![]() Chapter Ten THE MINOR PROPHETS The “Minor” Prophets are called “minor” not because they were less important but because the Books produced by them are relatively smaller than those of the other prophets. The first of the Minor Prophets was Hosea. HOSEA The Israelites and the Cimmerians Combine Hosea is told to take to wife a loose woman named Gomer (1:2-3). He has three children by this woman who represent three parts of the northern Ten Lost Tribes. The name Gomer was also the name given to the Cimmerians, “Gimeru” in Akkadian. The Cimmerians were a people who first appeared on the fringes of the Assyrian Empire shortly after the Israelites were exiled. From the Cimmerians emerged the Celts, Scythians and Goths. Gomer was also the name of a son of Japhet: “And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphah, and Togarmah” (Genesis 10:3). Places associated by the Rabbis with Gomer of Japhet are also those to which the Lost Ten tribes were recorded as having been exiled. This, together with the Book of Hosea, suggests some kind of combination between the exiles of Israel and the descendants of Gomer. The Welsh call themselves “Gomeru”. In Welsh tradition, they (i.e. Cimmerians) were led by Hu from Drephrobane opposite Byzantium across the sea to Defene in Wales. The name Defene is sometimes rendered as “Daphne” and there was a port named Daphne opposite Byzantium. Jerome quoted a Jewish tradition that the Lost Ten Tribes crossed the Bosporus near Byzantium (now Istanbul in the European section of Turkey) into Europe and continued northward. Daphne of Antiochea was one of the places to which the Ten Tribes were taken into exile. Exile and Reconciliation The three sons of Gomer (i.e. Cimmerians) in Hosea represent three sections of the exiled 10 tribes and do not represent Judah who is separately spoken of (1:7). The first child born to Hosea and Gomer is named “Jezreel” whose name connotes both scattering on one hand and ingathering and sowing on the other. The second child was called “Lo-Ruhamma” meaning “Not-Be-Shown-Mercy”: <<FOR I WILL NO MORE HAVE MERCY UPON THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL; BUT I WILL UTTERLY TAKE THEM AWAY>> (Hosea 1:6). Judah was not to be exiled with the Ten Tribes, <<BUT I WILL HAVE MERCY UPON THE HOUSE OF JUDAH>> [Hosea 1:7]. The third child is called “Lo-Ammi” meaning “Not-My-People”. At first the Ten Tribes will be rejected and exiled but later God will return and accept them. [Hosea 1:10] YET THE NUMBER OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL BE AS THE SAND OF THE SEA, WHICH CANNOT BE MEASURED NOR NUMBERED; AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS, THAT IN THE PLACE WHERE IT WAS SAID UNTO THEM, YE ARE NOT MY PEOPLE, THERE IT SHALL BE SAID UNTO THEM, YE ARE THE SONS OF THE LIVING GOD. The names shall be changed. The meaning of Jezreel becomes understandable as “ingathered”, and as being sewed in the ground in order to give forth manifold (2:22-23). The Ten Tribes shall join with Judah and be ingathered (1:11). “Lo-Ruhamma” becomes “Ruhamma” (“She-Who-Is-Shown-Mercy”, 2:23) and “Lo-Ami” becomes “Ami” meaning “my people” (2:1, 23). In their place of exile, as well as being extremely numerous, they shall enjoy great bounty: “CORN, AND WINE, AND OIL, AND MULTIPLIED HER SILVER AND GOLD” (2:8). A False Religion and Repentance They shall worship the “Baal” (2:8, 2:13, 2:16) like the Celts in Britain and Gaul once did. Baal was a god who died and was resurrected. They shall mistake “Baal” for the God of Israel (2:16). Redemption will come through righteousness, judgment, loving-kindness, and mercies (2:19). In the Last Days they shall Return to God and seek the Kingdom of David (3:5). In their place of exile Ephraim will have given birth to strange children (5:7). Some say this indicates intermarriage with other peoples. In the end times, according to the great commentator, Abarbanel, the returnees will come with their non-Israelite