Questions on the Land of Israel
See also our Separate Article
Brit-Am Replies to Queries:
Returning to the Land of Israel
1. What is the Brit-Am position on Ephraimites Coming to dwell in the Land of Israel at Present?
2. Is the Island of Cyprus Part of the Promised Land of Israel?
3. What Are the Boundaries of the Promised Land According to the Bible?
4. Will the Land of Israel Encompass North America?
1. What is the Brit-Am position on Ephraimites Coming to dwell in the Land of Israel at Present?
At present Judah is preparing the Land as a Forerunner for the other Tribes.
Eventually the other Tribes will return and receive an inheritance alongside Judah.
If an Ephraimite in the present time comes to Israel it should be either as a guest of Judah or as somebody who identifies with
This is a sensitive and complicated issue and we have written quite a lot about it and answered numerous questions concerned with it.
"Brit-Am Now"-277
#5. Nachmanides: The Connection Between Law and Land
Returning to the Land of Israel
2. Question: Is the Island of Cyprus Part of the Promised Land of Israel?
Shalom Yair,
Thank you for the work that you are doing towards the reunification of the two houses.
We have been living in Cyprus for the last year and was surprised that you
included the Island of Cyprus with the Land of Promise.
Could you please explain your reference point as we have never heard this before.
Thank you.
Frank and Shirlianne Whigham.
Answer: Cyprus is Part of the Promised Land of Israel.
Concerning the borders including Cyprus this is admittedly an extreme minority opinion
but one that is probably correct. The opinion says that the western border was the western estuary of the
Nile Delta in the South (opposite Alexandria, as noted by the late Rabbi M.M. Schneerson of Lubavitch) and a line northward into southeast Turkey and
encompassing all the Mediterranean Ocean and islands (including Cyprus within that area.
Cyprus was mentioned frequently in our book,
"Lost Israelite Identity. The Hebrew Ancestry of Celtic Races", (1996).
a. Cyprus appears to be within the borders of the Promised Land according to the opinion we consider correct.
The Promised Land included all the area up to the Euphrates River and all
along its length reaching far into the north. It also included at the least
the region of Cilicia (southeast Turkey), and most probably the Isle of
Cyprus. At all events all these regions and more were taken by the
Israelites for considerable periods of time even though they did not
succeed in permanently holding them. In the Messianic era (cf. Ezekiel
ch.48) and in the times leading up to it all of these areas and more will be re-gained by
b. The Population of Cyprus suffered the same fate as the Canaanites at the time of the Israelite
conquest as did a lot of neighboring areas including Anatolia and Greece.
Beginning from around 1200 b.c.e. the well developed warlike states of
Mycenean Greece, the powerful empire of Hittite Anatolia, the strong city
states in southern Canaan, every important city in northern Syria and
Cyprus were all completely destroyed. The population of Greece is
conventionally considered to have declined (though the figures given here
have since been contested) by 75% and the cultural unity of the Mycenean
Age came to an end. Crete suffered a similar fate. There was a population
decline of 75% also in northern Mesopotamia and 25% in the south. It is
conceivable that the cities of Canaan (that were also once again destroyed)
met their end due to a resurge of Israelite conquest. There are grounds to
believe that what happened elsewhere in some of the other areas was also
due to Hebrew initiative or due to Canaanites fleeing from the Israelites
or at least somehow influenced by either one of these factors. Assyria was
attacked by semi-Nomadic "Aramaean" tribes who may likewise have actually been Hebrews.
c. Egyptians inscriptions report that the Zekaru and Peleset were defeated in Cyprus.
The Zekaru were part of the so-called Sea-Peoples who at least in
part were Israelites. We identify the Zekaru as belonging to the Tribe of
Issacar. If this identification is correct we have an Israelite Tribe in Cyprus
from early times.
d. Cyprus (i.e. "Caphtor" Isle of the Philistines?) in Assyrian inscriptions was later to be called
"Yadnana" meaning "ISLE OF THE DANANU", i.e. Isle of the Tribe of Dan.
e. The Egyptians counted the Dananu-Danites amongst the Peoples of the
Sea. They connected the Dananu primarily with the areas north of the
Orontes River1 on the north Syrian coast, with Cilicia, and with CYPRUS,
and according to Ed.Meier also with Crete.
f. From the 800s b.c.e. a type of pottery called "Samarian" left its remnants all over Cyprus.
Samarian pottery is the same as that known from Samaria capital of the northern kingdom of Israel.
Cyprus at that time has been described as "very largely a Phoenician island".
This means that it used a similar cultural base to that of most of the northern Israelite Tribes.
More Phoenician inscriptions have been so far discovered on Cyprus than in Phoenicia itself.
Phoenicia encompassed Lebanon and the coastal part of Syria.
