![]() Chapter Twelve NATIONAL IDENTIFICATIONS Britain, South Africa, Canada, Australia & New Zealand Arab sources derived from Jewish tradition said that the Sons of Moses and the Lost Ten Tribes were in France and Britain. The Arabs referred to the Lost Northern Israelites as the Sons of Ad who because of their sins had been blown away to “The Happy Isles of the West” meaning, in Classical parlance, to the British Isles. Ad was the brother of Hud who represented the Jews of Judah. The Jews of Judah did retain their identity and basic loyalty to the laws of Moses. It was the Lost Ten Tribes (Sons of Ad) who departed from the true path, were exiled, and lost their identity and eventually reached the British Isles and after that North America and similar places. A rabbinical work known as “The Zohar” says that Israel is represented by a rose with thirteen red and white petals and five green leaves around it. The Tudor Rose is a rose with five red petals and five larger white petals around them (i.e. ten petals altogether) and five green leaves. The Tudor Rose is an official emblem of the British monarchy. The Tudor Rose admittedly has only ten petals whereas the “Rose of Israel” described in the Zohar has thirteen but then Britain being dominated by the tribe of Ephraim represents only ten out of the original thirteen Israelite Tribes. Britain is dominated by Ephraim. An “Ephrati” in Hebrew is someone from Ephraim and the name also implies aristocrat and in Britain the aristocratic social principle still applies. The word “England” means “Angle-land” and the Angles were also known as Aegli (meaning “bull-calf” in Hebrew,) which was a nickname for Ephraim, Jeremiah 31;17(18). The English are still represented by John Bull. The word for England in French, “Angleterre”, means “corner of the world” and Britain is at the end of the earth, in islands, sea-farers, did rule over other peoples (as predicted of Ephraim), and did possess strategic “gates” of international importance. Ephraim is also amongst the “daughters” of Britain such as Australia which is the Land of “Sinim” or the Great South Land” prophesied of by Isaiah (49:8). Other countries belonging to Ephraim include New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa. In addition to this many descendants of Ephraim dwell in the USA which however is dominated by Manasseh. The USA “AMERICA” was named after Amerigo (or “Americus”) Vespucci (1451-1512) who mapped part of the North American coast. The name “Amerigo” or (as it was also rendered) Americo was a Latinised permutation of the Hebrew name “Machir” or “HaMachiri”. “Machir” was the first born son of Manasseh son of Joseph (Genesis 50:23). America is in effect indirectly named after the firstborn son of Manasseh. Machir had received his territorial portion in Israel on the other side of the Jordan and America is over the Ocean. One of the meanings of “Machir” in Hebrew is selling or the principle of Capitalism. The USA is dominated by Manasseh. Ephraim was to become greater before Manasseh (Genesis 48:20) who would then become the paramount power in the world. This is hinted at in the reference of Balaam to “unicorns” (Numbers 24:8) and the unicorn, says a Midrash, is the symbol of Manasseh. The symbol of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh together) was a picture representing Egypt and the USA does use such a sign (the pyramid) as an official symbol on the Great Seal of the USA. The USA through its enjoyment of mineral resources, agricultural plenty, wealth, and power fulfils the blessings promised to descendants of Joseph. By its international policies and aid to others the USA fulfils the promise of Abraham to become a great and mighty nation in order to do justice and judgment (Genesis 18:19). Rabbinical tradition says that two Messiahs will arise in the End Times: The Messiah son of Joseph and the Messiah son of David. The Messiah son of Joseph will lead the Ten Tribes. He will be followed by the Messiah son of David who will lead Judah at first and after that all of Israel and the entire world. The Messiah Son of Joseph is depicted as both an individual leader who will ultimately appear and a national phenomenon. Descriptions concerning the Messiah Son of Joseph and the activities associated with him point in the direction of Britain and the USA. The Messiah Son of Joseph belongs to the Lost Ten Tribes and leads them. He will also help free the Jews from oppression, assist them to return to the land of Israel and rebuild the land. Britain and the USA despite a lot of internal resistance and backtracking have been fulfilling in some measure the role of the Messiah Son of Joseph. France France is dominated by Reuben. The symbols of France and the French included a cock, the fleur-de-lis, and the sun. These are linked to Reuben. Reuben inherited part of Israel adjoining the Euphrates River. The Ribuari (Franks) settled in Gaul. “Ribuari” means Reubeni. They were also known as the Rubi. Sons of Reuben were Hanoch, and Phallu, and Hezron, and Carmi (Genesis 49:6). These gave their names to different peoples who settled in France. The meaning of their names denotes something of French character: