Psalms 16 MICHTAM OF DAVID Rashi says that "michtam" means a type of song. [Psalms 16:1] PRESERVE ME, O GOD: FOR IN THEE DO I PUT MY TRUST. [Psalms 16:2] O MY SOUL, THOU HAST SAID UNTO THE LORD, THOU ART MY LORD: MY GOODNESS EXTENDETH NOT TO THEE; <<O MY SOUL>>: This is not in the Hebrew: The Hebrew text says according to Rashi: You [feminine] [The Assembly of Israel/] has said unto the Almighty You are my Lord. The good you do for me is not what you are obligated to do [but freely given]. The Radak interprests the verse in the same way as the KJ. [Psalms 16:3] BUT TO THE SAINTS THAT ARE IN THE EARTH, AND TO THE EXCELLENT, IN WHOM IS ALL MY DELIGHT. <<EXCELLENT>>: Hebrew: Adiri i.e. Mighty Ones. Radak: <<All of my delight is in the Holy Ones who are in this world and in those who are excellent in their behavior.>> [Psalms 16:4] THEIR SORROWS SHALL BE MULTIPLIED THAT HASTEN AFTER ANOTHER GOD: THEIR DRINK OFFERINGS OF BLOOD WILL I NOT OFFER, NOR TAKE UP THEIR NAMES INTO MY LIPS. [Psalms 16:5] THE LORD IS THE PORTION OF MINE INHERITANCE AND OF MY CUP: THOU MAINTAINEST MY LOT. <<THOU MAINTAINEST MY LOT>>: You help me achieve my destiny. [Psalms 16:6] THE LINES ARE FALLEN UNTO ME IN PLEASANT PLACES; YEA, I HAVE A GOODLY HERITAGE. <<THE LINES>>: i.e. the ropes that separate my portion of inheritance [in land]: Used figuratively [Psalms 16:7] I WILL BLESS THE LORD, WHO HATH GIVEN ME COUNSEL: MY REINS ALSO INSTRUCT ME IN THE NIGHT SEASONS. <<MY REINS>>: Hebrew: "cilioti", i.e. my kidneys. My instincts. [Psalms 16:8] I HAVE SET THE LORD ALWAYS BEFORE ME: BECAUSE HE IS AT MY RIGHT HAND, I SHALL NOT BE MOVED. <<I HAVE SET>>: Hebrew "shiviti" from the rot "shat" meaning "set": From here we have the English words "set", "sit", "sat". Notice that in these English words "sit", "sat" the consonants (s-t) remain the same but the vowels change just like the conjugation of a Hebrew verb. [Psalms 16:9] THEREFORE MY HEART IS GLAD, AND MY GLORY REJOICETH: MY FLESH ALSO SHALL REST IN HOPE. [Psalms 16:10] FOR THOU WILT NOT LEAVE MY SOUL IN HELL; NEITHER WILT THOU SUFFER THINE HOLY ONE TO SEE CORRUPTION. <<HELL>>: Hebrew "sha-ol" meaning the place of the dead. [Psalms 16:11] THOU WILT SHEW ME THE PATH OF LIFE: IN THY PRESENCE IS FULNESS OF JOY; AT THY RIGHT HAND THERE ARE PLEASURES FOR EVERMORE. Psalms Index HOME |