Psalms 28
FOR DAVID[Psalms 28:1] UNTO THEE WILL I CRY, O LORD MY ROCK; BE NOT SILENT TO ME: LEST, IF THOU BE SILENT TO ME, I BECOME LIKE THEM THAT GO DOWN INTO THE PIT. <<ROCK>>: In Hebrew "Tsuri". The city of Tyre in Phoenician was actually named "Tsur" in Hebrew but became "Tyre" in Greek and possibly later Phoenician. At all events "Tsur" in Hebrew means "rock" and denotes strength and permanency and became another term for the Almighty. Herodotos said that the first of the Scythians was Targitaus, son of <>Zeus and a daughter of the river god Borysthenes. Herodotos says he lived at the time we would estimate Moses to have lived. Targitaus is also rendered Tyrgitaus and could be taken to mean "Tyre" (Rock) of the Getes" or Goths who were identified with the Scythians. Being " a daughter of the river god Borysthenes" could be an adaptation of the story of Moses who was placed in an " AN ARK OF BULRUSHES" (Exodus 2:3) and placed in the Nile from which he was drawn by the daughter of Pharoah (Exodus 2:6). These parallelisms probably seem rather weak at first glance but they are possibilities and supported by additional factors including elements from Anglo-Saxon mythology. Incidentally I have just received a letter (from Oscar Nogoy) stating that the national epic of KyrgistanSpeaks of "Manas, who is the son of Jakob (Manassia in Russian denotes to Menash". Kyrgistan is in the former Scythian region that the Anglo-Saxons once inhabited. <<BE NOT SILENT [Hebrew: "techeresh"] TO ME: LEST, IF THOU BE SILENT [Hebrew: "techeshe"] TO ME>> : Here two different words have been used both translated as "be silent". The first one can indeed be rendered "be silent" while the second one connotes more "refrain from reaction". From the negative one learns the positive. If we can get the Almighty to hear us He will surely react. [Psalms 28:2] HEAR THE VOICE OF MY SUPPLICATIONS, WHEN I CRY UNTO THEE, WHEN I LIFT UP MY HANDS TOWARD THY HOLY ORACLE. In the Old Days it seems people would pray by lifting up their outstretched arms. These days we pray differently since we are both less used to openly express ourselves even to ourselves and also we work less with our hands. We have not been out in the fields since we were babies and our constitutions and physical aptitudes are different. There is nothing wrong with this. It just changes things somewhat. [Psalms 28:3] DRAW ME NOT AWAY WITH THE WICKED, AND WITH THE WORKERS OF INIQUITY, WHICH SPEAK PEACE TO THEIR NEIGHBOURS, BUT MISCHIEF IS IN THEIR HEARTS. We all know people like who give wrong advice, stir up trouble between ourselves and others, sow discontent bbetween couples, envy amongst neighbors, disssatisfaction in the work place, etc. Sometimes you may actually need people like that around in order not to accept things that should not be accepted but very often their words and actions are superfluous and harmful. How much of our lives do we let be governed by people we do not really like? David is not necessarily talking about such people but rather against those who are far more mlicious. Nevertheless, the principle holds. We should endeavor to not be "drawn away". Even if we let ourselves incline favorably just a little towards bad influences we are liable to be pulled in a negativ direction almost against our will. The initial steps are often the determining ones. [Psalms 28:4] GIVE THEM ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS, AND ACCORDING TO THE WICKEDNESS OF THEIR ENDEAVOURS: GIVE THEM AFTER THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS; RENDER TO THEM THEIR DESERT. Somehow or other you always get back what you put in, for good or for bad. [Psalms 28:5] BECAUSE THEY REGARD NOT THE WORKS OF THE LORD, NOR THE OPERATION OF HIS HANDS, HE SHALL DESTROY THEM, AND NOT BUILD THEM UP. If we take account of the fact that God rules the world and HE knows how things should be we will act and think positively. Seek the good of others and good will come unto you. Do not put people down. We should not destroy the works of the Almighty but rather build them up. [Psalms 28:6] BLESSED BE THE LORD, BECAUSE HE HATH HEARD THE VOICE OF MY SUPPLICATIONS. Call to God and HE will hear you. [Psalms 28:7] THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH AND MY SHIELD; MY HEART TRUSTED IN HIM, AND I AM HELPED: THEREFORE MY HEART GREATLY REJOICETH; AND WITH MY SONG WILL I PRAISE HIM. [Psalms 28:8] THE LORD IS THEIR STRENGTH, AND HE IS THE SAVING STRENGTH OF HIS ANOINTED. <<THEIR STRENGTH>>: Hebrew "LeMOI" meaning "to them" <<MY>> Hebrew "MOI" was possibly pronounced as "MY" just like the English "my" and is the root of that English word. The Psalm moves from personal pleading of the individual to a blessing to others and to the King or Messiah {"HIS ANOINTED") and from there concludes with request for a blessing on all the Israelite peoples. [Psalms 28:9] SAVE THY PEOPLE, AND BLESS THINE INHERITANCE: FEED THEM ALSO, AND LIFT THEM UP FOR EVER. We ask God to bless and feed us and all those around us. The physical aspects of existence cannot be separated from the spiritual ones. The Peoples of Israel are the inheritance of the Almighty. Judah and Israel are the Chosen People. We should not forget it. This also requires of us a higher level of morality and deed and dedication. Psalms Index Home |