1. Brit-Am is Blessed and a Source of
Brit-Am may be constantly whining about lack of funds etc and other problems.
Bigger organizations than ours however do the same and we really do have a great
need for ongoing income
and do not receive sufficient for what we understand is needed at a basic
minimum level.
It is worth setting the record straight.
Brit-Am has been blessed.
We see miracles daily.
Other people have been blessed through us.
2. DanielDuffield:
Letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on behalf of Ephraim Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu:
Od Yosef Chai! [Joseph still Lives!] Your brothers, the Lost 10 Tribes of
Israel are alive! Hashem has kept us hidden for His purposes and is revealing
your fellow Israelites at this time in history. We are not Jews from the tribe
of Judah and Benjamin, but are from the other 10 tribes of the ancient Northern
Kingdom of Israel. Most of us are awakening from our slumber as Evangelical
Christians and are returning to Hashem and His Torah through the Hebraic
Restoration Movement. Some of us are still in the Christian churches; however,
many of us have left the churches and are on the path of return to Hashem and
His Torah. Hashem has opened our eyes to realize who we are and that we have
been taught lies by our religious leaders. We yearn to return to not only
Hashem, but to His land and His people Judah. These are truly prophetic times!
I am writing this letter to sincerely petition Judah (whom you represent as
Prime Minister of Israel) to provide a way to accommodate your brother Yosef
(representing the Lost 10 Tribes) with all their shortcomings if they want to
return to Eretz Israel. Hashem has awakened us and given us a desire to return
so I believe that at some point in the near future He will open a door for this
to happen and you may have the opportunity to contribute to the progress of this
plan. Please take some of your Torah study and prayer times to meditate on the
tasks that HaShem has created you for and see if opening the door for the
immigration of the Lost 10 Tribes might be among those tasks? I would also
encourage you to visit http://www.britam.org/
for research and information regarding the Lost 10 Tribes.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my letter and consider what role you
may be playing in Hashem's end-times plans. According to Rabbi Dovid Siegel,
once Yosef (i.e. the Lost 10 Tribes) is reconciled with Judah in unity, this
miraculous unity will immediately lead to a second unity, that of Hashem and His
people. In response to their total unification Hashem will return His Divine
Presence and rest amongst His people and "The spirit of Israel will be restored
to life". The restoration of all things is soon to occur!
Daniel J. Duffield
Beit Yosef in Ogden, Utah USA
3. New Article:
Henry Rhea: The Need for Divine Sanction and Brit-Am Reply.
http://www.britam.org/rhea.html Extracts: Preliminary Note by Brit-Am Editorial Staff:
In a previous article by Alexander Zephyr the Three Oaths were discussed. These
were statements from the Talmud that have been applied (perhaps incorrectly)
against the obligation in our time of the Jews to conquer and settle the Land of
Henry Rhea in two letters contests the validity of the Talmud as an
authoritative source; says that Israelites (when and if they are certain of
their Israelite identity) must be a light to the world and also return to the
Land of Israel; says that Divine Sanction is required for an individual to
affirm their Israelite ancestry.
You appear to think that a non-Jew cannot be certain of Israelite ancestry
without a "witness" i.e. some kind of Divine Sanction.
We, to some degree, agree with you concerning individuals. We have spoken of
this often and written articles on the matter.
In the aggregate however we have proofs from the Bible supplemented by
Rabbinical Sources and secular studies.
This knowledge is available to us in order that we may learn from it and take it
to heart.
Information derived from
The Bible is in itself Divine Sanction!
The Brit-Am enterprise is a Biblical work. God willing, they who assist Brit-Am will be blessed.
Brit-Am depends on contributions alongside purchases of our publications.
'It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God or the Bible.'
George Washington
Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.