The northern Israelites of Samaria spoke a dialect of Hebrew
considered closer to that of the Phoenicians than to that of the Judaeans
of the southern kingdom. In many respects the culture of much of
northern Israel was "Phoenician". Alternately, much of what is termed
"Phoenician" may actually be "Israelite".
g. Buildings in the Cypriot capital of Kition and in the city of Enkomi
are of a standard and type equaled only by that of the palace of Omri
(882-871 b.c.e.) in Israelite Samaria.
h. The physical type of a Cypriot ruler depicted in an Egyptian
illustration is described similarly to that pertinent to Israelites of the
period, as,
"light red beard, light coloured eye (blue or pink) skin" as
"Traits characteristic of a certain type of Syro-Palestinian
which one finds [illustrated] in many Theban [Egyptian] tombs".
VERCOUTTER, "L'Egypte et le Monde Egeen Prehellenique (18em et 19em
Dynasties)", Le Caire, 1956. p.219
i.The influence of Israelites is evident in archaeological finds
concerning Ancient Cypriot life style and values.
Cyprus had been known as Yadnana meaning "Isle of the
Dananu" from the Israelite Tribe of Dan. An area corresponding in the
descriptions to Scandinavia had also been called "Keftiu", or "Kaptara"
both meaning Cyprus. Since the Danites were connected with Cyprus of the
Mediterranean they may (on that point alone) also have been on Cyprus of
the Atlantic Ocean meaning in Scandinavia. Dan was exiled and some Danites
may have departed earlier than the others as explained elsewhere.
Scandinavian culture at that time reveals the probable presence of a group
hailing from the same Middle Eastern areas which the Danites had frequented
shortly beforehand. It may be surmised that the Danites (or rather a
portion of them) from the Mediterranean had migrated to Scandinavia.
Cyprus appears to be the area referred to in the Bible as the "Island of Caphtor"
(Jeremah 47:7 Amos 9:7) homebase of the Philistines which we believe Israelites conquered.
"Caphtor" has been interprted to mean "Top of the Pillar". Scandinavia tradition in one version traced their ancestral gods
to the Isle of "Asgard" which according to Jugen Spanuth ("Atlantis of the Noirth", 1980, p.94)
as "Island of Caphtor".
Irish legends spoke of the Tribe of Dana (Tuatha De
Danaan) who were renowned metallurgists, and scientifically adept. They
arrived from the "northern isles" after some disaster, the only "northern
isles" as far as Ireland is concerned are those of Scandinavia. The Tribe
of Dana, said the Irish sources had originally come from the region of
Mount Lebanon, it had sojourned in Greece, been enslaved, fought with
the "Phillistines", and then fled north after which it had come to Ireland.
Welsh legends also spoke of the Children of Don who paralleled the Tribe of
Irish legends in effect identify the Children of Dana with the Israelite
Tribe of Dan according to the above conclusions.
In effect, they say that
from Scandinavia the Danites had progressed to the British Isles. The Irish
accounts exactly fit what archaeological research has revealed. The Irish
records were transmitted orally for generations then written down centuries
before archaeology confirmed them.
The Dana of Irish (and Welsh) Mythology belonged to the
Israelite Tribe of Dan. Indications exist that the Assyrians or
their auxiliaries conquered Scandinavia in about 1200 BCE and the Danites
may have reached Scandinavia after that date. Scandinavian Bronze Age
Civilisation ended in about 500 BCE about which time the Dana from
Scandinavia came to Ireland and to parts of Britain.
Cyprus is identified with Caphtor. It was one of the places the Philistines
came out of.
Cyprus remained a base of the Philistines and the struggle against them
entailed capturing the island. After that the Danites had taken it over.
One version of Scandinavian legend says that their ancestors came from an
island named Asgard. Another version says that they came from the Plain of
Ida and the Don River area in Scythia (Southern Russia). Both versions are
correct and apply to different migrating bodies. The term Asgard however
when applied to their ancestral home evidently should apply most strictly
to the island.
Jurgen Spanuth, Atlantis of the North (p.211), identifies Cyrpus
with Asgard:
"The name 'I Kaphtor' [Hebrew for Isle of Caphtor] is a
literal translation of 'holmr Asgard'; both mean island of the heavenly
pillar, or literally, island of the top of the pillar, island of the
heaven-bearing beam."
Some Facts About Cyprus
Cyprus was occupied by Britain in 1878 during the administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli.
British occupation continued until 1960. Cyprus facilitated protection of the sea route to India and Australia via the Suez Canal
and was also important in the administration of "Palestine".
Cyprus has a "Mediterranean" type climate, warm summers, rain in winter, moderate termperatures.
Natural resources include:
copper pyrites, asbestos, gypsum, timber, salt, marble, clay earth pigment.
In the past Cypus was important for its timber and forests still cover about 15% of the surface..