Hanoch =Education, Inauguration, Ceremony. Phallu = Distinction; Hezron = Provincial Ruler, Peasant; Carmi = Vineyard. Other characteristics associated with Reuben such as romantic inclinations and impetuous instability are also those attributed to the French. The French were the first to achieve greatness and fulfilled the role prophesied for Reuben. Ireland Ireland is dominated by Simeon with many from Dan and elements of Ephraim. The southern Irish have characteristics of both Simeon and Dan. They are jealous of Ephraim, and have tendencies to fanaticism and violence along with Israelite sympathies in potential and a sense of fair-play and justice. Belgium Belgium is pertinent to Benjamin. Belgium received its name from the Belgae. Bela was a son of Benjamin and this name in Ancient Hebrew could be pronounced as “Belagh”. Holland Holland pertains to Zebulon as proven by its dependence on protection from flooding with its population dwelling on the “Shores of the Sea”. The names of peoples who settled in Holland (such as the “Sabalingoi”) recall Zebulon and clans of Zebulon. The traditional symbol of Holland was a ship which was also the symbol of Zebulon. Denmark Denmark is the nation of the Danes descendants of Dan. Norway Norway was colonized by Naphtalite Huns and other groups of Naphtali. Sweden Sweden was founded by the Goths and Svea or Suiones. The Goths were named after Gad and the Suiones after Shuni the son of Gad. Other groups associated with Sweden and the Goths have names similar to those of clans of Gad. The Arodi of Gad became the Harudi and Hreadgoths of Scandinavia. The Areli of Gad became the Erules of Sweden. Finland Finland was settled by peoples from the Israelite tribes of Gad, Simeon, and especially Issachar. The earliest written histories of Finland repeat the tradition that they were descended from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Switzerland Descendants of several Israelite tribes are to be found in Switzerland. Issachar judging from tribal names and national characteristics prevails. Issachar according to Scripture and tradition was to be republican in sentiment; of warrior potential but neutrally-inclined; dwelling in a place of international meetings and striving for the good of the world; intellectual and precise yet of a peasant nature; and dwelling in a land-locked mountainous region. All of these characteristics (and more like them) are to be found in Switzerland and amongst the Swiss. In addition, <<The children of Issachar, were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do>> [1-Chronicles 12:32]. They had “understanding of the times” and we have all heard of Swiss watches. The Geopolitics of Family and Geography The above national identifications mentioned a few out of the many pieces of evidence that substantiate the equations made. With each of the listed nations marked by whatever tribe dominates it we obtain a relative positioning of one tribe to another parallel to what existed with the Tribal Divisions in the Land of Israel. Furthermore, we find additional parallelism in the traditional international alliances of each country. The twelve tribes descended from one father and four different matriarchs. Those tribes that were descended from Leah the wife of Jacob tended to be closer to each other than those who were not. Those who came from Zilpah the maidservant of Leah were also close to those of Leah, to a degree. A similar relationship existed concerning descendants of Rachel, the other wife of Jacob, and her maidservant, Bilhah. The Lost Ten Tribes were exiled to certain areas in which we can identify them and through history trace their migration westward. The Bible says that the Lost Ten Tribes led by Joseph will be mainly in the west and north. They will be situated at the geographical extremities of the earth. They will possess international strategic points giving them an edge over all their potential adversaries. They will number hundreds of millions. They will be wealthy and healthy and possess vast mineral and agricultural resources. They will be represented by a lion and a unicorn and a bull and a bald-headed eagle. They will be nicknamed after a “bull” or “Aegel” which was another name for “Angle”. They will be a Brit-Am, sea-farers, living in islands, in many oceans, world powers, and connected to “Sinim” meaning Australia. The path of megalithic monuments leading from the Land of Israel into Western Europe will be one of the paths they must look to in order to realize where they came from and how they will return. They will assist Judah to return to the land of Israel and rebuild it, as the USA has done, and as Britain did before her. All of these and many other identifying features are to be found amongst the peoples of Britain, North America, and their kinfolk overseas. <<BLESS YE GOD IN THE CONGREGATIONS, EVEN THE LORD, FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF ISRAEL>> [Psalms 68:26] . This is Israel! These are the Lost Children of Israel! This is your ORIGIN! We need to acknowledge this Origin to know who we are and what we should do. BRIT-AM HOME ORIGIN TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER THIRTEEN |