all the earth, precious and abundant tribute, helping in this way to the most
sumptuous of the first and most famous Temple erected to the Only God, but it
was also added to his empire all the other regions of Iberia, where his
ministers were established to collect and gather the tributes that constituted
the vassalage.
I just translated this for you, but in the book there is much much more''''.
Thank you for all your good work
Natalie Pavlik
2. SteveMathe:
The "Function" of the Covenant and Brit-Am.
From: Steve Mathe <>
Joseph in the Eyes of the "Rebbe"
Thank you for your article on the Sfat Emet's commentaries on the "function" of
Joseph in the latter-day "regathering" and the "redemption" of all Israel. It is
amazing that this here-to-fore hidden-from-general-readership texts have come to
light at this time. Am of the opinion that in the near future, we will see
knowledge of this type come to the fore at an exponentially accelerating rate.
I have also written a small article on the definition of the name "Brit Am" on
the website: It
also has to do with the "function" of the Covenant made with the people of
Israel in general and the function of that Covenant with the people of Yosef,
the Ten Tribes in particular.
Steve Mathe
3. The Unwanted American Empire? An imperialist culture? ancient/romans/empiresofabsentmind _article_01.shtml
Excerpt: 'We seem, as it were, to have conquered and peopled half the world in a fit of
absence of mind.' This is the famous explanation given by Victorian classicist
and historian JR Seeley for the British Empire.
However debatable, it could equally be applied to the Roman republic. By 146 BC,
the Romans found themselves the undisputed masters of the Mediterranean world.
But they had achieved this without ever really intending to, and consequently
they were unprepared to take on that mantle.
Rome and America were founded upon the same myth, and it has shaped their
This is the position that the United States of America finds itself in today.
Like the Roman republic, the US is now the policeman of the western world. Its
armed forces are unstoppable, its influence is everywhere and just like the
Romans, it got there by mistake.
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