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Hello Yair!
I find it simply amazing that the Jews who are a proponent of Zionism and call themselves Ashkenazi, deny any lineage to the Khazars!
I have read Arthur Koestler findings and a lot of what he says makes sense! I don't care to elaborate on his findings except that he emphaticaly states that Ashkenazi decendents hail from the Eastern part of Europe and were in fact the ones that over-threw the Tzsar and his kingdom.
Speculation flys in the wind when one reads so many coincidental findings, but then hey, I for one do not believe in coincidence!
Brit-Am Reply:
Apparently you failed to read our article:
The Jews from Judah in Demographic
This article along with out other articles on the Khazars:
proves that the most Jews are not of Khazar origin.
I also read Koestler and other books along the same lines. The work by Koestler
is not the best book on the subject but it is certainly the most popular. Every
Jew hater and reprobate reject low life seems to know it well!
Koestler actually does not say much and does not prove the case he represents.
We do!
Our book on the Khazars is better and more reliable.
Tribe 13"
If anything this work of ours is too detailed and scholarly. In the
future we may publish a shorter simpler version.
You referred me (in another letter) to an interview with Shlomo Sand who
apparently is trying to emulate Koestler:
Sand's basic thesis is explained in the title ? that there is no Jewish people.
According to him, the Jews are a religious group without any particular ethnic
link to ancient Israel, rather, nearly every Jew living in the world is the
product of a conversion. #
This tripe is typical of what comes out of Tel Aviv University.
Even if it was true it would not matter.
You said,
# Ashkenazi descendents hail from the
Eastern part of Europe and were in fact the ones that over-threw the
and his kingdom. #
Well first of all, Uncle Nicholas deserved what he got.
Secondly his own people were responsible more than the Jews.
The Jews however had indeed been cruelly persecuted by the Czar and his cronies
so whatever one says it does not matter much.
Judging from the tone of your letter I would say that you yourself are
anti-Jewish. This explains your insistence on saying that the Jews are Khazars.
Even if they were it would not matter since the Bible allows for this
possibility. Nevertheless it seems unlikely.
See the articles we mentioned above.
Is Kathryn McCauley your real name?
We are aware that a small minority of Irish and Scots-Irish are anti-Semitic,
sometimes violently so, but they a minority. They are also a disgrace to their
own people.
On the other hand your interest in the Czar suggests an East European ancestry.
Perhaps you are using a pseudonym or your parents changed their name when they
came over from Russia?
Anyway, we must all learn the Bible, repent of our froward ways and endeavor to
do the will of the Almighty.
This includes supporting the State of Israel and judging the Jewish People
See our article on Ephraimite Criteria
God bless you
Yair Davidiy
Dear , Britam
Its been awhile since L've asked a question so here goes, what do you think about Obama pushing at israel , he and his cronies are kicking up dust big time. Do you think this is a false flag op (America acts like they are mad at Israel, meanwhile israel attacks Iran, Hizbollah ect)? Or do you think this is really happening do you believe that (America which you believe is Joseph) is going against his family Judah?
Thanks for your time .
Brit-Am Reply:
What Hussein Obama and his company are really doing is not known to our humble
Obama probably really is anti-Jewish. The question is whether his anti-Jewish
sentiments are deep ones or superficial.
Joseph and Judah always had fiction between them.
Even in the present circumstances however beneath the bickering and behind the
overbearing insulting attitude of the US Government there is evident a deeper
recognition between Israel and the USA of sharing some kind of common mutuality
at a deeper level.
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