Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings
Contents of "Brit-Am Now" Postings:
"Brit-Am Now" nos 1201 to 1400
"Brit-Am Now"-1201
1. Remnants of the Lost Tribes Still in Germany?
2. Where did the name "Khazar" Come From?
3. Some Criticisms of Brit-Am and Replies
"Brit-Am Now"-1202
1. Carol: Jews Amongst Southern Germans
2. Color Scheme of Biblical Proof Articles Improved
3. The Book of Lamentations
"Brit-Am Now"-1203
1. Some Criticisms of Brit-Am and Our Replies
(a) Color Schemes
(b) John P Criticisms
(c) Articles on anti-Semites and anti-Zionists.
(d) Conspiracy Theories
(e) Staying on the subject of the Lost Ten Tribes
(f) Personal Commitment to Brit-Am is Necessary
2. Is Brit-Am Contributing to Jewish Assimilation?
A. The Brit-Am Message to "Joseph".
B. The Brit-Am Message to "Judah".
3. Ian Johnston: The truth about the Picts
"Brit-Am Now"-1204
1. Craig Blackwood: The Value of Criticism
2. Sharon: Conspiracy Theories
3. Abraham Rempel: Lonely "Christian" Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-1205
1. Equal Treatment for all Brit-Am Now Subscribers?
2. Bible Research makes one "Not better of worse than anybody else"?
3. Nathan Proud: Carthage and Thoughts on Abortion
4. Robert Leslie: Appreciates
5. Edward Bradbrooke: Should Israel be called Judah?
"Brit-Am Now"-1206
1. New Article
'Reclaiming Anti-Semitism' Refuted
2. Georgia and Gog and Magog
3. New Article
The Ephraimite-Judah Crisis
"Brit-Am Now"-1207
1. Askar: Tubal also in Tobolsk
2. Menachem Mendl haLevi (Hark): Jews and the Tribes
3. John Adam: Saladin and the Kurds
4. John Wharton: The Name Israel is Appropriate!
5. Malcolm Osborne: The Almighty Keeps HIS Covenant
"Brit-Am Now"-1208
1. Paul Ringo: Jews and Judah
2. Malcolm Crawford: "a fetus as equivalent to a living individual"?
3. Nathan Proud: a "fetus" is indeed a child
4. Question on Jewish Ancestry and Being Jewish
5. Askar: Is Georgia a Thoroughfare from Russia to Israel?
"Brit-Am Now"-1209
1. Copies of Ephraim Now Available in the USA!
2. Magog in Afghanistan?
3. Abortion is Forbidden
(a) Steven Collins: Evidence from Jeremiah 1:5
(b) Rick Jurkovic: "life is in the blood"
(c) David Jackson: The Bible refers to Specific Incident of an Accidental Nature
4. Are Christians Edomites?
5. Avraham ben Gad: More on Gog and Magog
"Brit-Am Now"-1210
1. W. The House of Joseph is pushing unification in the wrong way
2. Paul D Pruitt: Hyksos of Egypt were Israelites
3. Tribal Deprivation as an Explanation for anti-Zionist anti-Semitism
"Brit-Am Now"-1211
1. Features and Articles
Hebrew Shepherd-Kings of Ancient Egypt
Zionist Doctrines and Polemics
A Refutation of 'Is it Israeli Democracy or "Jewish Democracy"'
2. Brit-Am Request for News of Criticisms and the Like
3. Brian Patmore: Have patience!!
"Brit-Am Now"-1212
1. Should I Support the State of Israel Despite its Faults?
2. Dave Browning: Muslim Impediments to Archaeological Research
3. Joan Griffith: Velikovsky and the Hycsos
"Brit-Am Now"-1213
1. Question on Manasseh and "Bnei Menashe" of Burma
2. Is it a shame to be a descendant of the tribe of Dan?
3. Approaching the Rabbinate regarding Joseph
"Brit-Am Now"-1214
1. Question on Different Tribal Characteristics
2. Different Tribal Characteristics in a Nut-Shell
3. Rob Jones: Russia and Georgia
4. If Georgia is Gog and my ancestors come from there who am I?
5. Orjan Svensson: Some Hebrew Roots of Ancient Scandinavian Mythology
"Brit-Am Now"-1215
1. Steven Collins may have the answer for Jodie!
2. Linda: Is Not the Spiritual Arousal of Ephraimites Proof in Itself?
3. Jodie: Brit-Am Needs to Make More Video Clips!
"Brit-Am Now"-1216
1. Steven Collins to Speak on Tamar Yonah (Arutz-7) Show
2. Query About Proposed Brit-Am Trip to USA
3. Different Tribal Characteristics in a Nut-Shell:
(a) Preliminary Remark Concerning these Notes in General
(b) Simeon
"Brit-Am Now"-1217
1. Could Quoting the Bible be counter-productive?
2. Minoans (Crete-Philistines) in Germany
3. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Levi
"Brit-Am Now"-1218
1. Dov Lederberg:
Paintings of The Twelve Tribes
2. Dean Smallwood:
Future Borders of Israel Compared to those of the USA
3. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Judah
"Brit-Am Now"-1219
1. Max Rambow: Clarification
2. Steven Collins on the Tamar Yonah Show
3. Jon Tillotson: Why Were Israel and Judah Exiled in the First Place?
4. Jon Tillotson: Reply to Reply and Question Why?
Why Was Judah Exiled in 2nd Temple Times?
5. Cam Rea:
Need for Yair Davidiy and Steven Collins to be heard
More often and to be heard Together!
6. USA Borders Parallel Those of Greater Israel!
7. Brit-Am Trip to USA: Question
"Brit-Am Now"-1220
1. Dean Smallwood: Thank you
2. Bob Davis: Cyprus and the British
3. Brian Patmore: Khazar Capital Being Excavated
4. Brian Patmore: Biblical Verses and the Exile of Israel and Judah
5. Accessing The Tamar Yonah Interview with Steven Collins
6. Jonathan Tillotson:
Remarks on Tribal Identifications, Suggestions, and Query on Germany
7. Lillie: Mum from Simeon?
8. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Dan
9. Found Brit-Am Site
"Brit-Am Now"-1221
1. Advanced Scythian city discovered in Central Asia
2. Question about the Tabernacle
3. Tribal Symbols Modernistic Stained Glass Windows
4. Steven Collins: Khazars - source of the Russian word "Tzar"
5. Additions to Dan: Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell
Unexpected Tribal Personality Attributes of Half the Tribes
"Brit-Am Now"-1222
1. Tzippy: The word Czar from Keser
2. Don Thumler: The word Czar from Nebuchadne(tzar)
3. Raymond Fulford Defends Brit-Am Against its Enemies
The Lady Doth Protest Too Much : William Shakespeare
4. "Origin" Now Available in French Translation
5. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Naphtali
"Brit-Am Now"-1223
1. Early Finnish Belief in Israelite Descent
2. Mid-West US Interest in Judaism
3. Check Your Surname Frequency WorldWide
"Brit-Am Now"-1224
1. Question on the Racial Origin and Type of Asenath Wife of Joseph
2. Different Multiple Tribal Phases in Our Own Lifetimes and Personalities
3. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Gad
4. Brit-Am Does Not Send ATTACHMENTS!
5. Joan Griffith : Wikipedia on the Name Caesar
"Brit-Am Now"-1225
1. Queries on Race and Ancient Israelites.
British Isles Descendants are at least 50% of Mediterranean Type
2. Brit-Am Identity Queries Concerning the USA
3. Question Concerning Megalithic Monuments and Israelites in Portugal
4. Brit-Am has Enemies
5. Brit-Am has Fundamental Truths You Should Appreciate.
"Brit-Am Now"-1226
1. Hurricane "Ike" Named After Isaac?
2. Dave-Browning: The Unique Case of Egyptian Civilization
3. Recommendation to Contact Tamar Yonah
4. Max Rambow: Why the Almighty Chose Joshua
5. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell:
The Tribe of Asher
6. The Lost Tribes of Israel Are Not Jewish!
7. Judah and the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes
"Brit-Am Now"-1227
1. What Brit-Am Can Do For You!
2. Jonathan Tillotson: Are Ephraimites Confused?
3. Ike is the nickname for Eisenhower
"Brit-Am Now"-1228
1. Tessa: Jews and Joes need to Respect Themselves and Each Other
2. BAMBI Brit-Am Broadcasts on Biblical Proofs
3. Jewish Nobel Prize Winners.
"Brit-Am Now"-1229
1. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Issachar
2. Henry Rhea: Why Hurricanes are Named
3. The Ansa Ruling House of the Parthians, Goths, and Khazars
4. Ephraim is Reflective of Joseph, Manasseh closer to Jacob.
5. Correction: Alfred Nobel Probably was not Jewish!
"Brit-Am Now"-1230
1. Thank You from Brit-Am and Replies to Thank You from Brit-Am Supporters
2. British Monarchs Descended from Judah via Trojans?
3. Khazars make the news
a) Scholar claims to find medieval Jewish capital
(b) News Photo Results for Khazars
(c) Map of Khazaria Prepared for Brit-Am by Estelle Schutte
"Brit-Am Now"-1231
1. Brit-Am on the Radio
The Role of the Ten Tribes in the Latter Days
2. Mark Robinson:
New Mexico Experiences
3. Andrea Waitschulies:
10% of German men have Jewish ancestry
"Brit-Am Now"-1232
1. Brit-Am on Kosher 101.9 Radio, Availability of Programs,
and New BAMBI programs now available.
2. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Zebulon
3. Carole Heatwole: Skeptics Can Also be Convinced
"Brit-Am Now"-1233
1. New Recordings on New BAMBI
2.Thomas Gray: How Nations Treat the State of Israel so will they be Treated
3. New Study: Different Personality Traits in Different US States!
4. One Typo Corrected, Please draw our attention to others!
5. The Characteristics of the Women in Israelite Tribes: Reubenitess
6. Israelite Tribal Banners by Mona Hyde
7. Brit-Am Rosh HaShana (Jewish New Year) Message
"Brit-Am Now"-1234
1. Kevin Benefield: The Welsh and an Interesting Connection to Levi
2. Robert Leslie: Appreciation
3. Joan Griffith: "The cattle on a thousand hills are mine"
4. New Recording Uploaded to New BAMBI
The Movement to Spain in the Bible and Irish Tradition
5. Tribal Banners
Tribal Banner of Asher
Tribal Banner of Gad
"Brit-Am Now"-1235
1. Extracts and Comments to Article on Ancient Israelite Mariners
2. Derryl Bishop: Wales and Levites
3. Shiboleth and Siboleth and a Modern Linguistic Comparison with English
4. Brit-Am Web-Site Visitors According to Place of Origin
5. Carolyn: Pleased with New Bambi Broadcast
"Brit-Am Now"-1236
1. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Joseph
2. Amerindians: Source Quoted by Brit-Am Vindicated
3. Tribal Banners: Joseph, Judah, Levi, Simeon, Zebulon
"Brit-Am Now"-1237
1. Bo Ronn: Swedes, Scandinavians & Ale's Stones
2. Brit-Am on the Radio
3. Race: Egyptian Input into Joseph?
4. Steve Coneglan: Shoham Stone is White!
5. Edward Bradbrooke: Amerindians of Canada and Asian Dialects
6. New BAMBI Recordings Now Available
7.Extracts from Review of Book on the History of Circumcision in Britain
"Brit-Am Now"-1238
1. Jewish Ancestry, Converting to Judaism, and DNA Tests
2. New BAMBI Recordings
3. Jay Tompkins: The Midrash Says that Asanath was Adopted!
4. Frances Holland: The Scottish Also Claim Descent from an Egyptian Maiden!
5. Didrik Ingileif: The Hebrides, Hebrews, and Rostov
"Brit-Am Now"-1239
1. End of Year Needs: Everyone should give something (if they can).
2. New BAMBI Recordings
3. Kosher 101.9 on Conversion and DNA
4. Thomas Malloy: "Beauty begets beauty"
"Brit-Am Now"-1240
1. The Brit-Am Message for Yom Kippur (5769). An Outline
2. Pleased with New BAMBI
3. Prophecies concerning the Ten Tribes: New BAMBI and Textual Guide
4. Maximus Taylor: Black Absorbs, White reflects
5. Not in Complete Agreement but Still Supportive
6. New BAMBI: New Recordings of Shorter Length
7. Pleased with "The Tribes"
"Brit-Am Now"-1241
1. Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell: Benjamin
2. New Recordings Uploaded to New BAMBI
3. Brit-Am Succoth Message no.1 Succoth in General
4. Brit-Am Succoth Message no.2 Succoth and the Lost Ten Tribes
5. Brit-Am on the Radio
"Brit-Am Now"-1242
1. An Irish Surname with Hebrew Meaning
2. New Brit-Am Address in North America
3. Special Offer for 10 days only: All Brit-Am Publications at Half-Price!
4. Interview with Yair on Kosher 101.9
5. New Feature: Tribal Reports
"Brit-Am Now"-1243
1. New Recordings from New BAMBI
Ezekiel and the Return of the Lost Tribes
Highlights from Ezekiel Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes
2. Question on Ordering Books at half-price from Brit-A,
during the next 10 days
3. Replies to Questions on the books,
the Suebi of Germany, and all the world being descended from Israel!
"Brit-Am Now"-1244
1. Brit-Am Interview on Messiah son of Joseph
2. Brian Weston: Thoughts on the USA and Ephraim
3. Brit-Am Publications at half-Price NOW ONLY!
The offer is good ONLY UNTIL November 1, 2008.
"Brit-Am Now"-1245
1. New BAMBI Recording and Article: Biblical Zionism
Why WE Need to Support the State of Israel
2. Question on the Tribal Ancestry of a Jew from the Ukraine
3. Viking Horned Helmuts and Historical Accuracy
"Brit-Am Now"-1246
1. New Book by Walt Baucum
to be Published in Association with Brit-Am
2. Erling Haagensen:
More Evidence that Vikings DID Have Horned Helmuts
3. New Article:
"The Present Situation in South Africa" by "Ruth"
"Brit-Am Now"-1247
1. Thomas Malloy: Conversos in our Congregation
2. New BAMBI Recordings:
The Book of Hosea and the Lost Ten Tribes: An Outline
Recordings About the Messiah Son of Joseph (Mashiach ben Yoseph)
3. Shalom Pollack:
An Ephraimite-Friendly Tour Guide
"Brit-Am Now"-1248
1. Report on Trouble Accessing Brit-Am Feature
2. Kol HaTor in English
3. New BAMBI Recordings
"Brit-Am Now"-1249
1. Unconvinced and Unsatisfied with Brit-Am
2. Pleased with New BAMBI Recordings
3. More New BAMBI Recordings
4. Question on the Mummies of Jacob and Joseph
5. Ossetia ["Alania"] Claims a Connection to Scotland!
"Brit-Am Now"-1250
1. New BAMBI Recordings Psalm 119 (1 to 9)
2. Question on Whether DNA Confirms Brit-Am Findings:
A Clarification
3. Interview Questions:
What is the Goal of Brit-Am Teachings?
What are they Expected to Lead to?
"Brit-Am Now"-1251
1. Question Concerning the Birthright Promise
2. New Article.
Genealogy of the Blessings to Israel
3. New BAMBI Recordings and Interview
"Brit-Am Now"-1252
1. Another Question on DNA along with a Proposal to Non-Israelites
as Spiritually Israel
2. New BAMBI Recording on the Weekly Portion (Parshat HaShavua)
Lech -Leca on Genesis chapters 12 to 17.
3. Question on the Khazars, The Thirteenth Tribe
4. Brit-Am North American Address
5. Encouragement
"Brit-Am Now"-1253
1. Craig Blackwood: US Founding Fathers Believed in the Almighty
2. Dr Richard Griffith: George Washington was a Believer
3. Finnish Coat of Arms
4. "Ephraimites" Ask, "Why is Judah Apathetic to Joseph Returning?"
