Cush and the Rest
Egypt, Africa, and India
Biblical Locations
of the Lost Ten Tribes
Scriptural Proof
The Joseph Aspect
by Yair Davidiy
Biblical Evidence: The Joseph Aspect
Africa, and India
These proofs are listed together since they are recalled in the
same passage in Isaiah and historically connected. For more details (than
those given below) please see our book, Joseph.
For a shorter explanation see the Brit-Am Commentary to Isaiah 45.
Egypt shall be subjected to Israel. The Suez Canal will be under Israelite
Israel will rule over a large part of Africa and cause slaves from Africa
to be carried over in chains to Israelite lands
Israel will rule India and benefit from trade with India.
Israel Will Rule over Egypt, Africa, and India
Egypt shall be subjected to Israel. Cush (translated as Ethiopia but also
applicable according to the Aramaic translation and related tradition to
India and its neighborhood. Black Africa (Seba) will be yours.
The Ten Northern Tribes were exiled by the Assyrians. Later, the Babylonians
under Nebuchadnessar, conquered Judah and Jerusalem and exiled the Jews to
Babylon. Cyrus, the king of Persia, conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews
of Judah to return. Isaiah (44:28) mentioned the name of Cyrus even
though he prophesied close to 200 years before his time. The Prophecies of
Isaiah concerning Cyrus on the whole fit the Persian king of that name though
here and there they divert from him on some important points. These prophecies
also tend to go off on a tangent, speak of Cyrus and then in the same breath
speak about the future of Israel. The Rabbis interpreted the prophecies
about Cyrus to pertain to a future Messianic being of whom the Persian King
Cyrus was a kind of partial prototype. President Truman who assisted the
Jews in creating the present State of Israel once declared to a visiting
delegation, 'I am Cyrus'. This interpretation fits the message of Scripture.
Isaiah begins by speaking about Cyrus and then he addresses himself to Israel.
He (45:14) predicts that whatever passes via (Hebrew "yigia" translated as
labor but also meaning "come unto, arrive at") Egypt, and the merchandise of Cush (India
not in this case "Ethiopia" as translated in the King James), shall be yours and the tall
Sabaean African Negroes will pass over unto you in chains. In the end they
will acknowledge that God is with you. There is no other. Previously, Isaiah
(43:3) predicted that Cush (India) and Seba, (Black Africa), would be subjected
to Israel. Isaiah (43:3 and 45:14 and the verses around them) predicted
that the Lost Ten Tribes would rule over India, Egypt and much of Negro
Africa. The trade with India would be theirs, the recompense arriving (via
the Suez Canal) at Egypt would be theirs, and they would transport Negroes,
(many of whom were large-bodied), across the seas in chains. The whole passage
ends on the point that in the Last Days they will return to worship the True
God. We identify the Lost Ten Tribes headed by Britain and America as Israel.
If we consider Britain and North America as one Anglo-Saxon entity then the
Prophecy indicates that the Lost Ten Tribes are amongst them. The British
ruled India and economically they gained very much from trade with her. They
ruled Egypt and controlled the Suez Canal linking the Mediterranean Sea with
the East. They also controlled much of Africa. Negro Slaves in chains were
sent by them, and others acting on their behalf, across the Sea to North America
and to the West Indies. Isaiah (43:5-6) said that the exiles would be ingathered
from the east and west, north, and south, and from the ends of the earth.
Only the English-speaking nations have fulfilled these prophecies as they
were written. Only they received the Promises.