Brit-Am You Tube Video Clips

Continued from Page 5.


Britain as Ephraim Introduction Part A.

Duration: 5.51 minutes

The Lost Ten Tribes went to the West. The two tribes of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh went to the British Isles.
With the formation of the USA most of Manasseh moved to America. Great Britain and offshoots from Britain represent Ephraim.

Seven major Proofs identifying the British with Ephraim include:
1. The Blessing of Ephraim was to precede that of Manasseh in Time.
2. Relative Importance in Different Spheres. Ephraim Lowered himself. Modest.
The Pre-eminence of Manasseh is Material.
3. Ephraim Was to Rule Over Other Nations.
4. "A COMPANY OF NATIONS" to be fulfilled in Ephraim.
5. Ephraim Represents the Aristocratic Principle. Nobility.
6. Ephraim Represents the "BULL". John Bull of England, "Land of the Bull-Calf".
7. Ephraim Takes on the Aspects of Joseph whereas Manasseh is closer to Jacob.
Ephraim defeats Edom-Germany.
Why the British are Ephraim! Introduction

For accompanying article see:
"Why the British are Ephraim!".

Britain as Ephraim Introduction Part B.

Duration: 7.25 minutes

The British Isles were populated by peoples who to a significant degree were descended from Israelites.
Elements from the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) were predominant in the British Isles.
Joseph had been divided into two Tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh.
It is agreed upon that the USA and Britain are separate nations.
It is also accepted that in general the other nations who came out of Britain (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc) are closer to Britain than they are to the USA.
Since Joseph was divided into separate tribes and since Prophecy indicates that they should be distinct from each other it is logical that the division between Ephraim and Manasseh is reflected in the distinction between Britain and here offshoots and the USA on the other.
We consider the USA to be Manasseh and those of British association to be Ephraim.
Why the British are Ephraim! Introduction

For accompanying article see:
"Why the British are Ephraim!".

Britain as Ephraim-1 Precedence in Time

Duration: 12 minutes

1st proof out of seven.
Joseph had two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.
The descendants of Joseph went to the British Isles.
Britain and the offshoots of Britain are Ephraim and have the characteristics of Ephraim.
Manasseh was to become great AFTER Ephraim.
America was founded by the British and in a sense emerged from Britain.
The USA is Manasseh and time-wise it did become great after Britain with the British Empire had enjoyed its power peak for quite some time.
Britain preceded the USA therefore Britain is Ephraim.
Why the British are Ephraim!
#1. The Blessing of Ephraim was to precede
that of Manasseh in Time.

For accompanying article see:
"Why the British are Ephraim!".

Britain as Ephraim -2. Relative Self-Importance

Duration: 13.23 minutes

The British are Ephraim. The USA represents Manasseh. Ephraim and Manasseh were the two sons of Joseph. One of the 7 major proofs identifying the British with Ephraim is the relative importance of material wealth and power that was to be enjoyed by Manasseh as compared to Ephraim. The British also evidenced the quality of national self-abnegation for the sake of world good. This was a quality of Ephraim. Jacob said concerning Ephraim (vrs Manasseh), "truly his YOUNGER brother shall be GREATER than he, and his descendants shall become a MULTITUDE OF NATIONS (Genesis 48:19). The word used here for YOUNGER is HaKatan which can connote "made Little". The Commentators say Ephraim merited since not only was he the 'little' i.e. younger brother but he was prepared to 'belittle' himself. England agreed to allow the USA to direct the world and to take a back seat in exchange for American economic support in prosecuting World War-2. Churchill remarked that Britain gave away her Empire to save the world.

For accompanying article see:
"Why the British are Ephraim!".

Britain as Ephraim -3. The British Empire.

Duration: 30.16 minutes

Ephraim was predicted to become in Hebrew 'Malao ha-Goyim' (Genesis 48:19) translated as 'A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS' but literally meaning 'fullness of the peoples' . Ephraim (according to Rabbinical Commentators) was to rule over the nations or literally determine the very existence of other nations. This was fulfilled through the British Empire. It is a proof that the British are Ephraim. The British Empire once ruled over about 25% of the world's population. Many nations that exist in the world today only came into being thanks to British rule and tutelage.

For accompanying article see:
"Why the British are Ephraim!".

'It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God or the Bible.'
  George Washington

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