.  The Brit-Am 
 Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes 

Brit-Am Now no. 1401
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Movement
26 October 2009, 6 Cheshvan 5770
1. Israel and the White Race
A Refutation of Black Liberation Theology
2. What is the Brit-Am Position?
3. Dennis McGinlay lets have some common sense here!
4. Chris Josephson: Attitudes, Jones, Bible Translations
5. Thomas Malloy: Black Hebrews
6. Michael Williams: Races Came from the Tower of Babel
7. Jay: Nefertiti from Yorkshire, England. 
8. David Tempelhoff: Germanics in USA from Manasseh!
9. Jack Flaws: Noah a Mongoloid?
10. Alethea: Reply to Edward Jones.  Not "Priest" but Ruler!
Brit-Am Warning Against the Polluting Influence of the Kenite-Doctrine
11.A Note from Rick Richardson
12. Proverbs 8 (New King James Version)


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1. Israel and the White Race
A Refutation of Black Liberation Theology

This article was intended, amongst other things, to serve as a reply to
by Edward Jones.

Quite a few correspondents however have related to what Jones wrote but not to our article.
The article may not be the best we have ever written but it is nicely illustrated, the illustrations really are illustrative, it contains interesting information, and a point of view that tries to considers all aspects of the subject and is worth considering.
[PS. We have added a few more points in the last several hours.]

A person is born in the situation they would have chosen to be born in; knowing the options that were open to them. We are what we are because our souls agreed to us being that way. We each have a task in life and us being who we are most suits us towards fulfilling that task.

The Lost Ten Tribes according to our findings are today to be found concentrated amongst certain Western Nations. We are therefore justified in concentrating our efforts amongst the peoples in question. It may be that descendants of Judah and/or Israel are also to be found elsewhere and if so they too will return with the others. Our conclusions are valid on the general level. An individual who feels part of Israel but does not pertain to any of the groups Brit-Am concentrates upon should attach themselves to one of the Israelite Peoples or to Judah.
May the Almighty show all of us the way to carry out HIS will.

2. What is the Brit-Am Position?

by Edward Jones

Mr. Jones sounds like he has some valid points. what is the BritAm position on the issues he has raised?


Brit-Am Reply:

See our article:
Israel and the White Race
A Refutation of Black Liberation Theology

3. Dennis McGinlay: lets have some common sense here!
From: Dennis McGinlay <dennismcginlay@uwclub.net>
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1400
by Edward Jones

Dear Yair

The article by Edward Jones in Brit Am Now No 1400 is a nonsense if you consider that Noah was the father of all races on the Earth right now. Whether Noah was black or white he seemed to be able to father several racial types without much effort, turning Edward Jones' argument upside down. Edward, lets have some common sense here! You can't have it both ways.
4. Chris Josephson: Attitudes, Jones, Bible Translations

Even if Jones were right, he is wrong because of the attitude in which he wrote. You shouldn't  even give him the time of day!

"Be strong and of good courage" as spoken to Joshua.


Chris Josephson

PS I stick with the KJV for several reasons. None is a perfect translation, but the men who did that version weren't doing it for money, and as written in the forward of The Soncino Chumash, edited by Dr A Cohen, and speaking of the commentaries of the most famous Jewish expositors, "The translators of the Authorized Version made considerable use of some of these expositors, and their work has not ceased to have value. While their interpretations necessarily have a medieval flavor at times, they were scholars steeped in the spirit and knowledge of the Hebrew text."

All versions carry the prejudices of the translators, and even the NKJV doesn't just correct the obsolete English pronouns, etc., but reflects the above.
5. Thomas Malloy: Black Hebrews
From: thomas malloy <temalloy@usfamily.net>
Dear Yair;

I read that Asenath was an Assyrian, making her white.

Perhaps you saw this article in the Forward about the Black Hebrews, http://forward.com/articles/104067/
Last Shabbot, one of our congregants, married a lady who is a Black Hebrew, she grew up in Dimona. The Hebrew students in our Kehilat (Congregation) are excited because she's promised to be our new teacher. Michele Robinson Obama's cousin is said to be a Rabbi at one such congregation.

Conservative Talkers use it as a canard when advocates of same sex marriage call in, so the polygamy issue just tickles me. Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Theological Seminary, and talk show host, said that it isn't prohibited in the Holy Torah, and Rabbi agrees that he's right. The only thing that a polygamist can't do, is be an Elder in a congregation.

The Israeli citizenship matter tickles me too. The only reason they weren't granted it years ago is because they believe in [the Christian Messiah].

