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![]() This Site | think that I might have told you ...that I worked with Dr. Gerald Schroeder and that my Brother is a geneticist. I think (It is my opinion) that there is something to the DNA that makes us TO BECOME a higher being. (The RIB of THE ADAM... was Deoxyribonucleic acid=DNA...there is the RIB!!)
3. Overlap between y-haplogroups and mt-haplogroups
4. Do Human and Chimpanzee DNA Indicate an Evolutionary Relationship?
by Bert Thompson, Ph.D.
5. mtDNA is ALSO transmitted by Males!!!
by Bert Thompson, Ph.D.
Concerning the person in question,
What does this mean?
There are 2 possibilities.
(a) His mother on her mothers side is descended from people (females) in the
Arabian Peninsula who converted to Judaism. Indeed it happened in the past that
groups in Arabia (before Mohammed) did convert to Judaism.
(b) His mother is descended from Israelites from the Land of Israel who came to
the Arabian Peninsula and whose mtDNA was affected by the environment. Once the
mtDNA had taken place it was transmitted by hereditary.
OK. These conclusions regarding mtDNA would NOWADAYS be in practice acceptable
to most leading DNA geneticists.
We would like to be more certain as to when and how the changes take place.
As for the Y (male transmitted) DNA.
We would say that what applies to mtDNA ALSO applies to YDNA.
Mainstream DNA doctrine would not as yet agree with us on this but who knows?
In practical terms we would say it means the following:
My own unknown male ancestor came from an area where his type of R1b (R-M222) is
prominent. This is the Clan of Nial. Comparison with the results of others gave
the nearest correspondences to North Ireland.
See Map and illustration:
Since the clan of Nial was quite famous and ruled over Ireland and western
Scotland at some stage or other (and whose peoples are not easy to rule over)
this is quite an honorable result.
On the other hand ca. 12% of the population of Ireland and ca. 20% of the
males of Donegal and Sligo in North Ireland have the same DNA. Perhaps it
is the effect of climate, diet, or something else and the overlap with the Neil
Clan a simple coincidence?
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