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Shalom Yair,
I've been reading the discussions about the "nation and company of nations" topic, and decided to contribute my viewpoint as well. Although we agree on many other things, I must respectfully disagree with you on this individual issue. I believe the "nation and company of nations" prophecy refers to the tribes of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, not Judah and the other tribes.
When Jacob/Israel blessed his sons and grandsons and made prophesies about them in Genesis 48-49, the ceremony was in two separate stages. The conveyance of the "birthright" blessing is described in Genesis 48, and only Ephraim and Manasseh were present with Jacob/Israel and Joseph when this birthright blessing was conferred on Joseph's sons. Jacob/Israel did not allow Judah and his other sons to be present during the blessing ceremony in Genesis 48, and Jacob/Israel made his prophecy about "a nation" specifically about Manasseh (Genesis 17-19) and his prophecy about "the company of nations" was addressed specifically to Ephraim (verse 19). Since Judah and the other sons of Jacob/Israel were not present at the blessing ceremony were the "nation and company of nations" prophecy was made, I do not see how that prophecy can apply to them. Indeed, verse 17-19 indicates Jacob/Israel had to be addressing the prophecy about "the nation and company of nations" to Manasseh and Ephraim because Jacob's hands were on the heads of Ephraim and Manasseh when he uttered that prophecy.
After the birthright blessings were given to Ephraim and Manasseh in Genesis 48, Jacob/Israel "called unto his [other] sons" and said "gather yourselves together" (Genesis 49:1) as none of the other sons were present when the "nation and company of nations" blessing was conveyed. After all of Jacob/Israel's sons were assembled together in one place (Genesis 49:1-2), the second stage of Jacob/Israel's prophetic utterances took place wherein prophecies about all of Jacob/Israel's sons were given for the latter day period of time.
At least, that is how I read these chapters.
Steve Collins
Brit-Am Reply:
Note the answer below is in reply to the above letter by Steven Collins and also to a letter from Tessa (from New Zealand) that presented a similar argument.
I accidentally deleted and removed the letter from Tess and so am relying on memory.
[People should realize that accidents sometimes happen, even to us.================================================
If you ever wrote a letter and did not receive a reply it was not necessarily
because we did not consider your letter worth the effort.
They say that when one gets older you become more forgetful and lose things etc.
I however have had such a problem since my youth and find if anything that I seem to improve with time.
I would like to add that this applies to other things as well but it may not be so true and doubt that it would sound convincing!]
http://www.britam.org/ baucumcover.html ![]() Hebrews in Scandinavia |
We received recently and in the past queries as to the possible dispersion of
Israelites even before the
Exile of the Lost Ten Tribes by the Assyrians. Walter Baucum has written extensively on this subject and anyone interested in the issue should read his work. Bronze Age Atlantis The International Nautical Empire of the Sea Peoples by Walter Baucum |
This Shabat and the Day after it are Rosh HaShanah or the Hebrew
New Year.
There is no Torah portion this week.
(b) Torah Readings for Rosh
Day One (Shabat) Genesis (B'reishit) 21:1-34
Haftara, 1-Samuel 1:1-2:10
Day Two (Sunday) Genesis (B'reishit) 22:1-24
In addition on both days at the end of the reading there is an additional
reading of Numbers 29:1-6.
Haftara- Jermeiah 31:2-20
(c) Support for Brit-Am and the Brit-Am
Support for Brit-Am helps us as well as furthering the Brit-Am Ten Tribes
This is to the advantage of all Israelites.
(d) An Annual New Opportunity is Now
Upon Us ALL!
Rosha HaShanah (the Hebrew New Year) for us means a new beginning
and new opportunity for ourselves and for all the world.
It is true that every day, every moment, if one wishes one can start again,
repair what was impaired
and do better.
Nevertheless some times are better than others.
Rosha HaShana is one of the better times.
Let us all pray, resolve to improve ourselves,
and ask the Almighty to guide us.
Note:Yair Davidiy was born in Sydney, Australia.
The entry below was prepared at the request of another party for other reasons.
It is taken from different articles and notices on our site.
A More detailed account is present on our site:
The History of Brit-Am
Most of you will probably be familiar with what is said below but some of you may not be and may find it of interest.
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