
Brit-Am Now no. 1086
1. Tessa: Roman Empire Offshoots?
2. John Wharton: Thought some
DHL observations interesting
3. Pleased with 'Role To Rule'
4. Brian Patmore
: "European Edomite Ruling class"
5. Is Brit-Am too Confrontational?



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1. Tessa: Roman Empire Offshoots?
From: beswick
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1085
#1. Ishmael and Edom to Unite?
Shalom Yair
It is interesting that general Jewish Traditions say that towards the End Times Ishmael (i.e. Islamic Arabs) and Edom (Christian Europe) will unite.
There is a view that the two legs of Daniel's statue do not represent eastern and western Christians but rather Christianity and Islam since these both grew from within the original borders of the Roman Empire. If so this would support the Jewish understanding.
Blessings - Tessa

2. John Wharton: Thought some DHL observations interesting
re "Brit-Am Now"-1084
#1. Thomas Malloy: No Fan of DHL!

Hi Yair,
I thought you were right that the DHL article made
some interesting observations about our American
character. I don't have to agree with most of what a
person says, or their morals, to see occasional good
observations. I think that individuality, and desire
to seperate from old Europe is an American trait, that
God gives us. It reminds me of what is prophesied
about Israel in the last days in Micah chapter 5.

3. Pleased with 'Role To Rule'
Subject: thank you

Dear Yair-
I have read much of your book 'Role To Rule' and still
believe Ephraim would be USA, as it is most powerful
and fits prophecy better than Britain....although many
here came from Britain I agree...

I have been teaching for some time that Rachel's sons
'Joseph and Benjamin' will effect restoration and you
are the first write I've encountered that agrees with
my theory...

Your book is extraordinarily informative.  Thank you,
you are generous and righteous in your generation.

Sis Sandra

4. Brian Patmore: "European Edomite Ruling class"
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 1085
#1. Ishmael and Edom to Unite?
Ishmael + Edomites (Sons of Esau) = Palestinians !!!
The wish of the European Edomite Ruling class is to displace USA/Britain et all controlling the Middle Eastern Oil Reserves (hopefull that it will bring the Anglo-American Megalith to a halt) and supplant the US Petro-Dollar with the Edomite/European "Euro-Petro Currency".
Europe is very much in with the Arab nations and will be more so in the near future, that is for sure.
Your statement above is correct and completed in regard to the Palestinians, but the other part from Europe is in course of coming to pass.
Remember that the ruling class in Europe are definitely Edomite, but the people along the coast of Western Europe from and including Scandinavia down to Spain, the British Isles and Ireland plus the people in the mountainous areas of Europe where Rome was held at bay are Israelite peoples. ([Psalms 97:1] THE LORD REIGNETH; LET THE EARTH REJOICE; LET THE MULTITUDE OF ISLES BE GLAD THEREOF) I would also definitely include without doubt those of Hungarian (Parthian/Scythian/Sarmatian) descent in that as well.
Not good but in the end they will face the wrath of the Lord God of Israel. That is a one-way street to destruction.
Brisbane Australia

5. Is Brit-Am too Confrontational?
re "Brit-Am Now"-1080
#3. Important New Article: Dell Griffin Refuted!
(a) Dell Griffin has endured suffering. He was imprisoned and expelled from Israel; his family broke up,and his father recently passed away.
Perhaps you were a little too harsh on him?
(b) Should we not seek to emphasize the points that unite us rather than where we have differences?
(c) Brit-Am seems to be a little too confrontational in general, dont you think?A.

Brit-Am Answers:

(a) Dell Griffin has been in the public eye longer than we have. He is, or was, a well-known and proficient journalist and after that an activist on the "Ephraimite Identity" scene.
He knows the rules of the game as well as (if not better than) we do.
He started up with us and not the other way round.
He said inaccurate and misleading things about us both privately and publicly.
This could have been harmful to us so we needed to answer in order perhaps to restrain his imaginative licence. At the least we could correct the misleading information he gave about us.
He ALSO attacked the "Anglos" and tried to "replace" them with Indians and Mexicans.
This was after having earned a following by appealing to Anglo audiences and presenting himself as closer to a Brit-Am outlook than he actually was. He himself admits to this deception and seems to be proud of it.
Brit-Am never said that some of the Lost Ten Tribes could not be amongst the Amerindians.
Just the opposite.
See our replies to questions on this matter:
We also know that some Mexicans, Latin Americans, and people of Spanish origin may be descended both from the Lost Ten Tribes and from Judah.
See our article on "Captive Jews"
and on Israel and Spain
It is a question of emphasis and Biblical Indications
These show that the Lost Israelites in our days find their Primary Expression through the USA and UK.
Anyone who denies this in our opinion commits an offence against Biblical Knowledge.

(b) At this stage most people are not aware of "Ephraimite Identity" in any form.
As many people as possible should be reached and the truth given to them.
Unity is not needed at present but rather activity.
Different personalities will respond to different approaches therefore the more approaches the better as long as basic principles are adhered to.

(c) Controversy can be beneficial. See our point (b) above.
It arouses interest and puts some "life" into the subject.
Brit-Am has a truth and wishes to make it known.
We do not want this truth to be misrepresented.