5. Appreciation from Florida
"Brit-Am Now"-1254
1. New Recordings from New BAMBI
2. Was Abraham Lincoln Jewish?
3. Was Thomas Jefferson of Jewish Descent?
"Brit-Am Now"-1255
1. New BAMBI Recording and this Week's Torah Portion
2. Shavei Israel and Brit-Am
3. Anti-Ephraimite Opinions Refuted
"Brit-Am Now"-1256
1. Answers to Claims Against the Jews
2. More Complaints Against Judah
3. Thomas Gray: Mixed bag blessings
4. Inspired by Brit-Am
5. Reading the Bible Most Every Day
"Brit-Am Now"-1257
1. Brit-Am Critic Now Claims to be a Gypsy!
2. Sambat meaning Shabat also found in Gothic!
3.Feels Part of the Lost Tribes of Israel
4. Dave Browning: Replies to John Adam
5. Brit-Am, Ephraimites, and Anti-Semitism
"Brit-Am Now"-1258
1. New BAMBI Recordings
2. Brit-Am and Christianity
3. Torah Portion of the Week and New BAMBI Broadcast
The Role of Women
"Brit-Am Now"-1259
1. Question Regarding Authorship of Articles
and Commentary on Brit-Am Site
2. Is Brit-Am Anti-American?
3. Comment on the Appeals for Funds by Brit-Am
"Brit-Am Now"-1260
1. Blessings and Curses, USA and Israel, use of the Name Israel
2. New BAMBI Recordings
3. New Article:
Why the USA is Manasseh: A Summation
"Brit-Am Now"-1261
1. David Tempelhoff: Psalm 119 and the word "wind-ow"
2. David Jackson: "to that extent we are one"
3. Edward Bradbrooke: "Ephraim is the head of the House of Israel"
5. Parshat HaShavua: Toldot
"Brit-Am Now"-1262
1. New BAMBI Broadcast
2. Thanksgiving Messages from Brit-Am Subscribers
3. Max Rambow: "I was blonde until age four"
4. Dave Browning: The "HOUSE OF ISRAEL" is the "House of Jacob"
5. Brit-Am Messages
"Brit-Am Now"-1263
1. "You reminded me of Winston Churchill"
2. Constance Fischer: One more Thanksgiving note...
3. New Article:
The World Crisis and its Causes
by Elchanan Bunam Wasserman
"Brit-Am Now"-1264
1. Max Rambow: Thanksgiving and Bountiful Harvests
2. Gog and Magog and Israel Mixed Together?
3. Parshat HaShavuah- Weekly Portion
VaYatseh: Jacob and his Wives and Children
"Brit-Am Now"-1265
1. Where are all the Ephraimite Converts?
2. Appreciates Brit-Am Now Postings.
3. Cam Rea: "The Assyrian Exile" in e-book format
4. Demosthenes was the Culprit
5. Article on Parthians and Horses
6. Robert: Conditions in Post-Colonial Africa etc
7. Scythian village and cemetery unearthed in Northeast Hungary
"Brit-Am Now"-1266
1. Cecilia: "No. Not Judaic (Jewish). Israelite!"
2. Khazar Book: Change of Title, now "Tribe 13. Khazars"
3. Manasseh was to become great AFTER Ephraim!
"Brit-Am Now"-1267
1. Thomas Malloy: Britain cf. America
2. Tessa from NZ: Judah and Ephraim belong together but...
3. "Tribe 13. Khazars"
4.Robert: Should we also name ourselves after Manasseh?
5. This Week's Portion: VaYishlach
"Brit-Am Now"-1268
1. Bo Ronn: Sea-Faring Goths
2.More Linguistic Evidence that the Scandinavians Came from Scythia?
3. Objection to Brit-Am Khazar Studies?
4. Avraham ben Gad: Agrees with Tessa
5. Yet Another Khazar Book Title Change
"Brit-Am Now"-1269
1. New Article on "The Khazars"
2. Existing Articles on the Khazars Upgraded
3. Are Ephraimites Turning their Back on Brit-Am Ancestral Identitiy?
"Brit-Am Now"-1270
1. Daniel Duffield: need to continue standing for truth
2. Joseph F Dumond: Yair you are 100% correct
3. Owen Murphy: The Concept of "Chosenness"
4. Robert: An affinity for the Jewish people
5. Sandie B: Economic Situation Primarily to Blame?
6. Brit-Am and Cam Rea on Kosher Radio.
7. Davidic Dynasty Website: Fantasies of Interest or Fanciful Truths?
(a) Jeroboam son of Sariya "The Harlot"
(b) Abishag the Heroine?
(c) King George III and the USA: Rehobaom and Jeroboam all over gain?
(d) Tamar Tephi a Genuine Myth or 19th century invention?
(e) Yosef Dayan of Israel
(f) "Davidic Dynasty Tradition" Extracts:
(g) Dynasty of Makhir "is possibly Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair"
"Brit-Am Now"-1271
1. Henry Rhea: Conspiracy = "Special Understanding that Elevates"
2. David Jackson: "Brit-Am..irrelevant or ..too controversial"
3. Weekly Portion: VaYashayv Genesis 37 to 40
4. Joan Griffith: Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair
5. History: Were the Picts-Cruithin Newcomers After All?
Interesting Explanation
"Brit-Am Now"-1272
1. Joan Griffith: Taking Issue with Henry
2. Zeev Barkan: The Star of David and the Menorah
3. Brit-Am Interview Times according to different Time Zones
"Brit-Am Now"-1273
1. 2 New BAMBI Recordings on the Khazars
2. Descent from Charlemagne and was he a descendant of David?
3. The Future of Brit-Am: Proposed Actions for the Immediate Future
"Brit-Am Now"-1274
1. Podcasts of Brit-Am Interviews Available
2. Question on Tea Tephi and Brit-Am Article
3. Henry Rhea: Clarification
"Brit-Am Now"-1275
1. Mona Hyde: Natatie Palik created the banners!
2. Tribal Banners, Tribal Stones,
and Tribal Characteristics in a Nutshell
3. Tribal Identifications and Notes on Specific Tribes
List of Articles
4. Appreciates "The Tribes"
5. Brit-Am is in need of money
"Brit-Am Now"-1276
1. Joseph and Judah: What Can We Already Agree On?
2. Parshat haShavua (Weekly Portion): Mikaetz
Genesis chapters 41 to 44
3. Max Rambow: The Identity of Israel is the Truth
4. Ephraimite Tartan Kippas?
5. Tamar Yonah Probably to Interview Yair Davidiy on Sunday!
"Brit-Am Now"-1277
1. Bill Dunaway: Biblical Proof
2. Daniel Duffield: I can only share my own personal journey
3. Shaun Hansen: "Sincere and earnest prayer, coupled with humility"
4. Rebeccca's Query Concerning Finding Her Jewish and/or Israelite Identity and Brit-Am Reply
5. Indentured Servitude: Were Some of Our Ancestors Virtually Slaves?
6. Further Reflections on the Role of Brit-Am
7. The Only Answer is the Bible and Brit-Am Lost Israelite Consciousness
"Brit-Am Now"-1278
1. Cecilia: Who is this "Ephraimite Leader" who pretends to speak for us???
2. Brit-Am on Israeli National Radio with Tamar Yonah
3. Rabbi Chaim Richman: Joseph Defeats Amalek
"Joseph HaTsadik" (Righteous Joseph)
4. How to order the "The Khazars. Tribe 13"
5. Podcasts of Brit-Am Interviews on Kosher 101.9 now available.
"Brit-Am Now"-1279
1. Lilly: South Africa is done, perhaps Israel is next?
2. David Jackson:
"think about what Brit-Am provides"
3. Shaun Hansen: True Prophets?
4. Cecilia: Ephraimite Activists Wanted
5. Support for Israel from a Gothic-Swedish Sailor
"Brit-Am Now"-1280
1. Sharon Beach: Encouragement for Israel
2. Joan Griffith: Observations about Dual Citizenship
3. Brit-Am Website Visitors mostly from the US, Netherlands, and UK! Yearly Stats
4. Parshat HaShavua: YaYigash
Genesis chs.44:18 to 47
5. This week's Wednesday Interview on Kosher 101.9 moved to Thursday for this week only
"Brit-Am Now"-1281
1. Good Wishes from Ingo in Germany
2. Answer to Claims Concerning the laws of Hammurabai and Firstborn Rights
3. Owen Murphy: "If you feel far from G-d, who moved?"
4. The Bible Predicted Moslem Terror Attacks Against the West!
Warning to Ephraim: Please Take Note!
