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|"Tomer Devorah" mentions Brit-Am in her article and uses Brit-Am sources.
I wonder if even you know how very truly you have spoken, as Erev Rav [Mixed Multitude] are to be found also among the goyim where they assimilated alongside the Israelites associated with the ten so-called "lost" tribes. We know that they were never lost to Hashem [the Almighty] and the prophets foretold that they, too, would be regathered at the end of days.
There is one estimate that 200,000 former xians passed through the so-called "Messianic" movement and have converted to Judaism. A spiritual 'call' went out into the world in the year 5750 and everyone with the spiritual acuity to hear it responded. In addition to the Jewish neshamas [souls] held captive among the nations who heard, so did the Erev Rav [Mixed Multitude] who have always been attached to them.
The Jewish neshama comes humbly and submissively, requesting. The Erev Rav come haughtily and arrogantly, demanding. While the Jewish neshamas convert back into the family, these refuse and insist that they be "recognized" and "accepted" as they are. They intend to come to Eretz Yisrael [Land of Israel] and "reclaim" their "rightful heritage." They promote a new religion called Judeo-xianity
Not so coincidentally, the so-called Messianic "Jewish" movement got its start at about the same time. Their paths crossed and brought Jewish ritual inside the church for the first time in perhaps two thousand years.
There is now an entire spectrum of Jewish-influenced groups within the greater framework of Hebrew roots restoration. It runs the gamut all the way from Presbyterians and Lutherans who have added Passover seders to their Easter celebrations to self-described "Torah-observant" Messianic Jewish congregations who build their own "synagogues" out of imported Jerusalem stone, for added authenticity.
Many at the more Jewishly-oriented end of this continuum have convinced themselves that they are more legitimately Jewish than the actual Jews. And this is where the whole subject becomes a bit muddy.
These distinguish between "Biblical" Judaism (based only upon the written Torah) and Rabbinic Judaism (which includes the Oral Torah as well). They hold the opinion that the Oral Law is mere "traditions of men" which have been elevated above the Torah, an idea based on New Testament writings and a "sin" for which the Pharisees were richly condemned. In their minds, this already sets them apart as superior to the Jews of traditional Judaism.
Make no mistake. What they all retain in common is a statement of beliefs which continues to follow the standard of classical Christianity. For example, they claim to worship the "One G-d of Abraham Isaac and Jacob" and then turn right around and say that He "manifests" Himself as Father, Son, etc. A cursory perusal of their websites will confirm this.
The depth of (self) deception and duplicity that is inherent in Christianity cannot be underestimated. Language is all-important. They can comfortably deny being followers of "Jesus," because they recognize him only as "Yeshua." They adamantly deny being missionaries or proselytizers because they believe that if they can elicit an invitation to "share" the reason for their love, their generosity, or their faith, then this does not meet their definition of proselytizing.
Missionizing, in their minds, is only such if it is at their initiation and uninvited. Hence, they deny a missionary agenda and promise not to proselytize, but will gladly and eagerly detail their faith and belief system to any Jew who comes out and asks about it. All of their humanitarian work is geared to promoting relationships, which will lead to opportunities to "share" their faith.
Important as these issues are, they are only on the periphery of the matter at hand.
At one of these crossing points I described earlier, Hebrew roots restoration collided with Messianic Judaism and created a spark which has now grown into a raging wildfire which threatens to consume Eretz Yisrael.
Gentiles "returning" to the "Jewish roots" of their faith found a comfortable niche within Messianic Judaism, but over time, as Messianic Judaism itself evolved and gained more Jewish-born adherents, it began to distinguish between believer and believer. Some congregations offered full membership only to Jews while gentiles were eligible only for "associate" membership.
This distinction between Jew and gentile violated clear New Testament teachings that the "middle wall of partition" between Jews and Gentiles was eradicated by the cross, since now gentiles were, by virtue of their faith, considered as spiritual children of Abraham and "co-heirs" of the promises with their Jewish brethren.
From the dissatisfaction generated by their relegation to "second-class status," the gentile believers quickly embraced a new teaching that came down from one couple, Angus & Batya Wooten who formed The Messianic Israel Alliance. They wrote: "Who is Israel?" and "Is the Church Ephraim?" These became the foundation for other groups known variously as Messianic Israelites, Nazarene Yisraelites, "Two-House," Ephraimites, Beit Yosef or simply as "Joes" (as opposed to Jews).
From the MIA website:
The Messianic Israel Alliance began in 1999 as a gathering place for believers in Messiah who were awakening to their lost heritage as Israel. By connecting these believers, the MIA was able to birth relationships throughout the world. Those who once had lost their heritage now had a place they could call home; a place where both Jew and non-Jew could worship the God of Israel as equal brothers in Messiah.
If they couldn't be accepted as gentiles, then they would invent a new identity as Israelites---descendants of the ten lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel.
Enter Brit Am, a Jerusalem-based Jewish organization whose website states the following:
Brit-Am is an organization centered in Jerusalem capital of Israel and comprised of Jews and non-Jews. Brit-Am traces the Lost Ten Tribes to Western Nations. The evidence that Brit-Am relies upon is Biblical in the light of Rabbinical Commentary supplemented by secular studies. Brit-Am avoids the discussion of religious differences between Judah (the present-day Jews) and the Lost Ten Tribes represented by "Joseph".
Tribal Identities: The English-Speaking Peoples Today Descend from the Tribe of Joseph
As a result of the work of these two parallel organizations, an entirely new theology evolved. Based on these teachings and this passage from Ezekiel 37:16-19...