You don't see Karaites, or their version of the Levitical Calendar mentioned too often either. I'm fascinated by their calendar because we Hebrew Roots Eschatologyists are expecting the Tribulation to begin on Rosh HaShana.
Brit-Am Reply:
The article about the Black Hebrews depicts the President of Israel, Shimeon Peres at a meeting with Black Hebrews.
Peres has done a lot in his time both positively and negatively.
He gives the impression of thinking like a flower-child of the 60s.
Some people never grow up in the negative sense.
The Black Hebrews on the whole are still denied Israeli Citizenship.
They were not expelled in the past due to their links with Farrakhan and the fear that if expelled they would attack Jewish communities in the USA.
Their ideology is similar to that of the neo-Nazi Identity Freaks in the USA. Because they are black they can get away with it.
Their ideology preaches hatred of Jews and in the past threatened to work for the PLO against the State of Israel.
Ben Ammi, the Black Hebrew leader, claims to have modified his attitudes in recent years.
As individuals some of them get on reasonably well in Israel but there are problems.

Some of their youths harass Jewish religious children and try and pick fights with them.

The Karaites have not got a Calendar.
It may be that someone else has invented a calendar of their own and called it Karaite.

I understand your interest however. If the end of the world does not happen on Rosh HaShana according to the Hebrew Calendar you can always say that it must mean Rosh HaShana according to the Calendar of someone else!
That could gain you another month.
If you look around you may well find an alternate neo-Karaite calendar to consider alongside the so-called Karaite one!
In addition to the "Karaite" wannabees there are also several new Messianic movements with Calendar solutions of their own.
Perhaps you should check them out?
This could enable you to cover even more bases.

6. Michael Williams: Races Came from the Tower of Babel
From: Michael Williams <michaelwilliams@fastmail.net>
The "Races" came from the Tower of Babel unlike the Traditional belief  that Hams descendents were Africans,Japeths were Aisian & Shems were European.

Tower of Babel caused the Races (nationalities)
Rather than the popular belief of;


There is biblical evidence that The Races  were made at the tower of Babel; 
Genesis 10:32 (King James Version)

32 These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.

Genesis 10:5 (King James Version)

5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Genesis 10:25
Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.
Peleg was the king of Babylon where it was the Tower of Babel (Babylon) ------------------------------------
Look carefully:

*the nations divided in the earth after the flood.

*divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

Genesis 10:25
Two sons were born to Eber: One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

They were divided by their _"-nations-"_ Different Nationalitys are often called different races.

All the "Races" you see now (Nationalities really) all originated from the tower of Babel before that they were all the same colour -I don't know what it was it sure wouldn't be any of the ones you see now.

They all got punished and God is fair he wouldn't of let some lucky people stay they same colour.

We are all of one blood and all of one big family.
  Michael Williams
  7. Jay: Nefertiti from Yorkshire, England. 
From: j099@webtv.net
 Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1400 (Black Egyptians?)
Shalom Yair:

Throughout my lifetime I have seen illustrations of Egyptian Pharaohs, none of which have facial features that resemble any of the people I know whose ancestors were black slaves in America.  Even the current president with his part white and part Ethiopian genealogy does not resemble any ruler of ancient Egypt as I have seen.  Many have believed that ancient Egyptians had black skin, a fair conclusion to me.  But the rulers of Egypt did not necessarily have to be of the same race as the general public.  Democracy, after all, was not invented until the time of the ancient Greeks, although one writer believed that democracy was invented by Joseph.  Some in the past have believed that the rulers of Egypt at the time of Joseph were Hyksos, Shepherd Kings, maybe Hebrews or maybe Edomites, but not Hamites. 

The author of this most recent treatise  should search for a photo of the bust of Queen Nefertiti.  Queen Nefertiti resembles a woman I was very close to, who died ten years ago whose parents were from Yorkshire, England. 

 8. David Tempelhoff
: Germanics in USA from Manasseh!
From: David Tempelhoff
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1400