5. Historical Background to the Khazars on the Steppes
"Brit-Am Now"-1282
1. Dave Browning: Good Wishes and Reflections on the Reunion
2. Questions on Hammurabi and Others Sons of Joseph
3. Donald Steckey:
Suggestions Concerning the Other Sons of Joseph
4. The Present Gaza War Situation in a Nutshell
5. "The Khazars. Tribe 13" full spread of book cover
"Brit-Am Now"-1283
1. Question Concerning the "Missing 12th Tribe"?
2. The Weekly Portion (Parshat HaShavua: VaYechi)
3. The Artist Ronan Siman Tov
4. Bill Dunaway: Prayer for all Judah
5. Israelite Origins Expressed in Dutch Art of the 1600s?
"Brit-Am Now"-1284
1. Dennis McGinlay:
Other Ephraimite Friends of Israel Exist Outside of the USA
2. Question on the Levites and Concerning the Temple being in the Territory of Benjamin
3. A Timely Brit-Am Message from the Past
"America and even Britain in a way are also considered as the equivalent of Israelites in the eyes of the heathen"
4. "Shouldn't Israelites be moving to Israel in their allotted territories?"
5. Question on Simeon
6. Advice to use our Web-Site Guides More
7. Marital Problems, Brit-Am, and Ephraimites
"Brit-Am Now"-1285
1. Dave Browning:
Israel is our only friend ... for that matter the World's only friend in the Middle East.
2. Max Rambow:
It's going to take more than books and talks.
3. Brit-Am Replies to the Spurious Claims of a Non-Believer
4. Interesting Source on Messiah Son of Joseph from an Orthodox Jewish Point of View
5. Your US Brit-Am Address: Yair Davidiy, Brit-Am
6. Two New Articles by Cam Rea
(a) "Who was Arsaces, First King of the Parthians?" by Cam Rea
(b) Cam Rea: "Assyria's invasion of Media, a Short Introduction"
7.Brit-Am e-mail address testing
"Brit-Am Now"-1286
1. Michelle Bowie: "we are waking up to who we are"
2. Michelle Bowie:
The Book of Jubilees and the Right of Israel to the Land of Canaan
3. Options for Survival: A Solution to the War In Gaza
Article and BAMBI Broadcast
4. Instinctive Awareness: A Shadow of Prophecy?
5. Parshat HaShavua: Weekly Torah Portion
"Brit-Am Now"-1287
1. Brit-Am books at greatly reduced prices
2. "The Khazars. Tribe 13" now available.
3. Is Britain Anti-Jewish?
4. Question on Simcha Jacobvitz and Lost Tribes in the East?
5. Robert: Who are really blinded?
6. Tessa:
"need to collect/collate anecdotes from those who have this instinctive identification"
7. The Clan of Zerah from Judah and an Early Dispersion of Israelites
8. Cam Rea: "hard to believe how many are against Israel"
9. Scandalize Your Friends!
"Brit-Am Now"-1288
1. Enjoys Brit-Am
2. Ephraim: "Israel's right to the land of Canaan"
3. Levi: Good Wishes for the IDF and Kinfolk
4. Emmitt Frazier: Appreciates Psalm Commentary
5. Keep up the Good Work
6. Thanks
7. Owen Murphy (on 119-21-shin):
No Stumbling Block for those who are Prepared to go all the Way!
8. All Pre-Publication Orders of "The Khazars. Tribe 13" Sent Out!
9. Owen Murphy: An Entertaining Post!
"Brit-Am Now"-1289
1. Dave Browning:
Musings on Judah and the Arabs, Ephraimites and the Return
2. Belgian [Former] Subscriber Not Impressed by Brit-Am!
3. William Rasmussen:
(a) The Significance of Recent Reports Concerning Rachel our Mother
(b) Picture of Rachel Received
"Brit-Am Now"-1290
1. Nathan Proud: "There is only so much one man can do".
2. Letter From Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Conspiracy Nut Case
3. David Tempelhoff:
Are Visions of Rachel Our Mother Reminiscent of Mariolatry?
4. Judeophobia: Eliminating and Atoning for Jew-Hatred.
Article and New BAMBI Recording
5. Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion):
"Brit-Am Now"-1291
1. Bill Dunaway: Neo-Nazi and Khazars
2. Brian Patmore:
Visions of Rachel? Very relevant to the Restoration of All Yisrael
3. Nickie:
Warnings Against Idolatry and Note re Brit-Am cf TV Commercials
4. Ancient History: Philistines in Northern Levant?
5. Koestler , the Khazars, and Rothschild?
6. David Tempelhoff: "You are a brave man".
7. Dave Browning: Are white supremacists group(s) gunning for us?
8.Sharon Beach: Respect for Mary is not Idolatry
9. Addendum to Psalm 120:
Russian Forgery of Protocols and Arab Complicity in Spreading the Lie Predicted in Scripture!
"Brit-Am Now"-1292
1. Steven Collins: USA in Prophecy
2. Michelle: "I bless the Jewish people"
3. Mark Robinson: "ever since Constantine"
4. Brit-Am and PayPal
5. Cam Rea:
Anti-Semitic Attacks Directed Also Against My Own Researches!
"Brit-Am Now"-1293
1. Yair Davidiy's US Tour Called Off
2. Mrs Pirjo Kakko: Finnish-Hebrew Linguistics Parallels
3. Effects of Brit-Am Talks and Upcoming Interview on Replacement
(a) Question on New BAMBI Boraodcasts:
(b) Letter re Upcoming Interview on Replacement Theology
4. Michelle Bowie: Prayer is Effective Against Anti-Semitism
5. Oren Davies (brother of Yair Davidiy) Publishes Book on Boys Names
6. Other Family Members who Wrote Books
7. Parshat HaShavua New BAMBI Broadcast
"Brit-Am Now"-1294
1. The Khazars were referred to as "Jews" meaning "Hebrews"!
2. Ordering Books from Brit-Am and Making Offerings
3. Michelle Bowie:
"It mentions all of is still ALL ISRAEL!"
4. Joan Griffith:
"Abimbolu" by Jean Jacoby now only $101.60!
5.Brian Patmore: "dis-unity is not what we need"
6. The So-Called "Replacement Theology" Verses Considered
7. The Upcoming Radio Interview on "Replacement Theology"
"Brit-Am Now"-1295
1. David Tempelhoff: Gaza in Prophecy
2. Bill Dunaway: "heartily agree with Brian"
3. Brit-Am is Back in Business!
4. New Article and New BAMBI Broadcast
Who Pays the Piper?
Does Judah go to Ephraim? The Problem of "Joey-Boy"!
5. Lily: the fire is coming
"Brit-Am Now"-1296
1. The URL for "Who Pays the Piper?"
2. Michelle Bowie: "an emissary of ISRAEL"
3. Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion) Broadcast
"Brit-Am Now"-1297
1. Steven Collins:
Khazars book corresponds with points in my own article on the USA
2. Skin Color Changes!
Addition to Article on Physical Anthropology of Ancient Hebrews.
Racial Coloring Changes due to Climate!
3. Two Impromptu Interviews of Interest
"Brit-Am Now"-1298
1. Anti-Semite Criticism and Brit-Am Reply
2. Laureen: I will cause the captives of the land to return
3. G.W. Helon:
4. Deena Signs Up
5. Tamar:
Reflections on Reticence to Speak of "Brit-Am" Ephraimite Matters
"Brit-Am Now"-1299
1. Interview Podcasts:
"Will America Be the First to be Redeemed"
The Dry Bones and Future Arousal of Joseph and Judah
2. Sha'ul Benya'akov:
Maybe "its time to go home, to Israel"?
3. Parshat HaShavua: "Yitro"
"Brit-Am Now"-1303
1. Jonathan Tillotson Gives Reasons for Reticence in
Accepting the Brit-Am Message followed by Brit-Am Commentary
2. Typo Corrected
3. Brit-Am Interview Podcasts
4. Charles Bassett: The Temple Should be Rebuilt
5. Mark Robinson: The Prophesied Times of Return, 210?
"Brit-Am Now"-1304
1. Why does the Almighty need a Chosen People?
2. Dave Browning:
Proposed Program to Spead Brit-Am Message and the Need for Knowledge
3. Parshat HaShavua (Torah Portion): Mishpatim
4. Charlotte Mecklenburg: "we can leave it up to him"
5. Orders for "The Khazars" and other Brit-Am works.
"Brit-Am Now"-1305
1. Tess: "Being chosen is both a blessing and a burden"
2. Sha'ul Benya'akov:
It behooves us, who know the truth, to "do" something.
