
 "Brit-Am Now"-941
1. Craig Blackwood: Insights
2. New Entries to "Hebrew Pictures"
3. David Jackson: Red Sea Splitting and Israelites


1. Craig Blackwood: Insights
From: Craig Blackwood <>
Subject: RE: The New Books
Shalom Yair

Thankyou for sending the Book "Role to Rule".  I have just received it.

I had a quick read last night because my travel companion made some
uninformed comments about the State of Israel and the Palestinians.  I am
neither pro or anti Zionist Israel.  I am pro ethnic Jew/Judah and natural
Israelite.  But I grieve that it seems that those whose wrest the echelons
of power really do not have the garden variety, ethnic Jew best interest at
heart...  So I find myself having to defend some hostile
argument against the modern regimes.  This person would support the Jews if
they (in her view) "were not destroying Palestinians".  I found that her
view is rather lop-sided.  I think that "Role to Rule" may very well be the
book to dispel the mis-information.  There are just one or two issues that I
cannot agree on but those who appreciate your work are well able to "eat the
meat and spit out the bones". ..True facts get rather twisted in the
face of un-educated bias or racial conditioning.  This make much of the
principal that "What you don't understand, you tend to resist".

As for the book, apart from facts I might not otherwise know, the critique
department remains unemployed.

I look forward to more of your work.

The New Zealand Moriori pre-ceeded the Maori.  Are these peoples the MORO
that you talked about in your book? The Moriori were Maori type but not
warelike, they were not cannibalsitic.  The later arrival of the Maori were
warelike and cannibalsitic.  This however was not the trait of the South
Island Maori who seems more white and having softer perplection and more
sofisticated in manner.  New Zealand university DNA research places the
fe-male Maori from Taiwan and the male from PNG.

One aspect about New Zealand is that there is quite some evidence that
Phoenicians sailors and Hebrew explorers and Egyptians made colonies
throughout the world.  My reckoning leads me to think that the British
Empire reclaimed territories originally pioneered by these ancient mariners.
It seems that the South Island Maori comes from these peoples, the north
Island Maori came much later.  Inscriptions thought NZ and Australia read
like "We travel from here to Dan, we are building Yahweh house".  They have
found a university in the central south Island highlands with
Hebrew/Phoenician inscriptions written in stone.  Phoenician type artefacts,
art and carvings have been found.  Do you know much about this.  I have a
video of south Island Maori leaders be-moaning the arrival of the north
Island Maori, and laying claim to having arrived somewhat 3,000 years prior.

One more question/suggestion please.  Are you aware of the so called
"Freemason symbols and influence" in American founding, the seals and such
like.  It seems some would claim that many of the foundaing fathers and
on-going influential men were/are Freemasons.  It seems the so called
conspiritist and those who expose Freemasonry extol the evils of American
symbolism and even the Star of David.  It might be worth a book subject
expounding these from your Jewish perspective and maybe targeting this
sceptic.  These people refuse to consider the other side of American symbols
being biblical.  Of course I am of the understanding as Jesus taught, "Evil
tares were sown amongst the wheat", and goats shall be separated from the
sheep.  Even Job teaches me that "When ever the sons of God presented
themselves before the Lord, Satan presented himself also".  Satan never
originates, he only imitates and that inversely and perversely.  Thus in my
eyes the sinister element of freemasonry and witchcraft seeks only to
discredit the real truth of Joseph by claiming credit for the occult.  Satan
has positioned himself as an "Angel of Light" pretending to be what he is
not and maligning the genuine by postering.  I think that tackling this
subject may be a way to educate the critic in this department.



2. New Entries to "Hebrew Pictures"
see especially nos no15 onwards below
(1. Egyptian Sources:
Heads of Israelite Cities that paid tribute to Shishak, King of Egypt
(2. Hebrew Pictures that almost certainly depict subjects from Israel or Judah.
(3. Ivories: Ivory Sculptures from the Palace in Samaria of Northern Israel Show Egyptian and Phoenician Influence
(4. Assyrian Pictures of Israelite Exiles;
(5. Pictures defined as "Canaanites" or "Amorites" that Probably include Israelites.
(6. Pictures of "Phoenicians" of uncertain Provenance that may include Israelites
(7. Other Peoples who lived alongside the Hebrews and with whom they intermixed.
(8. Pictures of "Celts" in the West
(9. Picts of Scotland
(10. Pictures of Pagan Monarchs who Exiled Israelites
(11. Ammonites and Anglo-Saxons
(12. Egyptian depictions of "Amori", i.e. Ammorites or Israelites?
(13. Egyptian Captives from Different Nations
(14. More Recent Examples
(15. Edomite, Edomite father Jewish Mother, Swede.
(16. The European Depictions of a "Red-Haired" Judas.
(17. More Pictures of Red-Haired Judas.
(18. Governor of Hawai with Israeli Soldiers.
(19. Some Modern-Day Israelis.
(20. Judean Statuettes.
(21. Polish Jews at Yom Kippur.
Ivory Engravings from the area of Northern Israel showing Israelites and/or Canaanites.

3. David Jackson: Red Sea Splitting and Israelites
Subject: Psalms 78:13 Tradition

The splitting of the Red Sea became an important theme in ancient Scottish, Irish, and Anglo-Saxon tradition.

For approximately 40 years the ABC network in the US has telecast Cecil B. DeMille?s The Ten Commandments around Passover weekend.  The emotional highlight of the movie is the parting of the Red Sea.  It is a remarkable visual effect, even by modern standards.  DeMille suffered a mild heart attack while filming in the Egyptian sun, but recovered to complete his last work.

No other movie has been so regularly shown on a major network in the US in prime viewing time for so many years.  In all of the main events it closely follows the biblical account, and the tone of its dramatic additions is respectful.

I have often wondered if this movie has been used by the Lord as a modern tradition to keep alive in our people the memory of something important to us.  Children who are generally ignorant of the Bible have usually seen at least part of it, so even now and for at least 60+ more years we cannot claim to have not been told ?that there is a God in Israel? (I Sam 17:46).

David Jackson
Keller, Texas

