
Brit-Am Now no. 1087
1. Deborah Cigary: Ephraim is Returning
2. Mark Robinson: Arab means Mixed!
3. Thank you
4. Rabbinical Commentators:  Both Christianity and Islam from Rome
5. Brit-Am Policy on Holy Names
6. BAMAD made easier
7. Reorganization of Brit-Am: The STATE OF ISRAEL



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1. Deborah Cigary: Ephraim is Returning
Subject: RE: Brit-Am Now no. 1086

Dearest Yair:
Shalom-from North Carolina, USA.
 I have been reading your articles and the responses from so many of your subscribers for nearly four years, now.  I find that many people do not recognize that Ephriam has begun activity in that they are returning to Torah observant lives.
Ephraim, in this new move of God, is beginning to rally.  So many new congregations have sprung up all over the world and seekrs after the Heart of G-D are everywhere.  We are reurning to Torah.  Ephraim is coming out of Egypt/Babylon/Rome-the Church- and seeking G-D as HE has commanded.  So many of the House of Judah seem to fear this returning of Ephraim to Torah, as if Ephraim is trying to take Judah's identity and Torah from them...NOT SO..according to is for ALL..not just the House of Judah.  I just cannot understand why there is so much rejection of Ephraim. Maybe one day, as the Day of [the LORD] approaches, the rejection will disappear and acceptance of the Lost Brother, will be evident.
My heart longs for the Land and to see ISRAEL the nation it is to be..ONE NATION UNDER G-D, and under HIM only. ( THE USA is no longer that Nation-it is now truly pagan)  RETURN ISRAEL, to the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-cast off your secular, pagan ways and embrace God!  Torah/Scripture is so clear.
Be blessed, are a man seeking Ephraim and have found Ephraim..or. Ephraim has found you!  Thank you for your work and godly wisdom!

2. Mark Robinson: Arab means Mixed!
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1086

#1. Tessa: Roman Empire Offshoots?

Yair, Regarding Ishmael and Edom uniting, I have always thought Daniel Chapter discussed that eventuality. Verses 2:42-43 are interesting:
And [as] the toes of the feet [were] part of iron, and part of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
The original aramaic word for mixed and mingle is Strong's # H6151, is arab!! Mark A. Robinson

3. Thank you
Dear Mr. Davidy,
I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful Web site.  I have learned so much information on this site and owe much of my satisfied curiosity to you. 

4. Rabbinical Commentators:  Both Christianity and Islam from Rome
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1086
#1. Tessa: Roman Empire Offshoots?
The famous Rabbinical Commentators
Rashi, Abarbanel, and Malbim all say 
that both Christianity and Islam derive from Rome.

Shlomo Koshlavski, "VeAsher Tavonah Yagidu", Jerusalem, 5764,
More details to follow in next issue of
"Brit-Am Now" or in one of the issues after that.

5. Brit-Am Policy on Holy Names
In many Ephraimite and similar congregations  it is now customary to use
Holy Names in Hebrew for the Almighty.
The Jewish Religion is reserved about using these names in our times outside of
religious functions.
Whether or not this attitude is right or wrong is beside the point.
Brit-Am endeavors to make its features acceptable to all and especially not offensive
to Judah.
When we receive letters containing Holy Names in Hebrew we usually employ our right as Moderators
to replace them with English equivalents.

6. BAMAD made easier
Brit-Am has a  regular BAMAD feature
[Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update]
This feature contains interesting items some of which are of general interest
with others having a direct bearing on Brit-Am studies.
Not everyone has affinity for this type of studies but many do.
Up unto now some may have been put off by the Abstracts and excerpts we quoted from
being too technical even though we tried to avoid that.
From now on we will endeavor that all items of BAMAD containing technical terminology
will be a prefaced by a few lines of explanation.
The heading for these lines of explanation will be,
"Brit-Am Impression"
which will be highlighted in light-green ("lime").

This could also help those who are NOT interested in reading the whole item but would like an idea
of what it is about.
For such cases the "Brit-Am Impression" may be sufficient.

7. Reorganization of Brit-Am: The STATE OF ISRAEL
We are beginning a Worldwide Reorganization Brit-Am
This will be conducted in stages.
New Brit-Am Membership Certificates will be sent out shortly.

People now living in the STATE OF ISRAEL who are, or wish to be,
associated with Brit-Am are requested to make contact with us.