3. Greg Sparks: "Keep on trying"
4. Chaplain Kerry Bulls: Just a comment or two
"Brit-Am Now"-1306
1. Interested in "The Tribes"
2. Appreciation of Brit-Am
3. Jonathan Tillotson:
Some Thoughts on the Nature of the Messianic Age
4. Owen Murphy: Anecdotes and a Question
5. Nickie: Is Not Knowledge of God Intuitive?
6. Brit-Am Appeal
7. Agrees with Brit-Am
8. Jonathan Tillotson: The Election of Israel
9. "The Khazars. Tribe 13". Book and Broadcast
"Brit-Am Now"-1307
1. Ancient Scandinavia: East Mediterranean Connections
2. Radio Interviews and Interview Time Changes according to Time Zones
3. New BAMBI Broadcast on Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion): "Trumah"
4. Question on Preparations for Rebuilding the Temple and the Temple Location
5. Answer to Claim that Khazars were Turks
"Brit-Am Now"-1308
1. Believes in Brit-Am
2. Edward Anderson:
Preparations should be made
for return of the Ten Tribes!
3. Cory Kimball:
Leftist doctrine and the literal sabotaging of Israel through
"Brit-Am Now"-1309
1. Charles: Thoughts on Return to and Division of the Land:
Brit-Am Reply
2. Bert: The Prophesied Return
3. Brit-Am Radio Interview and Time Schedules
"Brit-Am Now"-1310
Preliminary Remark by Yair
1. JG. Messervy-Norman: The Way of Return is through Torah-Law!
2. Kylie Niebling: Praying for Reunification
3. Kerry Bulls: Need for Divine Guidance
4. Sha'ul Benya'akov: Just Get Up and Go!
5. Yair Davidiy: Working Towards a Brit-Am Program?
6. Yair Davidiy: Recent Meeting with Ephraim Acitivist
7. R: "no easy way out"
8. David Tempelhoff: Appreciates Brit-Am Efforts
9. Robert: Reasons for the Exile and the Concept of Joseph
10. The Divine Purpose for the Exile
and Division of the Tribes
11. David Jackson:
"The Jewish state does not owe citizenship to any outsiders!"
12. Brian Patmore: When will we ever learn?
13. Charles Kerem: Ephriamites proving they are Ephraimites
"Brit-Am Now"-1311
1. Rabbi Shalom Arush: In Praise of the Land of Israel
2. Daniel Duffield: A Possible Solution Seconded by Yair
3. Brit-Am May be the Most Important Cause on Behalf of "Joseph" at Present Available!
a. The Needs of Individual Ephraimites and the Projected Need of Joseph.
b. The Reality that the Identity of "Joseph" is Unknown or Unaccepted by Most of Judah and Joseph.
4. Re the Quality of Brit-Am Now Subscribers:
Let's Give Ourselves a Pat on the Shoulder!
5. Podcast of Interview Concerning the future Tribal Identification of Individual "Ephraimites"
6. Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
"Tistaveh" Exodus 27:20-30:10
7. Partial Replies to Charles Kerem
Brit-Am Answers in Short:
(a) Movement of Ephraimites to the Land.
(b) The Jubilee.
(c) Judah and Joseph Together in the Land in Our Time?
(d) Judah as an Advance Guard for the Other Tribes.
(e) Is Brit-Am Playing a Role in all this?
"Brit-Am Now"-1312
1. The Brit-Am Web-Site Updates on Traffic etc.
(a) Alexa
(b) Some Figures from Brit-Am Server (Seanic)
2. South African Afrikanner Asks About Possible Jewish Origins.
3. Edward Anderson: Brit-AM "work among the Lost Tribes IS bearing fruit"
4. Robert: Daniel could be onto something
5. A Belated Tribute to Raymond McNair
"Brit-Am Now"-1313
1. Ben Zentgraf: Could Ephraimites become a different subset within Judaism?
2. Thomas Gray: Muslim Opposition Will Also Be Directed to Ephraimites
3. Norway: Israelite Lost Tribes Identity in Norway and Prominent British Israel Propounders
"Brit-Am Now"-1314
1. Khazar Origins
2. Another Brit-Am Appeal
3. Was Esther Blond?
4. Joan Griffith: Joseph Dumond quotes Brit-Am
5. Question on the Galilee and Benjamin and Early Christianity:
6. More on Ephraimites Converting and Brit-Am Advice
7. Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion) Ki Tisa
Exodus 30:11-34:35
"Brit-Am Now"-1315
1. New BAMBI Broadcasts
(a) Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion) Ki Tisa from Last Week
(b) 1-Kings:8 The Supplication of Solomon on Behalf of Israel
2. Garrett Reichert: "honored to be an isrealite"
3. Why Does Ephraim Not Keep the Law Today?
"Brit-Am Now"-1316
1. Questions Concerning the Messiah son of Joseph
2. Brian Patmore: Torah Intended for all mankind!
3. David Tempelhoff : We Are in Capitivity!
4. Charlotte Mecklenburg: Cannot Keep the Law Due to Prior Commitment!
5. Robert: Friend says "The Khazars. Tribe 13" is fascinating!
"Brit-Am Now"-1317
1. David Bell: Israel to Minister to ALL Nations!
2. Brit-Am Interview: Is Edom in Judah?
3. How does one know? Is there a way to find out?
4. What Connection does Sodom have to Samaria?
5. The Order of Return of Judah and Joseph
"Brit-Am Now"-1318
1. Avraham ben Gad: Compliments to Charlotte
2. Margie: Identifies Some Christians with Israel?
3. Broadcasts
(a) Interview on Reasons for Rejection of Brit-Am and the World to Come
(b) Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion)
Keeping Shabat (Should Ephraimites Keep Shabat or not?)
4. Christians Against "Lost Tribes" Belief.
5. Brit-Am Personal Notes
"Brit-Am Now"-1319
1. David Jackson: Is Israel in Danger?
Remember South Africa
2. Bronze Age Atlantis
3. Brit-Am is a Good Thing.
It may well be to your good to help Brit-Am
"Brit-Am Now"-1320
1. Brit-Am and Facebook
2. The History of Brit-Am
3. Woodrow Lovett: "The CIA should look closer to home."
"Brit-Am Now"-1321
1. Kerry Bulls: "The CIA should read the Bible.
Israel (Judah) may have to bail out (Ephraim)"
2. Thomas Malloy: 10 Years is optimistic!!
3. N TENDROCK : Agrees about Facebook
4. David Tempelhoff:
: Put the Almighty First and the rest will come
5. Walt Baucom: Atlantis, Discovered at Last?
6. Leah Todd: Keeping Torah
7. Additions to "History of Brit-Am" Article
"Brit-Am Now"-1322
1. Radio Interview:
Jacob as Someone to be Emulated
2. Lily: Be Careful What You Say!
3. Martial Arts and the Tribes of Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-1323
1. Did the Tribe of Benjamin found Rome?
2. Bert: It's All About the Kingdom
3. Changes to
The History of Brit-Am
4. Brit-Am Interview: The Wives of Jacob and the Stone of Scone
5. Robert: DNA is affected by environment
6. Orde Wingate and British Israel
7. Parshat HaShavua (Weekly Torah Portion): VaYikra
"Brit-Am Now"-1324
1. Parshat HaShavua:
(a) VaYikra: Wriitng
(b) Regular Postings
2. Still More Changes to "The History of Brit-Am"
3. Kerry Bulls: Brit-Am "much more
palatable and Biblically based"
"Brit-Am Now"-1325
1. Didrik: Benjamin in Troy?
2. Walt Baucum: Judah in Troy?
3. The Importance of Troy
(a) The Brit-Am Understanding
(b) Relevant Excerpts from the Wikipedia article on Troy
4. Question on the importance of Jewish Sources and Jewish Belief in "Brit-Am" matters
5. Divine Providence Revealed in "Brit-Am Now no. 1325"?
"Brit-Am Now"-1326
1. Southern Confederates were Normans, Northerners "Anglo-Saxons"??
2. Walt Baucum: Troy in Northwest Turkey!
3. Kathylou Mcauley: Ten Tribnes were not Lost but rather Hidden!
4. Brian Patmore: "Danaans" (Danites) in the siege of Troy.
5. Appeal for Brit-Am
6. Bob Briggs: Chapter Breaks in Leviticus and Different Versions
7. Dr. Gavin Finley: "the lost tribes of Israel...are still out there!"
"Brit-Am Now"-1327
1. Joan Griffith: Nehemiah and Denial of the Arab Right to the Holy Land
2. Wayne Laurence: Not Impressed by Brit-Am Historical Remarks!
3. Brit-Am Interview: Zebulon and the Netherlands
4. Parshat HaShavua: Tsav. Next Week No Weekly Portion!
5. Dan and Ancient Greece
"Brit-Am Now"-1328
1. Questions on Rabbinical Sources and Brit-Am
(a) What are the importance of Rabbinical Sources that Brit-Am Claims it has?