women and their children will be recognized. It will not be as it was in the time of Ezra when the foreign women with their children were sent away. The Exiles will return from the west (11:10). The Lost Ten Tribes in Exile will practice a false religion but Judah will be true. [Hosea 11:12] EPHRAIM COMPASSETH ME ABOUT WITH LIES, AND THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL WITH DECEIT: BUT JUDAH YET RULETH WITH GOD, AND IS FAITHFUL WITH THE SAINTS. Ephraim is a merchant, and deceitful (12:7-8). Napoleon called the English a “Nation of Shopkeepers”. The French referred to Britain as “Perfidious Albion”. Ephraim will be rich (12:8). Ephraim will return to the God of Israel and know that there is no other savior but God (13:4). We see that Hosea described the Ten Tribes as combining with elements that became important in the settlement and civilization of Western Europe. Hosea says the Lost Ten Tribes will be primarily in the west, very numerous, wealthy, trading peoples who are distrusted by others, enjoying agricultural bounty. They will not be “Jewish” in the religious sense but followers of some hybrid pagan-type religion. This fits our overall identification of the Lost Ten Tribes with Western Peoples and of “Ephraim” with the English-speaking nations. OBADIAH The Book of Obadiah contains prophesies against Edom. Edom is identified as Germany and ancient Rome and sometimes as Europe in general. Obadiah says that in the Last Days: The House of Joseph shall destroy the House of Esau (1:18). The Talmud (Baba Batra 123; b) says that only Joseph is capable of defeating Esau. The British and North Americans have proven themselves capable of defeated the combined forces of Germany, Italy, and other European nations along with Japan. These countries did have descendants of Esau amongst their ruling classes and general population. [Obadiah 1:20] AND THE CAPTIVITY OF THIS HOST OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SHALL POSSESS THAT OF THE CANAANITES, EVEN UNTO ZAREPHATH; AND THE CAPTIVITY OF JERUSALEM, WHICH IS IN SEPHARAD, SHALL POSSESS THE CITIES OF THE SOUTH. According to the Commentators, in the above verse “Canaanites” means Germany, Zarephath means France and Britain, Sepharad means Spain. The verse should be rendered from the Hebrew original and in accordance with the Major Commentators as the following: [Obadiah 1:20] AND THIS FIRST EXILE OF THE TEN TRIBES OF ISRAEL [Rashi] WHO DWELL FROM GERMANY [=CANAANITES, Iben Ezra], EVEN UNTO FRANCE [=ZAREPHATH, Rashi, Iben Ezra, Radak, Abarbanel, Daat Sofrim] AND ENGLAND [= ZAREPHATH, Abarbanel] AND THE CAPTIVITY OF THE JEWS OF JERUSALEM IN SPAIN [=SEPHARAD, Targum Yehonatan] SHALL POSSESS THE CITIES OF THE SOUTH. Taking the Classical Commentators as a whole we see that the Lost Ten Tribes were considered to be in the west1, especially in France and Britain. According to the Geneva Bible of Calvin on Obadiah 1:20: “By the Canaanites, the Jews mean the Dutchmen, and by Zarephath, France, and by Sepharad, Spain.” At all events “Zarephath” meant France (Rashi) and the north or France and Britain (Abarbanel) together. The verse was understood as saying that the Lost Ten Tribes were in “Zarephath” (Rashi, Nachmanides). JONAH The Book of Jonah relates how God told Jonah to go to the major Assyrian city of Nineveh and there prophesy that after 40 days it would be “overturned”. This meant according to the understanding of Jonah that Nineveh would be destroyed. Jonah did not want to go on this mission and attempted to flee to Tarshish in Spain. A storm arose at sea and the sailors of his ship realized that a supernatural power was causing it. They threw lots and the result fell on Jonah. Jonah told the seamen to cast him overboard. [Jonah 1:9] AND HE SAID UNTO THEM, I AM AN HEBREW; AND I FEAR THE LORD, THE GOD OF HEAVEN, WHICH HATH MADE THE SEA AND THE DRY LAND. Here we have the name Hebrew connected with worship of the God of Israel as if the two were