Ten out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel were exiled and lost their identity. Their descendants are now to be found amongst Western Peoples. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. This is proven from the Bible, Talmud, and Rabbinical Sources as well as from Secular Studies in Ancient History, Archaeology, Mythology, Linguistics, and related fields.
In the notes below we bring news, queries, and updates related to these issues.This is a service provided by Brit-Am, Movement of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
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2. Coincidences or Divine Providence? Keep your EYES Open!
Maimonides in his Guide to the Perplexed discusses Divine Providence.
There are some matters that in order to understand them we need to explain in
simplified form even though this may lead to misunderstandings.
The Almighty watches over everybody and everything. HE makes his watching more
apparent over those who are closer to HIM.
Most of the people here believe in the Almighty and are good people.
We need to open our eyes more and see Divine Providence in front of us.
Two minor incidents that occurred this morning may illustrate this.
(a) I mentioned someone in a talk. I had not mentioned him before and may not do
so again. We had had no contact for quite a while, maybe years.
He was almost certainly not aware that I had mentioned him yet a few hours later
he contacted us.
(b) Two individuals from the same state in Australia sent us an offering for the
same amount at almost the same time.
They probably are not even acquainted with each other. We have supporters in
Australia but not an overwhelming number
and the two in question are in no wise frequent contributors to us.
There are only small things but similar occurrences happen to us all. They
sometimes occur all the time only we do not really notice them or take them for
To some degree there may be prosaic and/or psychological explanations for this
type of phenomena in some cases. Nevertheless there is also something beyond
that, behind it all.
4. A Proud Jew Criticizes the British.
Alex wrote:
Yair, I am a proud Jew and a proud Zionist yet I detest the most
anti-Semetic nation in Europe which is Britain. They prevented Jews fleeing
the Nazis from settling in Palestine via their infamous "Whtie Paper" and
armed the Hashemites in Jordan in their quest to exterminate the new state.
Britain is host to the most primeval academic boycotts of Israel and openly
awaits a second Holocaust of the Jews, this time in Israel. They are being
overrun by Moslems yet only seem to lay all the inciteful jihadist barbarism
in the Middle East on an "intransigent" Israel. I will never spend a tourist
dollar there ... !! Despite your vast and quite detailed studies on Ephraim,
I can never see the day these people can EVER seek to ally with their
long-lost brethren in Israel.
5. The Almighty has Blessed Brit-Am and Us Personally.
We keep on sending out appeals and this is yet another one.
We feel we sound as if we are whining and pleading and perhaps we often are.
We are struggling to keep our head above water and not always succeeding. We
need more funds to function.
We do receive a good portion of what we need through ongoing sales of
publications and contributions. This however is less than enough.
We need a bit more in order to pay our costs and keep going. If every one would
give just a little bit more things would be different.
Having said this and stressing our need for additional offerings and purchases
of our works, we need to also count some of our blessings.
Heretofore, somehow or other we have been enabled to function for quite a while.
We managed to do research and reveal things. New information became available to
us. We were enabled to do the research, find the findings, publish them,
and discuss them. We have influenced a considerable number of people. Many of
those on our list were searching for answers like ourselves.
We found some of the answers and discussed them. Also other people who had also
done research made contact with us and we published what they had written.
We have become a means to link up elements belonging to the same root. Whether
it is a question of ancestry or of our souls belonging to the same source there
is a common denominator.
Not only are Different people brought together but the togetherness is sometimes
felt despite the physical separation of ether space.
Our Bible Studies and our Research have produced worthwhile results. The high
quality in some way is reflected not only through the insights we have somehow
merited BUT ALSO in a searching for the truth from our audience. This has
influenced us. We are enabled through it.
The Bit-Am/Hebrew Nations group of sympathizers and subscribers is of
exceptional quality.
Divine Providence made us the tool bringing all this together.
We put out books some of which were well received.
In some respects, Yair Davidiy is like a one-man show. On the other hand a large
number of people give to us in order to keep us going.
The giving is not only in the form of money but also technical advice, support,
and encouragement, etc.
Divine Providence wants us to keep going and at this stage it is needed that we
do so, through you.
We have immediate expenses to meet most seriously.
We also have a book, Hosea, in preparation. This is a good work and we feel it
shall answer many questions. Perhaps it will be a suitable means to reach out to
Much of the work has already been done. It would not take that much.
Please send what you can.
6. New YouTube Clip and 2 Reactions.
Large Numbers Were Exiled. |
The Ten Tribes comprised the majority of the Ancient Israelites. They were exiled and lost consciousness of their ancestry. A few critics have claimed that there may not have been that many of them. This talk considers the evidence.
See Also:
Demographic Reality. How Many Israelites (from the Ten Tribes) Really Were Exiled? |
7. New YouTube Clip.
A Great Many People. |
The Bible Promised that the Israelite Nations would number an immense multitude. This is one of the characteristics of the Lost Ten Tribes
that have been fulfilled through Western Peoples. |
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All truth passes through three
stages: First it is ridiculed. |
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