(b) What is the nature of these sources?
(c) What authority do they have?
(d) You yourself emphasize the paramountcy of Biblical Proof. The Bible as an authority is agreed upon
by all of us. Many of us do not accept Rabbinical authority and may even be suspicious of it.
Should not Biblical truths be enough?
(e) How acceptable are these proofs in the eyes of learned Jews?
(f) Some Rabbinical authorities (that you yourself quote in other contexts) claim the Ten Tribes are in
the East. How do you deal with these?
(g) Since Brit-Am publishes its findings they become part of the public domain.
What further use do we have for Brit-Am in this matter?
2. Lost Tribes Now Claimed to be in New Guinea!
Without Brit-Am who is to say they are wrong?
3. Question on Micah 5:3 and the End Times
4. Question on Biblical Place Names in the USA and Possible prominence of Judah
5. New Book Received on Tartan Designs and Ancient Israel?
"Brit-Am Now"-1329
1. Additional Points Concerning Rabbinical Sources
2. Question on the Oral Law and Karaites
3. The Brit-Am Site ( on Quantcast
4. Question on Giants in the Bible
(a) Giants and the Sons of God
(b) Giants and Six Fingers
(c) Angels and Sexual Intercourse with Humans.
5. Max Rambow: Israel Should Seek Leader with Backbone
6. New Feature: Brit-Am Historical Researches (BHR)
7. John Wharton: Question on Abarbanel and the Lost Ten Tribes being in France.
"Brit-Am Now"-1330
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. New Article:
Collective Responsibility and Rabbinical Authority.
2. How Should Individual Ephraimite "Joes" Draw Closer to Judah?
3. Quotation
4. Questions on Dan
(a) Dan and his Symbols
(b) Dan and the USA.
(c) The Dannite Policemen of Joseph Smith
5. Dan in Africa?
6. Brit-Am and Obama Hussein
7. Brit-Am Organizational Matters;
Requests for Money and Bulk E-Mailing Advice
"Brit-Am Now"-1331
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1.David Tempelhoff: Likes "Role to Rule"
Re: Psalms 133 Unity, Family, Friendship, Judah and Joseph
2. Carol Hawke: Obama Does Not represent US People
3. Words of interest
4. Jonathan Caro: Brit-Am Deserves More Support
5. New Article
The Hussein Obama Pages.
The USA and Israel in Danger
"Brit-Am Now"-1332
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. Steve B. Letter in Support of Brit-Am
2. Answer to Question Concerning the Future Settlement of Members of the Lost Tribes in Israel
3. Answer to Critic of "The Khazars. Tribe 13" who evidently has not yet read it!
4. Christopher Bilardi: Pennsylvania "Dutch" (German) and Hebrew culture
5. New Biblical Notes and Articles of Interest
Selection of Biblical Maps
Where was Ophir?
"Brit-Am Now"-1333
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. Question on the danger to Israel from Turkey-Togarma
2. On-Line Video re Israelites in Africa
3. More on Africa: Phoenicians in Mauritius?
"Brit-Am Now"-1334
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. Ray Maccabee Interviews Yair about the Tribe of Issachar
2. Rob Moore: Phoenicians, the Ruins of Zimbabwe, Gold Deposits
3. Timothy F Murray: Homosexuality forbidden "the simple truth of
"Brit-Am Now"-1335
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. Brit-Am Typo Corrected.
2. Brit-Am Groups and Meetings Proposed and Planned
3. Brit-Am Publications
"Brit-Am Now"-1336
The Lost Tribes of Israel
1. The Uniqueness of Brit-Am
2. More information on Ancient Israelites north of Syria
3. Question on Sukkoth and the name "Scot"
4. Question on Red Hair and Genetic Changes.
5. Amnon Goldberg: The Coming of a Great Plague?
6. Question about future Re-Union Between Judah and Joseph
7. Questions from Nickie on Israelite Descent and the Promised Blessings.
Canaanites in North America
(a) Israelite Descent, the Promises, and Conversion
(b) Canaanites and Israelites Before Columbus?
"Brit-Am Now"-1337
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Kathylou Mcauley: The Immune System?
2. Brit-Am and the Two Houses
3. Is it not true that Rabbi Akiva said the Ten Tribes will not return?
4. David McLeod: The Name Scotland from Princess "Scotta"
5. Brit-Am Not Suitable for Wikipedia? Can You Help?
"Brit-Am Now"-1338
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Brit-Am Interviews about the Tribes
(a) The Tribe of Levi
(b) The Tribe of Naphtali: Norway and the Oslo Accords Betrayal
of Israel
2. Brit-Am and Wikipedia
3. Change of Brit-Am Title
"Brit-Am Now"-1339
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Cecil Davis: Prefers "BRIT-AM TEN TRIBES" title.
2. Principles for Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement
3. Man of Irish Descent Asks: Is it possible that
I have a Jewish connection?
"Brit-Am Now"-1340
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Conspiracy Theories Support the Powers of Esau
2. Ingileif (wife of Didrik): What about Benjamin in Ireland?
3. Roy Otto Dyrli: Letter from Norway...
"Brit-Am Now"-1341
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Reply to a Defender of Conspiracy Theories
2. Question on the Ancient Greeks, Sparta, and the Tribe of Simeon
3. Question on the Transport of Israelite Exiles overseas in
Philistine and Phoenician Ships
4. Question Concerning Beowulf and Israelite Associations
5. Local Newspaper mentions "Bronze Age Atlantis"
"Brit-Am Now"-1342
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Brit-Am Interview Concerning the Tribe of Benjamin
2. Sabbatical-Shemitta in Bulgaria?
3. Ingileif & Didrik: Beowulf and the Tribe of Benjamin
"Brit-Am Now"-1343
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. The Tribe of Asher and Oil in the Land of Israel
2. DNA Racial Classifications Corrected and Explained
3. Abarbanel on Dan: Symbols of Dan. Pictures of Interest
4. Question about Avigdor Shachan and Lost Ten Tribes in the East?
5. The Lost Ten Tribes in the West: Brit-Am Invites Public Debate!
6. Thanks to Brit-Am
7. New Brit-Am Ten Tribe Web Sites
"Brit-Am Now"-1344
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Reaching out to God and becoming aware of HIS Presence
2. The Message of Hosea: Be Aware and Repent
3. Corrected Link to Broadcast
4. Letter received from Suzanne
5. Extracts from Brit-Am Commentary to Hosea
6. Important Broadcast Message Corrected
7. Christian Reaction to Brit-Am Message
"Brit-Am Now"-1345
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Shavuot: An Outline
2. Why Should Brit-Am interest You?
3. Blessing and Good Wishes to Yair and Brit-Am
4. 3 Rounds of Correspondence with "Hazakiah"
(1). Round One
Question on Tribeal Lineage and Keeping the Law
(2). Round Two:
Introductions and Ohr Samayach
(3). Round Three:
Hazakiyah Gets Nasty
5. Did Joseph Really Marry an Aramaeanitess?
"Brit-Am Now"-1346
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Nathan Proud: Ancient Israelites, Egyptians, and Hyksos
2. Brit-Am and One Aspect of Judah:
Hezakiah Answers the Questions. Brit-Am Response
3. David Tempelhoff: Former Israeli Soldiers in India
and the Ten Tribes
4. Tessa: The Messiah Will Restore Ephraim!
5. In Lieu of an Appeal -Send an offering!
"Brit-Am Now"-1347
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Hezakiah: "Thank you for the response"
2. Sandie B Enjoys Tessa's Responses
3. Jay: Was Asenath (wife of Joseph) the Daughter of Dinah??
4. Worthwhile New Brit-Am Broadcasts
Israel (New BAMBI)
5. Taking the Shoe off (Ruth 4:7) and Marriage Customs?
"Brit-Am Now"-1348
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. US Citizens of German Ancestry the Largest Grouping
2. Jewish Davidic Roots of British Royal Family
3. Lost Ten Tribes Tourism for Alleged Eastern "Ten Tribes" Candidates?
"Brit-Am Now"-1349
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. DNA. Brit-Am Contributes to the Overall British-Israel Related Message
2. Jewish Input into British Israel
3. David Hughes: Remarks on the Davidic Dynasty
4. Andy Reaume: 'black-sheep' of the visible 'Yahudim' lines
5. Why it is Important that you Know you descend from Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-1350
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Thomas Malloy: America in the Bible
2. Brian Patmore: Unity of all the Tribes is Needed!
3. New Brit-Am Ten Tribes Web Site in Hebrew Language
4. Hezakiah Appreciates Brit-Am Biblical Study
5. Help the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement
"Brit-Am Now"-1351
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. David Allen on "The Khazars. Tribe 13"
2. Richard Johnson Jr on "The Tribes"
3. Steven Collins: The USA in the Bible
"Brit-Am Now"-1352
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. New BAMBI Broadcasts Working!