"As for you, son of man, take a stick for yourself and write on it: 'For Judah and for the children of Israel, his companions.' Then take another stick and write on it, 'For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and [for] all the house of Israel, his companions.' "Then join them one to another for yourself into one stick, and they will become one in your hand. " And when the children of your people speak to you, saying, 'Will you not show us what you [mean] by these?' -- "say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "Surely I will take the stick of Joseph, which [is] in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, his companions; and I will join them with it, with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they will be one in My hand."
...massive numbers of gentiles, still holding basic Christian beliefs, have come to view themselves as Israelites with an equal inheritance in the Land of Israel. The only difference between this and replacement theology is that they have moved over and made room for us to sit beside them. But know that it is no longer enough for them to be spiritual Israel. They want to be recognized as physical Israel as well. And they are demanding the "right" to make aliyah and this is the most pressing problem of the entire matter.
They believe that they (Israel) must "re-connect to Torah" and that the Jews (Judah) must accept Yeshu as Mashiach and they must join us here in Eretz Yisrael, becoming ONE PEOPLE IN THE LAND, before the Redemption and Mashiach can come. (See Addendum 1)
We would not consider this threatening."If we are going to open the door to Ephraim’s acceptance in Eretz-Israel, by his brother Judah (and only with Judah’s blessing), we need to dramatically increase the numbers of lost sheep who realize their call to be part of the Commonwealth of Israel."
To facilitate these goals, they have established the following:
1. Advance groups within the Land of Israel to prepare the way physically and financially if the State chooses not to recognize them officially and offer them a sal klita. (See Addendum 2 & Addendum 3)
2. They've made inroads politically through the Christian Allies Caucus in the Knesset. Their interim goal seems to be to obtain rights to long-term visas for visiting Christians so they are not encumbered with leaving the country every three months to renew them. This becomes an unbearable hardship on people who are determined to stay here long-term.
3. They have received coaching from Jews to refrain from using certain terminology and to accept calling themselves Bnei Noach, appearing before the nascent Sanhedrin to take an oath as Bnei Noach in order to receive Ger Toshav status. They've been led to believe this might be one possible way to gain a foothold in the land until a more satisfactory arrangement can be obtained. (See Addendum 5, #4 and Discussion )
Tomer Devora claims above (as if quoting Brit-Am) that we advised Ephraimites to pose as "Bnei Noach"."Brit-Am Now"-785
#4. Brit-Am Meets With "Ephraimites" in Jerusalem
#5. Raymond Lee: Joes Needed for Defence
DISCUSSION: The Return of "Ephraim"
as recorded by Carmelita Lee with slight amendments.
After that the Brit-Am article quoted follows with a clarification of what Rabbi Avraham meant and that he was not advocating that they beome Noachides only that a parallel arrangement may be possible. Then, there is an Important Brit-Am DECLARATION in which Brit-Am expressly disassociates itself from the Noachide Path unless one is already upon it. In other words there was no such advice given and no such discussion took place other than that of a single remark and even that did not say anything like Tomar Devorah said it did."Rabbi Avraham Feld pointed out that since Israeli law recognizes a status of Noachides that it might be one avenue for Ephraimites to consider."
Tomar refers to another article by Angus Wootten. Is Angus the Only Ephraimite Leader who makes statements worth quoting?4. They are creating a "Provisional Israelite Council in Exile" in the USA.
"This is a first step in re-establishing the fraternal bonds between B'nai Yosef (Sons of Joseph) and their companions, and his brother, Judah and his companions, with the goal of having one united and eternal house of Israel." (See Addendum 6)
It is true the issue is not going to go away. It can only be for the good. Instead of nagging on about marginal issues, making panicky statements that are not justified, and besmirching others, Tomar could more productively spend her time analyzing the Brit-Am Biblical Proofs of Israelite Ancestry and everything connected to them.CONCLUSION
This issue is not going to just go away, as evidenced by this query from an 'Ephraimite' to an aliyah blog:
Can you please help me? As far as I know, I do not have Jewish blood line however I have for over 30 years felt Jewish. I study the Bible daily and see the command to make Aliyah for the ones Elohim has scattered. His promise is to gather the house of Ephriam along with the house of Judah back into the land at the end days. I know the Orthodox pray three times a day for Ephraim to come home. Yet, I cannot find anywhere that we are accepted into the land as a citizen. I have found 61 passages calling ALL Israel home. As far as I can tell, only Judah has returned to the land and that is perfectly according to scripture in Zech 12:6-10 that the tents of Judah shall be saved first. How can Ephraim make Aliyah? thank you for your time, shalom, tina
This movement is already showing the potential to cause much trouble for Jews as can be seen by excerpts taken from a group of self-styled “Ephraimites” who made a “spy” trip to Eretz Yisrael and then wrote reports on their experiences and expectations. (See Addendum 7)
Here Tomar refers to an old article concerning Angus Wootten and Eddie Chumney and to articles on the Brit-Am Web Site.Action must be taken to protect Am Yisrael. It’s not possible to be too educated or too informed. As the old saying goes, “Forewarned is forearmed.” And this is what I am advocating---education, information, and active opposition within the religious and political realms.
15 Adar Alef 5768
See further:
Ephraimites or Ephra-I-am-nots?
Brit-Am Q&A on 'Ephraimites'
Brit-Am and Judah |
Continued: Reflections ![]() |