Shalom Yair,
In reference to the post about whether Israelites are black or white or maybe
even some other color. Goodness gracious. Anyone reading and studying the
scriptures will know that the Sons of Jacob came from four different women. Now,
granted, Leah and Rachel were sisters of the same father and mother, so of
course, most likely the same skin color. given that most of Yehudah are white
people, and that the Hebrew meaning of their father's name, Laban means white,
one can assume comfortably that those descendants have a foundation in being
white and I'm sure along the line, some have remained pure and others mixed.
As for the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, we know nothing as scripture is silent.
It is well known historical fact that both King David and his son King Solomon
had many wives and Solomon is purported to have sired with the Queen of Sheba
and so many Ethiopians claim descent from the Davidic line through them. Their
own national flags depict the lion symbols of the tribe of Judah.
I personally know both whites who are Judah and blacks who are Judah, so I am
sure both apply.
What sincerely bothers me is the hatred and arrogance of both extremes which are
manifested in the white supremacy groups and the black Hebrew groups. Both
groups in my humble opinion cannot be more wrong in their beliefs.
Just as with any groups of peoples or races of peoples, some remain pure and
others mix. It's a fact of life. Racist mindsets need to get over it and move
on. The only separation that should be recognized is good from evil, light from
dark and these know no bounds as to the color of skin, gender, or ethnic
background. These organizations do more harm than good and give bad names to
those of us who are trying to live out our lives in obedience to the ONE TRUE
Blessings, michelle b.
Brit-Am Comment: Obama was a member for 15 years of a church that preached a racialist
white-hating black
supremacist anti-Semitic doctrine.
No-one seems to have cared.
Many crimes committed by blacks and Latinos against whites are on a racialist
The blacks and Latinos have their own racialist groups that are not only
anti-white and anti-Anglo but also anti-Jewish.
These movements are a threat to the USA.
Islam (which is often connected to colored antagonism against whites and Anglos)
is a threat to the west.
Having said this we should also remember that White Identity groups breed hatred
and are a threat to the USA and to all Israelites. See our article:
The Black Woman
Miriam the Prophetess and sister of Moses and Aaron was punished because she was
prejudiced against black people!
Israelites are warned not to intermix with foreigners regardless of their color.
The commandments to accept converts and to marry women captured in war proves
that the Bible has nothing
against colored people per se.
The Bible however is against foreigners and anti-Israelites when they spread
idolatry and bad practices.
The Jews under Ezra and Nehemiah were commanded to send away the foreign women
they had married with the children they had born.
On the other hand,
When the Ten Tribes return together with descendants of Jews who were forced to
assimilate they will be allowed to bring thier women and children with them even
when these are of foreign origin. This is the opinion of Abarbanel.
The Talmud says that "God wants the heart".
The bottom line is good intention and belief in the Almighty and the Bible.
2. New Brit-Am YouTube
The USA is Manasseh. Part One watch?v=2C3ZCPWelis& feature=channel_video_title
The Ten Tribes are now to be found amongst Western peoples. The early settlers
of the USA came mostly from specific areas in Britain and Europe where Tribal
Names and other factors indicate origin from clans of Manasseh. Jacob blessed
Joseph concerning his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Rabbinical analysis of
these blessings showed that Ephraim was to be come a great and numerous nation
and group of nations before the emergence of Manasseh in the full sense.
Manasseh was to become the worldwide pre-eminent power after the hey-day of
Ephraim. Historically, Ephraim dominated the British Isles. Britain and the
British Empire achieved the peak of their power and influence before the USA
ascended to its present eminence.
3. New Brit-Am YouTube
The USA is Manasseh. Part Two user=yairdavidiy
The very name "Manasseh" in Hebrew connotes Responsible Representation which
form of government was the reason the USA came into being. America is named
after Amerigo Vespucci who in turn was named after a Jewish noble named Americo
or Americus which name is a Medieval Latinized version of the Hebrew Machir or "HaMacheiri"
meaning "belonging to Machir".
Machir was the firstborn son of Manasseh. The name Machir in Hebrew connotes
Free Enterprise and Capitalism. This is a fundamental concomitant principle for
the American mode of existence.
"Yank" is a nickname for American. It is short for Jack or Jacob i.e. Israel. It
also reflects the direct contact between Jacob and Manassaeh as opposed to that
between Joseph and Ephraim. In Biblical Times monarchs of the northern Kingdom
of Israel appointed from Manasseh or associated with Manasseh (as distinct from
Ephraim) were more like Constitutional Presidents than absolute rulers. Their
terms of offices were similar to those of US Presidents today.
Length 18.17 minutes. See:
Why the USA is Manasseh. A Summation To Make an Offering to
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