2. Stephen Spykerman: American War of Independence and
the American Civil War were prophesied by Isaiah
3. Jay the Question of Excessive taxation and the Advisors of Rehoboam
4. Dennis McGinlay: Exasperated by Criticism of Brit-Am and Brit-Am Reaction to it
5. New feature: New Joseph Forum
"Brit-Am Now"-1353
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. David Jackson: Reflections on Internicine Tribal Strife
2. Public Declaration:
Brit-Am Publishes Correspondence on Brit-Am Matters!
3. Steve Collins: British Backed Confederates
"Brit-Am Now"-1354
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Edward Anderson: were there THREE separate Israelite Kingdoms?
2. Gavin Finley MD: The Yellow Ribbon
3. Max Rambow: Israelite Civil Wars
"Brit-Am Now"-1355
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. David Jackson: The Point of Isaiah ch.9
2. Amnon Goldberg: Who is "Moshiach ben Menashe"?
3. Stephen Spykerman: "No taxation without representation!"
"Brit-Am Now"-1356
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. Important Message: Judah MUST be Supported by Joseph
2. Enjoyed "The Khazars. Tribe 13"
3. David Jackson: Manasseh versus Ephraim? or not?
4. Stan Presley: Supports Judah and the State of Israel
5. Jack & Wanda Hertzog: End of Times Approaching?
6. In Which Order Should Brit-Am Publications be read?
7. larry whitesell: Does Judah Deserve to be Abandoned?
"Brit-Am Now"-1357
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. List and Brief Description of all Brit-Am Newsletters
2. John Wharton: Isaiah 9 not really pertinent to American Civil War
3. Thomas Gray: Judah still in Favor
4. Stephen Spykerman: More on Civil War and Manasseh versus Ephraim
5. Rodney Ready: Pictures of Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-1358
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
1. David Jackson:
"the US and all Israelite nations will come to their senses"
2. Question on the Khazars, Simeon, and Manasseh
3. A Case of Missing Verses in Different versions of the Bible
4. Geoffrey Cooper: TRIBES OF ISRAEL
5. Are the United States, Britain and Judah
all Turning Against Each Other?
6. Kim Weatherston:
Brit-Am Message "more cogent and spiritually insightful"
7. The Implications of the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Message
"Brit-Am Now"-1359
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
1. Kerry Bulls: Psalm 2 and the Present Situation
2. Jack & Wanda Hertzog: Israel's Chastising And Raising Back Up
3. Bo Ronn: Ancient Phoenicians in the Indian Ocean
"Brit-Am Now"-1360
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
1. D: Possible "Mercy" Scam??
2. Thomas Malloy: Brit-Am Suggestion "An Excellent Program"
3. Books Received
"Christian Identity. The Aryan American Bloodline Religion" by Chester L. Quarles,
"The Anglo Files. A Field Guid to the British" by Sarah Lyall,
"Sabotnikim be Galil" [Hebrew] Subbotnicks in the Galilee. Russian Proselytes by Conviction in the Galilee
by Yoav Regev
"Brit-Am Now"-1361
1. Unmerciful Mercy Continues Mecilessly
2. Were any Israelites Left after the Assyrian Exile?
3. Brit-Am Still needs Your Support
4. Brit-Am on the Radio: New Times
5. Brit-Am Has a Need for Feed-Back
"Brit-Am Now"-1362
1. More Mercy for the Merciful
2. The Individual CANNOT be Certain!
The Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement Needs your Psychological
and Financial Support.
3. The Importance of Israelite Unity
"Brit-Am Now"-1363
1. Brian Patmore: Unity of Purpose is of Utmost Importance!
2. PayPal Problem will be Resolved
3. Shmuel James: Suggested Hebrew Links
"Brit-Am Now"-1364
1. George Helon: What Might Have Happened to the Genealogies of the Tribes?
How Did the Ten Tribes Forget Who They were?
2. Message from the Brit-Am Ten Tribes Movement to Descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes
3. New Evidence Helps Confirm Brit-Am Historical Researches
"Brit-Am Now"-1365
1. Brian Patmore: Hashem has HIS purpose!
2. Ron Fraser: One Day the Whole World will Acknowledge!
3.#A very large yearning to keep the Ten commands#
Being an Israelite or Jewish
"Brit-Am Now"-1366
1. Shmuel James: Some Old Irish and Hebraic Words
2. Odoacer. Barbarian King of Italy
3. The Future Messiah son of Joseph Descendant of Jeroboam
"Brit-Am Now"-1367
1. Important Biblical Study Overlooked!
2. The Brit-Am Message to Citizens of the USA
3. Steven Collins Talk
"Brit-Am Now"-1368
1. Cam Rea: Very good interview
2. Cam Rea: Mr. Collins did a good job
3. Tamar Yonah (Arutz-7) Interviews Yair Davidiy
"Brit-Am Now"-1369
1. Daniel Duffield: A great interview!
2. David Tempelhoff: Enjoyed your radio conversation.
3. New Message on Frontpage
"Brit-Am Now"-1370
1. Are Jews just from Judah??
2. Christian ??? on the Messiah son of Joseph
3.Amnon Goldberg posts Query about JP article
and the Exiles to Assyria and Babylon
"Brit-Am Now"-1371
1. Poem: The Brit-Am Offering
2. Poetical Reply to Poem: Arriving on Succott
3 . Some Reactions to Poem: Brit-Am offering
(a) Taught about the Tribes
(b) Retirees
(c) Enjoyed the Poem
"Brit-Am Now"-1372
1. Write to Tamar Yonah (Arutz-7)
2. Brit-Am Poetry
3. Tisha Ba-Av Fast
"Brit-Am Now"-1373
1. Jeff King: Lost Tribes
2. Robert Berentz: British Oaks
3. Books Received
"Brit-Am Now"-1374
1. Letters to Tamar
(a) David Peterson: Supports Israeli settlements
(b) Linda Freeman: Enjoys the Interviews
2. New Article.
My Biblical Fathers
What Does the Bible Say about the Chosen Peoples of Israel?
3. New Poems
(a) Poem. Requirements
(b) Poem: The Promised Land
"Brit-Am Now"-1375
1. More Feedback from Tamar
(a) Cindy: My husband and I enjoyed this broadcast very much
(b) Daniel Duffield: a great interview!
2. Simeon in South Africa and Individual Tribal Identity
3. Bert Lorenz:
Question on Early Dispersion of Israelites
Prior to the Assyrian Exile
"Brit-Am Now"-1376
1. Daniel Duffield: The Second Exodus
2. Question by Andrew Waterhouse and Brit-Am Reply
Re The Lack of Academic Historical Confirmation for
the Brit-Am Migrationary Scenario
3. The Updated Welcoming Message for Brit-Am Now Subscription
"Brit-Am Now"-1377
1. Hebrew Greetings in English or Not?
2. New Biblical Article: Isaac
Poem. Isaac
3. New Article: Was Buddha an Israelite? by Cam Rea
"Brit-Am Now"-1378
1. Question on the Mistaken Use of the term "Jew" for Ten Tribe Israelites
2. Arabs of Jewish Descent in Israel
3. The Brit-Am "Not Levites?" Message and Reactions
(a) The "Not Levites?" Message
(b) Ron MacDonald: beyond a dumb donkey?
