1. New Article:
Ahab and the Achaeans" by John R. Salverda
http://www.britam.org/salverda/pelops.html Contents:
Brit-Am Editorial Comment.
Pelops and Ahab.
The Achaeans and Ahab.
Ahab in Greek Records?
Israelites, Arimoi, Kimmeroi (Cimmerians)!
Hittites and Israelites.
The Hurrian Mercenary Chariot Warriors and Olympianism.
Chaldeans and Chaldians.
Was Homer really King Omri of Israel?
Pelops, Hippodameia, and Naboth.
Elijah as Myrtilus.
The Murder of Stymphalus.
The Greek Mount Carmel?
Extracts: Brit-Am Editorial Comment:
John Salverda has authored a valuable and interesting series of articles showing
Israelite Influence on Greek Mythology. The northern Ten Tribes lived separately
from Judah. They intermixed with the local non-Israelite populations and adopted
their beliefs and practices. It is not certain how literate they were and it may
be that only a few actually knew how to read and write Hebrew. It was a violent
age punctuated by wars, invasions, and traumatic crises. The Bible as we know it
had not yet been canonized though the Torah (original Five Books of Moses i.e.
the Pentateuch) existed but was revered in Judah rather than in Israel. It was
also a period of irrational forces and strong spiritual influences. Under such
conditions we may well expect the actual belief system of the common people to
have become transformed into something else altogether.
Our studies show that at some stage Israelites (especially from the tribe of
Dan) did conquer the Greeks, influenced them and were influenced by them. Also
in their movement westward elements from the Ten Tribes sojourned in the Greek
sphere. We ourselves do not think there was much of a physical ethnic
interaction between Hebrews and Greeks but there was a cultural one.
Archaeological findings show a strong link between Mycenaean (Bronze Age) Greece
and Britain as well as between Bronze Age Britain and the area of Ancient Israel
and its surroundings. The same applies to Scandinavia. Mycenaean finds in the
region of Israel itself are plentiful and may have originated with Israelites.
If such was the case then the Israelite component in findings from the British
isles and the North of Europe may well turn out to be much greater than is
The article below continues the exposition of John Salverda. The views are those
of the author and not necessarily of Brit-Am.
John Salverda in fact says things we would heartily disagree with. Even so, he
deserves to be read. It is also important to read properly what he is saying.
For instance he claims that Israelite exiles who reached Greece were really
Hittites and Chaldeans who had been influenced by Israelite culture. His
attributing Gentile origins to Israelite Kings and their followers is doubtful.
It could be however that Canaanites and other elements who were driven out or
voluntarily left Israel had been influenced beforehand by Hebrew culture and
they brought this influence with them to Greece?...
Your favorite Brit-Am Organizer is a natural blond.
This means I am slow in picking up things at times.
Not backward, just slow. Later I sometimes make up for momentary [re-]tardiness
by surging ahead thus making others forget my initial reticence of
Anyway a good time ago we had a min-article about the number of Stephens and
writing into us with their research and literary contributions.
See: "Brit-Am Now"-859 http://britam.org/now/859Now.html #2. Hidden "Stephen" and the
Lost Ten Tribes.
Lately another one of these Steve "Wonders" came to our attention when
Steve Mathe posted to us a notice about his latest article:
We pointed out before that even though prosaic explanations suggest tracing
the Stephen-Steven name to
a Greek word meaning "crown" we preferred the Hebrew "Tsafon" meaning hidden.
This was in response to a suggest by Stephen Ray Hale of "a connection between
the names
Stephen & Tsephanyahu".
Apart from all that we had overlooked the fact that Joseph himself was called
something like Stephen!
# And Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphnath-Paaneah# (Genesis 41:44).
In Hebrew "Zaphnath-Paaneah" means "Hidden Things [Tsaphanot"]-Revealer [Panaeach]of".
Now when the Ten Tribes reached the Lands of the North, natural habitat of slow
blondes like myself,
they must adapted themselves to the local conditions.
Tsaphanot Panaeach must have been quite a mouthful for the local boys and to
have required an inordinate amount of time to enunciate.
Maybe the result was "Stepen"?
3. War Time Speech by Hugh Davis in
Darjeeling, India. Extract: # You needn't worry about the
outcome of this war we are all fighting in our different ways. We cannot lose.
For if we lose, the whole world as we now know it goes down with us. With the
of the men we have fighting for us, there is only one result possible for us.
Complete victory. What you have read about the Battle of Britain is absolutely
true. The young men who fought in that battle and are still fighting were, and
still are, ordinary people, just like you and me, but placed in extraordinary
circumstances. They were, and are, not at all like the German fighters who are
bolstered up by sheer arrogance, brutality and murder against a mainly unarmed
and untrained civilian populace. Ours are ordinary men like you and me, steeled
by the conviction of a right cause. Whatever the odds, the murderers must never
be allowed to triumph. Otherwise, the human race will simply cease to exist.
# We are arrogant too. Arrogant in doing what is just against sheer evil. I
know, I was there. These men of ours would fight against impossible odds, quite
impossible, and yet they would win, again and again and again. It even shook the
Americans out of their complacency and hesitance. Most of these men are dead
now. My friends and school mates. Dead before they have started to live. But
their example has shown a light to those who follow on. There is an
understanding in Britain that victory is certain. There can be no other result.
For us, we cannot fail. The Battle of Britain was the turning point of the war.
The freedom of the whole world was saved by this battle. This great battle. It's
only a matter of time now. I am proud to belong to the RAF.#
From a speech by Hugh Davis in Darjeeling, India, ca. 1943.
Source: "Indian Interlude" by Hugh Davis,
Chapter 12. http://britam.org/Hugh.html
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