
"Brit-Am Now"-1040
1. Tessa:  "Ezekiel held two different sticks"
2. Michelle B.: "not the exact completion of the task"
3. Inverness: "the focus is still right there"
4. David Miller: "our obligation"
5. Paula:
Ephraimites, the Law, and the Land of Israel
6. Charles Stalsworth: Biblical Parallels
7. Nancy: Looking for Source on Joseph and the Oral Law


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1. Tessa:  "Ezekiel held two different sticks"
From: beswick <>
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1038
#3. What Do Ephraimites mean when they say they keep the Law?

Shalom Yair
Regarding the topic of Ephraimites keeping (or not keeping) the Law/Torah and your conceptual challenge, Ephraimites are a scattered and unconnected bunch around the globe and don't necessarily share exactly the same viewpoint. But my experience is that such people are usually on a journey out of orthodox Christianity, having discovered that some of what they were taught is not biblical. These people are working hard to remove unbiblical knowledge and practices and replace them with that which is sourced from the Bible alone - an enormous and painstaking task. There is an understandable reluctance to then accept and follow teachings which, while honourable, are not to be found within the covers of a Bible because of a reasonable fear of what to us looks like man-made laws. Also, by abandoning our former practices we are already viewed as heretics to be treated with some suspicion.

Some are experiencing differing degrees of persecution from Christian friends and family for, in their eyes, becoming 'Jewish'. Even though we recognise that we are not Jews, the world regards us as such for taking up the sabbath, diet laws, festivals etc.  So to Christians we are becoming too Jewish and to Jews we are not Jewish enough it seems!

Why were Ephraimites upset at the recent ruckus? Probably because to be told by Judah that we have no obligation to keep the Law at all is distressing since that is exactly what we've been told by the Church for 1700 years and we've found it wasn't true. To then suggest that we may not take up what we can of Torah was to leave us out in the cold. Our life of faith is already quite difficult without having another barrier put in front of us.

Perhaps it is sufficient to remember that Ezekiel held two different sticks in his hands for a period of time before they were joined into one. Each of these different sticks brings something of value which ultimately will be united. It seems this will not happen until all tribes are in the Land. Should we agree to practice forbearance in the meantime and accept that for the time being there is a purpose to our differences and we do not need to hinder each other?

Blessings - Tessa

2. Michelle B.: "not the exact completion of the task"
Subject: Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1038
#3. What Do Ephraimites mean when they say they keep the Law?

Comments on keeping the Law, whoever you might be:

These modern times dictate an entirely different way of life. It would be impossible in some aspects of keeping the Law, for anyone who wanted to, to do so, including the feasts.
I think the Father is okay with that, if it is in the heart for one to make every attempt to follow as much as one can.

When I was in basic training for the Air Force, you passed even if you failed in some things. Why? Because effort on your part to do everything you could to complete the task was well noted. Sometimes it's not the exact completion of the task, but the heartfelt effort put into it that makes one a success in the eyes of the taskmaster.

Blessings, michelle b.

3. Inverness: "the focus is still right there"
re "Brit-Am Now"-1039
#2. Identity Traitors Harass Brit-Am and Besmirch all Israelites
Subject: Re: niemala

The silliest part of all this fake-identity business is that the focus is still right there with modern Jewry at the center. Anti or pro, the attention paid speaks volumes. I dont recall Germans inhabiting the coastland as per Zephaniah 2, or a whole lot of controversy about Berlin as in Zechariah 12-14.

The point I get from learning about history from a true (Biblical) perspective is not that "Jews are really Khazars", or "English are really Ephraim", but the reverse- Khazars are actually Jews/Israelites and Lost Tribes like Ephraim have become English.

One sign of idolatry is trying to impose a man made doctrine on universal, linear-time events. First comes the ancient people, then the medieval, and now the modern. A modern people is not "really" an ancient people; ancient races become medieval, and then medieval became modern.

4. David Miller: "our obligation"
From: David Miller <>
re "Brit-Am Now"-1038
#1. Joseph and the Law: A Challenge to Ephraimites

Mr. Davidy:
I think your website and the material you have published on the Lost Tribes is excellent, and I believe that God is certainly using Brit-Am to awaken individuals to the knowledge of their Israelite identity.

I am sure there are many things one could learn from the oral law.  I am not discounting it at all.  But as a Christian, our obligation is to observe the written law of God, not the oral traditions.  That obligation is upon those whether Jew, Gentile, or Ephraimite.
God bless you Mr. Davidy in your continued work at Brit-Am. 
David Miller