(c) Sandie B: Very good clarification
"Brit-Am Now"-1379
1. Cam Rea:
World Domination by Scythian Descendants Foretold in Indian Text?
2. Parthia, Israelites, and the Present by Merle Nelson
3. Michelle Bowie: An Alternative definition of Jewish
"Brit-Am Now"-1380
1. Cam Rea:
On the Antiquity of Indian Documents
2. (a) Daniel Tukuafu and (b) Mary Mc:
Both the KJ and Brit-Am were Correct. Verse Corrected
Brit-Am Misunderstood the Old English!
3. Books Received:
Restoring Abrahamic Faith by James D. Tabor
"Brit-Am Now"-1381
1. The artist Baruch Nachshon: Pictures
2. Jacob Broadcast.
3. Bro Bunch: The USA is a company of states
4. Are there Israelites Amongst the Mongolians?
5. Reactions to Proof from Jacob (includes Poem)
(a) Kerry Bulls: the Good Ole USA
(b) Steven Segers: truth is often stranger than fiction
6. Additional Proofs Come to the Fore
(a) Four Corners of the Earth
(b) Struggle with Esau
7. Are the Palestinians Really Israelites? Question Repeated
"Brit-Am Now"-1382
1. Were the Really Intelligent Germans actually Israelites?
2. Bo Ronn: Why Some "Ephraimites" are Anti-Semitic
3. New Book by Cam Rea
Isaac's Empire: Ancient Persia's Forgotten Identity
"Brit-Am Now"-1383
1. David Tempelhoff: prayer, fasting, repentance and worship
2. Ancient Israel and Cyprus
3. Upsurge Funds Needed
"Brit-Am Now"-1384
1. Daniel Duffield: We must do True Repentance
2. Ine og Eirik Stokke: Did the Goths Worship the God of Israel?
3. Non-Israelites to Return with Israel?
4. Appreciated Poem
5. About Fasting
6. Poem by Lucy: The Gloomy Years
7. Poem: Joseph an Introduction
"Brit-Am Now"-1385
2. Question on British Flag and the Term Caucasian Race
3. Article on Messiah son of Joseph
"Brit-Am Now"-1386
1. Richard: What About the REST of the Promised Land?
2. Is the Brit-Am Teaching Concerning Two Messiahs anti-Christian?
3. Should Brit-Am stop using KJV Translation?
4. What Can be Done at Present regarding Settlement in the Land?
5. What does "A Nation and a Company of Nations" Refer to?
6. David McLeod: Formation of the Union Jack
7. Does the Messiah son of Joseph Presage Christianity?
"Brit-Am Now"-1387
1. Am I Jewish?
2. Letters Concerning which Translation Brit-Am Should Use Other than the KJ.
3. Comment on the Poem: The Signs of Joseph
4. Does "a nation and a company of nations" refer to Judah and Joseph or just Joseph?
5. Troy Christensen: Sundry Comments
6. The Poem: The Signs of Joseph
7. The Revision of Ancient Historical Chronology and its Pertinence to Brit-Am
"Brit-Am Now"-1388
2. More Letters Concerning which Translation Brit-Am Should Use Other than the KJ
3. New Article: The Yearning of Ephraim For Redemption
"Brit-Am Now"-1389
1. Steven Collins defends an Ephraimite
2. Walt Baucum and the Dispersion of Israel Before the Exile.
3. Sundries
4. A Short Introduction to Yair Davidiy and Brit-Am
5. David Tempelhoff: Isreal is Gods Inheritance
"Brit-Am Now"-1390
1. More Defenders of an Ephraim Nation and a Company of Nations. Brit-Am Replies Yet Again.
(a) Sandie B: The Special Addition
(b) Charlotte Mecklenburg: Both Ideas are Right but Joseph is Especially Suitable
(c) Nathan Proud: A Nation and a Company of Nations are part of the Birthright and Joseph Received the Birthright!
2. What is the Difference Between Brit-Am Beliefs and those of Anglo-Israel-ism?
3. Brit-Am and the New Testament
4. Murray Allatt: A Nation and a Company of Nations as seen from Australia
5. Tessa from New Zealand Supports Brit-Am!
"Brit-Am Now"-1391
1. David Jackson: "more of a blessing than you realize"
2. Correspondents Who Were Offended by Us.
3. New Year Plans
Bible Translation to be Used.
Bible Content.
Research Information
Other Sites
4. The English word "Maim" from Hebrew!
5. Marsha H:
Love of Jewish People Led to Adoption of Notion as to who the Lost Israelites Are!
6. Question Concerning Jeroboam son of Nebat
7. Bert Lorenz: Good Wishes
8. What Was the Sin of King Jeroboam?
9. Nils E. Moen: Scandinavian Traditions and Biblical Parallels
10. Suggestion:
Make the Brit-Am Site Your Home Page
"Brit-Am Now"-1392
1. Dennis McGinlay:
KJ is ...also beautiful and inspirational
2. Interesting Site
European national origin stories
3. New Site: Words that are Same in English as Ancient Hebrew
4. Finding an alternative Bible Translation to the KJV
5. Proverbs chapter One according to the Good News Bible
"Brit-Am Now"-1393
1. Henry Rhea: New King James and King James
2. Chaplain Kerry Lance Bulls: Likes New King James Translation
3. The New English Bible
4. The Brit-Am Web Site as a Liberating Element
5. Owen Murphy: The Making of the KJV
6. Shelagh McKenna: Meaning of the Name "Britain"
7. Cam Rea: Happy Sukkot
8. Jay: Jeroboam ben Nebat
9. George Helon: In favour of the Douay-Rheims Holy Bible
10. The Talmud and English Common Law
11. George: Bashan in Britain?
12. The Book of Proberbs Chapter Two (NEB)
13. Brit-Am, the Movement of the Ten Tribes, Over Succot, 5770.
"Brit-Am Now"-1394
1. Derryl Bishop: Translation of Welsh Words
2. Michelle Bowie: Recommends NKJV
3. Benjamin: Re the Angles and Saxons,
A Criticism of Brit-Am Biblical Interpretation and Historical Understanding
Thank You. Criticism is valuable even when undeserved.
The Angles and Saxons in History.
Wikipedia Explanations of the name "Angle".
Biblical Importance of the Sound of Names
Angle Also Means Aegel (Bull-Calf).
4. Milesian Kings of Ireland Traced Back to King David!
5.David McLeod: More Information on the Union Jack
6. Nathan Proud:
The Separation between Judah and Israel Has lasted a Long Time
7. Thomas Malloy:
Remark about Dan and Naphtali. Question on Temple Mount
"Brit-Am Now"-1395
1. Greg Sparks: Info on St. Patrick of Ireland
2. Rashi on Psalms 87:
The Almighty Will Redeem the Assimilated and Lost Descendants of Israel
3. Shelagh McKenna: Prydain and Britain
4. Paul Boyd-Lee BT: Angles and Angels
5. Cam Rea: Agrees with Nathan Pround
6. Direct descendant of Tamar Tephi?
7. Proverbs 4 (New King James Version)
"Brit-Am Now"-1396
1. Joan Griffith:
Was Tea Tephi really Tamar daughter of King David?
2. Steve Mathe: Where does Divine providence Figure in the History of Brit-Am?
3. Books Received
4. Alethea: multitude of nations is better translated as "commonwealth of nations"
5. David Ramdhari
: Question about European "intolerance" for Israel
6. Poem: Brit-Am Task and Appeal
7. Proverbs 5 (New King James Version)
"Brit-Am Now"-1397
1. Biblical Proofs in Poetry: Ends of the Earth
2. Proverbs 6 (New King James Version)
3. Military Characteristics and Identity
"Brit-Am Now"-1398
1. Shaul Suhr: Not all Europe is Israelite!
2. Israelite Tribal Symbols
(a) What were the Tribal Symbols for each Tribe?
(b) Are there symbols that are not recalled in the Bible.
3. Is Brit-Am the ONLY Real Ephraimite Organization?
"Brit-Am Now"-1399
1. Proverbs 7 (NKJV)
2. Disraeli and Bismarck:
The Importance of Criticism
3. Michael Williams:
Every King & Queen of Europe is Descended from King David
"Brit-Am Now"-1400
by Edward Jones
2. New Article: Israel and the White Race
3. Brit-Am Needs All of You