Egypt was what the USA is today. A melting Pot.
Possible to be any race and be 'American.'
Josephs wife was the daughter of the High Priest of Egypt. No one knows what race this ruling class was? No one knows where these pagan Priests came from!
Just because she was ' Egyptian' does not mean she was from Ham.
Even if she was The Fathers line determined the tribe--not the maternal. !
I believe that Ephrahim and Mannessah are USA and UK ( Ex Colonies) because they are the most dominant Military powers in the world.
Ephrahim is the Helmut of God and Judah the lawgiver. Psalm 60.
What nation is Gods helmut and protects Isreal?
How do you be Gods Helmut?
A Helmut protects and is an Instrument of War. It also protects the brain---order, strategy, technology, strategy, commonsense.
I met a descendent of General Herkimer in the Mohawk Valley a few weeks ago. Gen H was instrumental is routing the British in a crucial battle that determined the Revolutinary war.
 The Hudson and Mohawk valleys in NY were settled by Palatine Germans and were the people who resisted the British during the Revolutionary War.
They were tough as nails farmers and extremely hard working Germans.
These hard working Germans were from the house of Mannessah. They broke away from England and helped lay the foundation of  America with their blood.
The English crown could not face them so thats why they hired Hess Mercenaries. More Germans.
It didnt work.
The American Army was trained by Count von Stubben a Prussian Army Officer. His guidelines are still the basis for the Army training manual.
Germanic---- God fearing, hard working, industrious Germans.
America has around 50 million people of Germanic descent.
Brit-Am Reply:
Asenath was probably a native-born Egyptian and therefore a descendent of Ham.
Most of the Germans who migrated to North America were of a different stock from the Germans who remained in Germany.
We have discussed this issue in our book,
"Joseph - The Israelite Destiny of America"

9. Jack Flaws: Noah a Mongoloid?
From: Jack Flaws <stag@asis.com>
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1400

Yair.   I only have one question to ask of Mr. Jones.  Using his "logic and common sense,"  I would have to conclude that Shem and Japhet were also black.  Extending that idea, Noah was black and probably his wife also.  How then did Shem get to be white and Japhet brown?

I have been taught that an artifact called the Celtic Cauldron contains pictures of human history, including a picture of Noah, his sons and their wives.  This picture explains the different colors of the races, as the wives of Noah's sons are depicted as white, brown and black.  Noah is shown as being mongoloid in appearance.  This idea is confirmed by the book of Enoch.  In that account, Lamech runs to Mathusalah and Enoch to find an explanation as to:  "And now, my father, hear me: for to my son Lamech a child has been born, who resembles not him;  and whose nature is not like the nature of men.  Hes color is whiter than snow; his is redder than the rose; the hair of his head is whiter than white wool; his eyes are like the rays of the sun; and when he opened them he illuminated the whole house." (Enoch 105:10)  "Then I, Enoch, answered and said: The Lord will effect a new thing upon the earth.  This have I explained, and seen in a vision.  I have shewn thee that in the generation of Jared my father, those who were from heaven disregarded the word of the Lord.  Behold they committed crimes; laid aside their class, and intermingles with women.  With them also they transgressed;  married with them and begot children. (verse 13)  this is in answer to Mathusalahs' statement in verse 12 that "....believing not that the child belonged to him, but that he resembled the angels of heaven."

Just as many letters I've receiver over the years, promoting this same Black Lost Tribes idea, Mr. Edwards' arguments are riddled with Ego.  Trumpeting in ALL CAPITALS how right he is and how wrong you (and I) are.

Thank you for reproducing this nonsense.  It's important that we see the fallacious thinking of people bound by their ego.

Brit-Am Reply:
It seems that the ancestors of Mongoloid types probably looked more like the Ainu so-called Caucasoid types.
Human Races Can Change. Background: The Kennewick Man

10. Alethea: Reply to Edward Jones.  Not "Priest" but Ruler!
Brit-Am Warning Against the Polluting Influence of the Kenite-Doctrine
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1400
#1. Joseph was in lower Egypt not upper Egypt.  Lower Egypt was ruled at this time by the Hyksos, or shepherd kings. The Hyksos ruled lower Egypt and the dividing line between upper and lower Egypt was the Great Pyramid of Gaza.  Upper Eqypt (who you speak about - but the bible is talking about LOWER EGYPT so YOUR whole argument is the one built on sand) would never let shepherds in their land. We also know that Potiphar was also from this group.  Potipherah,  Joseph's father in law was also of this same ruling class, who ruled in the city of On. On is a city in lower Egypt bordering land of Goshen. The term "priest" is not the indication of a religious leader, but a prince or civil official as pointed out in Strongs Hebrew dictionary #3548.  Joseph's wife was not from the heathen mixtures of bloodlines, as was present in the land of Canaan.  In as much as Joseph will take Asenath for his wife, the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh will come from this women.  These Hyksos people were from father Abraham, and they migrated throughout the middle east, and came into Egypt and threw out other kings of Egypt as well as the Egyptian's many forms of gods to replace it with the one true God.  We have seen through the many generations from Adam through Noah, and Abraham how God has protected the bloodline of his people, for it is through them that the Messiah will come.  This is why it is EASY to accept that this women is from a pure linage, not contaminated by the Nephilim or the Kenites.  Satan has tried to break the pure linage that the [Christian Messiah] would come through and he failed.  Today the Kenite minds has so distorted the word of God that many Christians simply do not understand or accept the idea of God's plan through which the Messiah was to come.  It has become a stumbling block to them. 
I really enjoy discussing other points of view because it makes me sharp up on the true facts of GODS WORD not of man's thoughts through their own mind or pride.
Brit-Am Reply:
You said:
# The term "priest" is not the indication of a religious leader, but a prince or civil official as pointed out in Strongs Hebrew dictionary #3548.#
You are right.
The Hebrew word is "Cohen" which usually means priest but we also find it used as the equivalent of official or administrator. 
#CHIEF RULERS. In Hebrew "
Cohanim". The King James Version here translates "Cohanim" as chief rulers in accordance with traditional Jewish understanding (see Targum Yehonatan) though "Cohanim" usually means "priests".

