The ORIGIN of several peoples in the west today is from Israel. The Bible tells us who really is descended from the Lost Ten Tribes. History, archaeology, mythology, genetics, linguistics, and all other related disciplines confirm this. Scripture is true. This message pertains especially to citizens of the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa all of whom relate to the Patriarch Joseph. Some of the countries of Western Europe have a significant proportion of people descended from Israelites Tribes in their population. The existence of Israel fulfills the purpose of creation. The good of Israel is the good of the world. In Scriptural terms, there are two halves of Israel represented by “Judah” and “Joseph”. Both “Judah” and “Joseph” have their own uniqueness and their own role. Ultimately Judah and Joseph must re-unite with each other. Each side is incomplete without the other and cannot fulfill its own task without the other. Even before re-unification the closer the two sides work with each other, recognize each other, and assist each other so much the better: The closer we will come to ultimate Salvation. A prior condition for even beginning the process of Redemption is the recognition and mutual respect each side must acquire towards the other. Most of “Joseph” does not know who he is, nor does Judah know who “Joseph” is. “Joseph” must consciously recognize himself; Judah must be made aware of Joseph. Judah and Joseph must draw together. Present day events have laid the groundwork for this process but it needs to be speeded up. Time is running out Instinctive sympathies need to be recognized as family consciousness. Our organization, Brit-Am, has taken upon itself the task of spreading the needed information. In accordance with our purpose we published the books, “The Tribes. The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples” (1993, 1999), “Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel” (1995, 2001), “Lost Israelite Identity. The Hebrew Ancestry of Celtic Races” (1996), “Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America” (2001), and “Biblical Truth. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West According to the Book of Genesis” (2002). We also published the magazines, Tribesman and Brit-Am, in addition to commentaries, and numerous articles that were posted on our web-sites or sent to our e-mail list subscribers. A great deal of research has been done and much valuable information acquired. This present work, ORIGIN, is intended to summarize the most vital points of all research on the subject until now. This what ORIGIN does as well as providing important new insights and information. By acquiring knowledge revealed in ORIGIN, internalizing it, and helping to spread this awareness you will be serving your people and all Israel. You will realize where you came from and where you should be going. You will know your ORIGIN.  By “you”, I mean both the individual and the nation of which he is a part.

    The first part of ORIGIN explains how the majority of Ancient Israelites were exiled, where they want to, what they became, and how we may recognize them through the mists of time. The first part is historical. The second part of ORIGIN goes right through the Hebrew Bible according to the literal meaning and also in the light of Rabbinical, linguistic, and other sources. It is proven how according to Scripture the ORIGIN of very many individuals and communities in the west today is from Israel. This is your ORIGIN. You too are from Israel. You too are the People. Read, see, and know. ORIGIN is for you and about you. Your ORIGIN is calling you, waiting for you.

    In ORIGIN we have provided verifying references for statements that are not in accordance with conventional understanding. More detailed references, however, are to be found in our other works.