Brit-Am Now
no. 1644.
9 February 2011, 5 Adar-Aleph 5772.
Movement of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
Contents: 1. Positive Reactions to "Prove Loyalty to Your Israelite Ancestors" by Avigdor.
(a) Pleased with Message from
(b) Beautifully-written, Avigdor!
I'm in for 12!
2. Duane Hiebert:
Message from Brit-Am Bible Study.
3. CristianSildan:
Biblical Insights from Velikovsky?
(a) Pleased with Message from Avigdor.
Yair and Avigdor,
Put us down for $24 per month. We thank HaShem so much for Brit-Am and the work
you guys are doing as well as this email itself.
Many Blessings and Shalom to all,
Benyamin and Chana
(b) Beautifully-written, Avigdor!
I'm in for 12!
2. DuaneHiebert:
Message from Brit-Am Bible Study.
Re: 2 Kings 16:1-4 The Beltain of Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia.
Brit-Am said: # Ahaz
worshipped idols.
We may find this strange to understand but the situation was different then.
People believed that idol worship brought benefits. otherwise they would not
have done it. We too under pressure, emotional strain, or exceptional
circumstances may be tempted at times to do things we would not normally agree
with. #
You are so correct, I have done this also and need to repent. I looked the
scriptures you quoted at various times and studies and said to myself, how
could they worship these that are nothing??? Then smugly think that I would
never do the same. I wont get into what I did as most would think of it as
nothing, but it was.
When you are trying to return with all your heart soul and strength to the
only Mighty One of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.......
Brit-Am said: # Ahaz
worshipped idols.
We may find this strange to understand but the situation was different then.
People believed that idol worship brought benefits. otherwise they would not
have done it. We too under pressure, emotional strain, or exceptional
circumstances may be tempted at times to do things we would not normally agree
with. #
Peace again.
When reading about that in the Scriptures, I wondered much myself why were these
people so stubborn in following idols.
But after reading Velikovsky, there might be a quite a reasonable answer to the
problem - although this is not properly speaking an excuse for idolatry: these
people went through very much, many strange and terrifying phenomena in the
nature and sky around and especially above them, and despite the Divine miracles
offered to them, they saw the other happenings as proofs of the big force of the
other gods as well, so they worshipped them as well, just in case...
In some places it is question/hint of the gradual desertification of the region
in the 14th-7th centuries BCE, so maybe these people felt under strain and
appealed to all the divinities they knew about, not fully trusting in God and
not being patient for Him to come with a solution.
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