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Various Traditions #5 by Yair Davidiy
adapted from:
"Lost Israelite Identity.
The Israelite Origin of Celtic Races" (1996).

More on Irish History:
Historical Peoples

         Thomas F. O'Rahilly ("Early Irish History And Mythology", Dublin, 1971, Eire) compared traditional accounts of peoples who invaded Ireland with the results of research in his own time and came to the conclusion that the invaders of Ireland could be divided into four:

1. The Cruthin and Picts:

The Cruthin  were mainly in North Ireland but clans believing they were descended from them were also to be found in Connaught (the West) and Leinster (southeast). They struggled  with the Ulaid for control pf Ulster until both were subdued by the People of Neal.

The Picts of Northern Scotland were also known as Cruthen. It is debated as to whether or not the Cruthen ( -Picts) of Scotland and those of Ireland were the same people.

The Scottish Picts or Cruthen were also perhaps identifiable as the "Priteni" which name was once considered a form of "Briton" though the equation is uncertain.
Scottish tradition said that the Picts came from Scythia, went to Ireland, and from there moved to Scotland as did other peoples. The Picts in Roman and Scottish writings were equated with the Agathyrsi of Scythia. The Agathyrsi were also known as Khazars. We have written much on the subject of the Khazars and found parallels between them and the Picts of Scotland.
2.The Erain or Builg referred to as the Fer Bolg. They equal the Belgae of the Continent and Britain. Included with them were the Osraige, Iar, and Ulaid.

3.The Laginian invaders also known as Gabair. They included the Lagin, Domnain, and Galioin. They came from Armorica (Brittany) in Gaul and conquered much of Leinster (southeast) and Connacht  (west) . There may be a link between the Domnain and the Dana.

4.The Goidels.  These are identical with the Hiberi, Scotti, and Milesians who are discussed further on. Amongst the Milesians were The Ue Ne'll (Irish for descendants of Niall; Ue pronounced 'Ee' ). Niel was a High King of Ireland who died about 405. The Ue Ne'll ruled over all Ireland and parts of Scotland. Their descendants are concentrated in the Northwest of Ireland though also numerous throughout Ulster. They are marked by a unique Y haplogroup DNA marker of their own a sub-section of R1b.

4. Don and Bile:
The Welsh Version of their Origins.

6. The Hiberi: Milesians

Various Celtic Traditions
List of Contents.

See also:
A list of Articles on similar themes:
Western Hebrew-Celtic Culture.