mutually relevant to each other. Jonah was a Hebrew going to Tarshish in Spain. Israelites from the Ten Tribes were later exiled to Spain. They were known as Iberi, or as “Hiberi” i.e. as Hebrews. From Spain the Hiberi (Hebrews) moved onwards into Gaul and the British Isles. The Celtic inhabitants of Britain were all referred to as Iberni or Hebrews by Ptolemy and the name “Iberi” (i.e. Hebrew) frequently occurs in ethnic and place-names of the Western Celtic peoples. The crew made another futile attempt to continue against the storm after which they reluctantly threw Jonah into the sea. A “fish” (whale or other sea-creature) swallowed Jonah and after three days spew him out onto the shore. He went to Nineveh and prophesied and the people did penitence and were forgiven and no disaster occurred (at that time) to the city. MICAH The Ball-Headed Eagle: Symbol of the USA! Micah prophesies mainly about the Lost Ten Tribes both before and after their exile. Micah says they will be like a ball-headed eagle (1:16). This is a symbol of the USA. The Israelite-Scythians Described Micah chapter five describes how the Israelites had been exiled by the Assyrians who destroyed their palaces. The Israelites at first will be used as shepherds or protectors of Assyria and then they will become the chief rulers (5:5). They will then destroy Assyria (5:6). This happened when the Israelite-Scythians from being soldiers in the Assyrian armies, graduated to control the Assyrian Empire and in the end destroyed Assyria. A World Power; Messiah Son of Joseph The remnant of Jacob will be amongst the non-Israelite nations as a lion (5:7) amongst the flocks of sheep from none can deliver (5:8). All the enemies of Israel will be cut off. In other words the descendants of Israel will become the major world power. Micah chapter five after the manner of prophecy on the one hand describes historical events that happened. On the other hand, it also is pertinent for the Last Days. The Malbim understands Micah as referring to the Last Days: <<At the time of the end the Ten Tribes will first be aroused. Over them will be the Messiah son of Joseph. They shall work mightily. The Tribe of Judah will be scattered amongst the nations, weak and a minority. They will be attached to the Ten Tribes and subservient to them under the rule of the Messiah son of Joseph. After that however the Messiah son of David will arise with the strength of the Almighty. Then they will all receive upon themselves the yoke of the Kingdom of the House of David.>> This is connected to the tradition that in the Last days there will arise two messiahs: 1. Messiah son of Joseph considered head of the Lost Tribes by the Malbim and others and associated more with the material and power-politics aspects of Redemption. 2. Messiah son of David linked with Judah (i.e. the Jews) and connected more to the spiritual side though eventually uniting the material and spiritual aspects into one. The Land of Greater Israel Micah says that when the Israelites return they shall inherit Bashan and Gilead as in former times (7:14). These areas were east of the Jordan and included present day Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, as well as parts of Turkey and Iraq. The Promises to Jacob and Abraham will be fulfilled (7:20). [Micah 6:8] HE HATH SHEWED THEE, O MAN, WHAT IS GOOD; AND WHAT DOTH THE LORD REQUIRE OF THEE, BUT TO DO JUSTLY, AND TO LOVE MERCY, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH THY GOD? ZECHARIAH Zechariah says that God is angry with the non-Israelite Gentiles because they persecuted Judah. God was a little angry with the Jews and the Gentiles took advantage of it to oppress Judah more than was warranted (1:15). Whoever harms Judah hurts the apple of God’s eye (2:8). In the last days the righteousness of the faith of Judah will be acknowledged: <<IN THOSE DAYS TEN MEN OUT OF ALL THE LANGUAGES OF THE NATIONS, EVEN SHALL TAKE HOLD OF THE SKIRT OF HIM THAT IS A JEW, SAYING, WE