Maybe Potiphera (father of Asenath) was the local administrator of the Egyptian Province of On?

We see you have been mislead by the Kenite Racialist Fantasy.
There is not a shred of evidence in the Bible to support these evil notions.
We are surprised that someone as evidently intelligent and informed as yourself should adhere to them.
You at least seem able to spell your own name correctly.
Nevertheless we heartily advise you to distance yourself from such errors and falsities lest you damage your Divine Image and permanently become contaminated with the very poison of Satan they pretend to warn you against!

11. A Note from Rick Richardson
From: Rick Richardson <rick@rick-richardson.com>


Thank you for meeting with us during Sukkot.
It was very special for those who receive your e-mails to meet you in person.

I hope that all is well with you.

Thanks again,
Rick Richardson
12. Proverbs 8 (New King James Version)

 1 Does not wisdom cry out,
      And understanding lift up her voice?
       2 She takes her stand on the top of the high hill,
      Beside the way, where the paths meet.
       3 She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city,
      At the entrance of the doors:
       4 ? To you, O men, I call,
      And my voice is to the sons of men.
       5 O you simple ones, understand prudence,
      And you fools, be of an understanding heart.
       6 Listen, for I will speak of excellent things,
      And from the opening of my lips will come right things;
       7 For my mouth will speak truth;
      Wickedness is an abomination to my lips.
       8 All the words of my mouth are with righteousness;
      Nothing crooked or perverse is in them.
       9 They are all plain to him who understands,
      And right to those who find knowledge.
       10 Receive my instruction, and not silver,
      And knowledge rather than choice gold;
       11 For wisdom is better than rubies,
      And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
       12 ? I, wisdom, dwell with prudence,
      And find out knowledge and discretion.
       13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil;
      Pride and arrogance and the evil way
      And the perverse mouth I hate.
       14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom;
      I am understanding, I have strength.
       15 By me kings reign,
      And rulers decree justice.
       16 By me princes rule, and nobles,
      All the judges of the earth.[a]
       17 I love those who love me,
      And those who seek me diligently will find me.
       18 Riches and honor are with me,
      Enduring riches and righteousness.
       19 My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold,
      And my revenue than choice silver.
       20 I traverse the way of righteousness,
      In the midst of the paths of justice,
       21 That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth,
      That I may fill their treasuries.
       22 ? The LORD possessed me at the beginning of His way,
      Before His works of old.
       23 I have been established from everlasting,
      From the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
       24 When there were no depths I was brought forth,
      When there were no fountains abounding with water.
       25 Before the mountains were settled,
      Before the hills, I was brought forth;
       26 While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields,
      Or the primal dust of the world.
       27 When He prepared the heavens, I was there,
      When He drew a circle on the face of the deep,
       28 When He established the clouds above,
      When He strengthened the fountains of the deep,
       29 When He assigned to the sea its limit,
      So that the waters would not transgress His command,
      When He marked out the foundations of the earth,
       30 Then I was beside Him as a master craftsman;[b]
      And I was daily His delight,
      Rejoicing always before Him,
       31 Rejoicing in His inhabited world,
      And my delight was with the sons of men.
       32 ? Now therefore, listen to me, my children,
      For blessed are those who keep my ways.
       33 Hear instruction and be wise,
      And do not disdain it.
       34 Blessed is the man who listens to me,
      Watching daily at my gates,
      Waiting at the posts of my doors.
       35 For whoever finds me finds life,
      And obtains favor from the LORD;
       36 But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
      All those who hate me love death.?


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