5. Paula: Ephraimites, the Law, and the Land of Israel
re: Brit Am Now 1038

Dear Yair,
When the "mini-ruckus" broke out recently, I understood you to be saying that returning Israelites should not be expected or required to convert to Orthodox Judaism, but that their returning to certain aspects of the Torah was a good thing.  To my way of thinking your initial letter (the one that started the ruckus) was in support of those of us who have returned to some observances that are required of Israel but who have not and do not choose to convert.
You asked, "Why then were  many of them upset with us?"  They were confused.  I believe your understanding on Ephraimite observance of the Law is largely correct.  To most Ephraimites the term "the Law" means "that which is written in the Torah"; to you, an observant Jew, it means "that which was written and spoken (the oral law and all that goes with it)".  You can be sure that the majority of Israelites on this forum agree with you that we should not be expected or required to convert. 
You said:
"We would like to throw out a conceptual challenge to all Ephraimites:
If it could be proven to your satisfaction that the Oral Law emanates from the Written Law would you keep it??
If not, why not???
For me, I would not only need to see that the idea of the Oral Law emanated from the written Law, but also that the rulings and decisions based on the Oral Law are in agreement with the written Law.  There are probably things that I would agree with and would disagree with.  I would not be willing to give a blanket approval and acceptance to the whole of the Oral Law without first understanding it and the things that go with it.  It would be a bad situation for both Judah and Joseph if Joseph were to simply accept Judah's understandings and teachings and then wake up one day with the very bad realization that he could not in good conscience live by them.  It is in our interest to understand them before we accept them.
I do many of the things that you listed as Ephraimite observance of the Law.  I do them to the best of my understanding and do not base my observance on what someone else thinks I should be doing or not doing, and I am not likely to change my approach anytime soon.  I also do not expect others to do as I do.  I, like most of Ephraim, am in a transition phase.  Things that I held true 10 to 15 years ago I would now consider to be pagan.  I am smart enough to realize that I still have a lot to learn and I am willing to learn.
You said:
**Concerning reaching out to "Joseph"
I would say that the most important point might be spreading the knowledge of the ancestral identity of western peoples along with affirmation  of the Jews being Judah, that the Jews (as being Israelites and keeping the Law) have a right to ALL the Land of Israel since they are  the forerunners in Israel of all the Tribes.
Ephraimites technically may not be obligated at present to keep all the Law but they should respect the obligation of Judah to do so.
Concerning reaching out to "Judah" the situation is a little different.
We should let them know  who "Joseph" is, let them know about Brit-Am, and let them know that there are
Ephraimites who agree with and support Brit-Am or  at least hold principles of their own similar to those of Brit-Am.?**
I agree that we must spread the knowledge of who the western peoples are, and we must reveal to our brother Judah, the Jews, that "We are your brother, Joseph."  It must also be explained to Joseph that in order to have ownership of his part of the land that he must fulfill his part of the contract, the covenant which was WRITTEN; circumcision, the Sabbath, the festivals, etc.  There are some religious issues which can be put aside, but there are some that cannot.  There are certain WRITTEN laws which tie Israel to the land. You yourself confirm this when you say that it should be affirmed that since the Jews are Israelites AND KEEP THE LAW that they have a right to "ALL" the land.
As for Judah having a right to ALL the land, I certainly agree that they have a right to be there and live on the land regardless of whose tribal allotment it might be.  Just as many Israelites upon return may live in tribal areas outside of there own tribe.  However, the Right of Ownership or Guardianship of the land belongs to the tribe, all the families of the tribe, to which it was allotted.  I also think that the turmoil of the land will not be over until he who has the Right of Ownership/Guardianship shows up and possesses it.  It is important that we do not positively assert that one tribe has control of another tribe's territory, because we do not want to act as one who removes the land markers and be guilty of the exact sin that our leaders are committing at this very moment.  I do affirm that ALL the tribes have a RIGHT to the land of their fathers and ALL land from the Nile to the Euphrates.
I agree with your assessment about reaching out to Judah.  I would add one point; Judah should know that a bow in the hands of a skilled warrior is a powerful weapon, but it will never reach its full potential until it has arrows to go with it.

6. Charles Stalsworth: Biblical Parallels
 Re: "Brit-Am Now"-1039


Shalom, Shalom

Yair, where have you commented on this weeks Torah portion?  Do you  see a correlation between Joseph being sent out to his brothers at  the age of 17 years and the fact that Torah tells us that Jacob lived  17 years in Egypt and that he died there.

I noted with interest the search that you did on Joseph's tomb and  how it has been defiled.   In the year that you spoke to us in the  Land, I was able to go up to Hevron to see what Moses wanted the  spies to see but now even that has been given away.

You are loved

Charlie and Miriam Stalsworth

Brit-Am Note: For the weekly portion please go to:

7. Nancy: Looking for Source on Joseph and the Oral Law
Subject: RE: "Brit-Am Now"-1038
#1. Joseph and the Law: A Challenge to Ephraimites

> We recently came across a source (in the Rabbinical Commentary "Sefat
> Emet") saying that Joseph represents the
> understanding of the Oral Law as emerging from the Written Law and > the connection between the two..

Hi Yair,
Could you provide the reference for this? 

We have decided to prepare a series of Rabbinical Commentaries about the Individual Tribes.
The first
instalment of this series will be an article from the "Sefat Emet" on Joseph.
Sefat Emet (also pronounced as "Sefas Emes")
Yehuda Aryeh Leib Alter (1847 - 1905), also known by the title of his Torah books as the Sfas Emes , was born in Warsaw, Poland . He was a Hasidic Rabbi, and headed the Gerrer chasidim.
Described as: "one of the greatest Torah scholars of his generation" which is something of an understatement.

In answer to your specific question the following two roughly translated quotations are pertinent:

Commentary to Genesis ("
YeYechi") Chapters 47:28  to 50

Year  641
 Joseph has a portion in the Patriarchs who are the Aspect of the Written Torah. On the other hand Judah is the Aspect of the Oral Law. When a proper clarification is made they both become one. As it says " THEN JUDAH CAME NEAR UNTO HIM" [Genesis 44:18]... All of the Oral Law is encompassed in the Written Torah...Only we need human strength and exertion to clarify matters.

Year  656
Each Tribe has it own Aspect. The Patriarchs are the Written Torah. There are Thirteen Principles by which the Oral Law is deduced from the Written Law. These Thirteen Principles represent the Torah of  Jacob that radiates out to the Twelve Tribes and to Joseph who connects the Written Torah to the Oral Torah.