WILL GO WITH YOU: FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU>> (Zechariah 8; 23). Zechariah speaks of the rebuilding of the Temple (6:15). He says that those who are “far off” will participate. Commentators (Abarbanel, Malbim) indicate here and elsewhere that the Lost Ten Tribes will be instrumental in rebuilding the Temple. The four major fast days that the Jews of Judah now keep in mourning over the destruction and continued desolation of the Temple will be made feasts of rejoicing (8:19). [Zechariah 8:22] YEA, MANY PEOPLE AND STRONG NATIONS SHALL COME TO SEEK THE LORD OF HOSTS IN JERUSALEM, AND TO PRAY BEFORE THE LORD. Ten men out of all nations of the earth will take hold of he who is a Jew and will say, Let us go with you, for we have hold that God is with you (8:23). Judah is a bow and Ephraim is the arrow against the sons of Yavan (9:13). “Yavan” usually means Greece but the term is also applicable to numerous other peoples. Judah and Joseph re-unite (10:6). Ephraim shall be a mighty nation (10:7). They shall be delivered from their places of exile and be brought to Gilead (Syria) and Lebanon but there will still not be enough room for them (10:10). MALACHI Messiah son of Joseph God says that HE will send HIS messenger before HIM to prepare the way and apparently rebuild the Temple (Malachi 3:1). Rav Saadia Gaon (b. ca. 890 CE) and Iben Ezra (1080-1164 CE) said that the “MESSENGER” is the Messiah son of Joseph. The Messiah son of Joseph, according to the Malbim (1809-1879) and others will be the future head of the Lost Ten Tribes when they return to re-unite with Judah. Renewed Tribal Identification in the Messianic Era Malachi says that in the last Days the Tribe of Levi will be purified (3:2-3). Maimonides said that this refers to the Messianic Era when each Israelite will be informed which Tribe he belongs to (Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, The Laws of Kings, ch. 12, no.3, cf. Talmud, Kiddushin 70;a ). We are called upon to give our tithes to God in order that HE may bless us (3:10). [Malachi 4:4] REMEMBER YE THE LAW OF MOSES MY SERVANT, WHICH I COMMANDED UNTO HIM IN HOREB FOR ALL ISRAEL, WITH THE STATUTES AND JUDGMENTS. The Lost Ten Tribes will have to return and accept anew the Law of Moses and Israel. This is also mentioned in Jerusalem Talmud and Zohar. They will return however and be reconciled as one group. [Malachi 4:5] BEHOLD, I WILL SEND YOU ELIJAH THE PROPHET BEFORE THE COMING OF THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD: Darrel Conder commented that this verse refers to the Lost Ten Tribes returning and identifying their ancestral fore-fathers from the Tribes of Israel. The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel will be made aware of their “Brit-Am” Hebrew identity. Judah will also know. This will be accompanied by a mutual arousal towards repentance, reconciliation, and re-unification. We have briefly skimmed over what some of prophets said concerning the Lost Ten Tribes. We have used these messages to verify the identification of these missing Hebrews with the English-speaking peoples and their European kin. The Prophets appear in the Bible after the Five Books of Moses. These books are collectively referred to as the Pentateuch or “Chomesh” in Hebrew. There are also known as the “Torah”. The term “Torah” can be used to refer to all learning especially religious instruction. The Five Books of Moses are called “Torah” since they, with their explanation, are the source of all instruction. The Prophets in effect expanded upon the “Torah”. They predicted how aspects of the Torah would be put into practice and what the effects would be of obeying or disobeying Torah injunctions. Keeping in mind all that we have discussed up to here, we may now go to the Torah and see that the outline of everything that was to happen had been drawn from the beginning. BRIT-AM HOME ORIGIN TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ELEVEN |