There is also an agricultural potential and a tourist industry.
At present water problems exist due to sparse rainfall, inroads of the Sea, and pollution
of natural aquifers.
Control of the country is divided between the Greek (ca 80%) and Turkish (ca 20%) speaking populations
who are in a state of subdued hostility towards each other. The population numbers more than 1200,000 people.
Cyprus produces citrus fruits, barley, potatoes, fishing, sheep, pigs, wine, clothing, and banking services.
3. Question: What Are the Boundaries of the Promised Land According to the Bible?
Answer: The Land of Israel stretches from the western confluences of the Nile Delta, encompasses all Sinai,
part of Northern Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, parts of Iraq, southeast Turkey, the island of Cyprus,
and reaches along the Euphrates River and beyond.
4. Will the Land of Israel Encompass
North America?
All the Israelites Will Come Back!
by Alexander Zephyr
There are sources that the future borders of the Land of Israel will reach into
Western Europe and encompass the British Isles (Eretz Chemda, 20, quotes Levush
Mordecai in the name of the Chatam Sofer).
This opinion is based on the understanding of the Great Sea.
Numbers 34:6 As for the western border, you shall have the Great Sea for a
border; this shall be your western border.
The Great Sea is usually understood to mean the Mediterranean to the west of
There is what appears to be a minority opinion that it means the Atlantic Ocean
but even this is not certain.
Rabbi Yehudah (Gittin 8a) says "the Great Sea for a border" means the Yam
HaOkeanus which refers to the Atlantic Ocean.
What was Rabbi Yehudah referring to?
There are differences of opinion.
One view say he meant the area of the Mediterranean encompassed by a line from
Alexandria northwards to Turkey and encompassing island in the Sea in between
such as Cyprus. This accords with some other opinions.
#3. Question: What Are the Boundaries of the Promised Land According to the
and above Map.
Another opinion says it means all the Mediterranean area up to the Atlantic.
Still other opinions (Chatam Sofer) suggest that it means lands of Western
Europe and reaching up to the Atlantic.
Or it includes lands of Western Europe as well as Britain (an additional
understanding of the Chatam Sofer).
Our understanding is that Britain would be considered as in the Great Sea
(Atlantic Ocean) and if it includes Britain
it would of necessity expand to encompass North America as well!
[Or for some reason even though it should stop at the Great Sea it may include
Britain but not reach further?].
There are different ways of approaching differences of opinion such as the
One method is take it or leave it: One opinion is right, the others wrong.
Another approach is that they are all right but accord to different time tables.
What exactly all this means is not clear.
It is also not necessarily authoritative.
Matters concerning the Times of the Messiah are of necessity speculative.
The bottom line is the BIBLE.
Our understanding to stress as much as possible a Literal understanding of
Scripture including Prophecy.
#2. When and When Not is Scripture to be Taken Literally?
#3. Saadia Gaon: The Literal Meaning of Scripture Must be Accepted
According to this,
What was prophesied as destined to take place in the Land of Israel will do so.
What do we therefore do with the Rabbinical statements concerning the future
borders of Israel?
We may suggest an answer but it is built on a series of "ifs"!
If these sources are correct and mean literally what they say?
If the future land of Israel is to encompass parts of Western Europe, the
British Isles, and North America?
If only a portion of the Ten Tribes return and the prophecies are fulfilled
through them?
It may be that after that the sanctity of the Land of Israel will be expanded to
include all Lands in which the Ten Tribes are to be found?
Anyway for the moment we all have to do what we can as well as we can.
God bless you
See "Brit-Am Now"-3
#6. Scriptural boundaries for Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-402
#3. The NORTHERN BORDERS of Biblical Israel
"Brit-Am Now"-25
#5. From "Lost Israelite Identity": ARABIA
Brit-Am Now"-742
#2. The Temple at Baal Bek: King Solomon or Only the Romans?
(a) Baal Bek in Lebanon
(b) Photos
(c) No-nonsense posting about Baal-Bek
Not so gigantic! built entirely by Romans!
(d) Painting of Baal Bek by David Roberts
(e) Built by Solomon?
(f) Immanuel Velikovsky 1895-1979)
Baal Bak is Ancient Dan? (An Interesting and valuable article)
Brit-Am Now"-744
#1. Is Israel sitting on an enormous oil reserve?
#2. Maps and Symbols
#3. Israeli Stamps:
Tribal Symbols
Brit-Am Now"-756
#5. The Biblical and Future Borders of the Land of Israel
Brit-Am Now"-799
#4. Land of Our Forefathers and Future: A Map
Brit-Am Now"-822
#2. Did Ancient Israel Reach to the Euphrates?
Brit-Am Now"-830
#3. The Cyprus Reference Again
Brit-Am Now"-832
#3. Photos from Lebanon
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