The Brit-Am Rose

Symbol of United Israel
1. List of Secular Proofs:
(a) Dan in Ireland
Proofs in Simplified Outline
Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Dana) went to Ireland via Greece and Scandinavia.
Proofs in Expanded Format
These were Danites from the Tribe of Dan.
For more on this subject see:
(b) Dan in Wales
Proofs in Simplified Outline
The Tribe of Don (Dan) went to Wales
Proofs in Expanded Format
The goddess Don and her consort Bile settled in Britain and Wales
and in effect represent the Tribe of Dan and other Israelites including Naphtali.
For more details and referewnces see
"The Tribes"
2. List of Secular Proofs:
Archaeology: Simple Outlined Headings
Depictions of Ancient Israelites show mixed physical types but "European"
phenotype roughly predominant.
Completeness of Exile of Ten Tribes from land of Israel.
Destruction of all former northern Israelite settlements due to Assyrian
Existence of Israelite Exiles in Assyria.
Israelite Exiles in Assyrian Army etc.
Overlap with Cimmerians and Scythians.
Proven Rebellion of Judean Exiles in Palace of Sennacherib Parallels takeover by
Scythian Israelites of entire Assyrian
Empire as explained in Brit-Am writings.
Israelite-Phoenician Art styles, techniques (e.g. enamel) traced to Scythians,
British Celts, and Anglo-Saxons.
Path of Migrations from Middle East to Steppes to the West shown from artifacts
Pathways of Migration shown from Megalthics and Dolmens (as prophesied by
Jeremiah 31:21).
Astronomical Alignment of Megalithics proving that they were set up after ca.
730 BCE.
Settlement in Spain of people from the area of Greater Israel after ca. 730 BCE.
Settlement in Ireland and Britain of Israelite settlers from Spain and Portugal.
Direct Contancts between Britain, Ireland, Ancient Israel, and the Middle East
in general.
Scandinavian "Bronze Age" links to Middle East.
Scandinavian "Iron Age" links to Southeast Europe and Middle East.
"Viking" links to Central Asia and Middle East.
Western "Barbarian" links to Central Asia
3. Question on Tribal Standards, Order
of Marching in the Wilderness, and Modern Parallels
Greetings Yair,
What are your thoughts regarding the possible ties between Jacob's blessings
to his sons in Gen 49 and coat of arms found throughout thw world that contain
symbols of those blessings which denote who are of what tribe?
There are some books as I understand that have researched this and it seems
to support scritpure or scripture supports it. It makes sense that each tribe
would have taken their blessing and put it into symbols that were then carried
on each tribe's standard as they marched through the wilderness and this
helped them not only know who they were, but also, when YHWH told them how
they were to encamp in a certain order, they were then able to do that.
your thoughts?
Blessings, michelle b.
Brit-Am Answer:
Our book "The Tribes"
traces the Tribal Standards of each Tribe and shows how throughout history in
several cases
the particular Tribal Symbolism was maintained amongst descendants of the Tribe.
We also show how the encampment of the Tribes around the Tabernacle and the
Order of Marching in the Wilderness
parallels historical relationships between different peoples and the present
locations of descendants of the Tribes as they
relate to each other.
As far as we know "The Tribes" is the only work that presents this information.
4. Scottish-Irish "Mac" in Surnames - Is
it Hebrew?
Question: Many Scottish and also Irish surnames begin with "Mc" or "Mac"
(MacDonald, McAlpine, etc) meaning "son of". Does this term have Hebrew origins?
Brit-Am Answer:
We do not know BUT the Welsh parallel is "Ap" or "Map"
meaning "son of". Welsh is P-Celtic whereas Gaelic ( Sotttish and Irish)
is "C-Celtic". Where one has a "c" the other has a "p".
Assuming the Welsh to have been the oldest and possibly the original form
we have "Map" instead of "Mac".
Now in Semitic languages a "p" is often switched by a "b", e.g. in Colloquial
"Shakespeare" will be pronounced "Shakesbeer".
It could conceivably work the other way also, the "b" being replaced by a "p".
In Hebrew "Ab" (sometimes pronounced as "av") means "Father".
"Me-Ab" (or "Mab" in short) would mean "from the father" i.e. "son of".
"Mab" in Welsh became pronounced as "Map" and this in Gaelic became "Mac".
Sound complicated?
Nevertheless linguistically we would say that it is very feasible.
Not only that, if you look at other permutations that linguists present as
"matter-of-fact" quite obvious
our suggestion is relatively simple.
Other people may have made the same suggestion as this in the past.
It looks too obvious not to have been noticed before.
5. Judah and Joseph Returning to the
We pointed out in the past that Judah is returning to the Land as a the
and representative of all Israel. Judah in a sense is preparing the way for the
rest of the Tribes,
as prophesied.
In the future Judah and Joseph will re-unite (Ezekiel 37), "Joseph" (the Ten
Tribes) will receive an inheritance alongside
Judah. Each tribe will dwell in its own region (Ezekiel 47). Before this happens
Ephraim will take possession of territories
in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, etc. (Zecharian 10:9-10 Micah 7:14).
The Land of Israel in Biblical Terms stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates
and includes southeast Turkey,
Syria, part of Iraq, Cyprus, Lebanon, Jordan, part of Saudia, the Persian Gulf
region (all that oil should belong
to Israelites!), and part of Egypt.
Climate changes may take place. Israel may help to ecologically "heal" the Land
it will be mostly the work of the Almighty (2-Chronicles 7:14 Ezekiel chapters
46 to 47).
Before the final re-union many from "Joseph" will attach themselves to Judah
around Jerusalem
(see Jeremiah 31:6 and most other places where it refers to a going up to Zion
and Jerusalem).
Nevertheless this entity will continue to be referred to as Judah and in
Biblical terms is Judah.
We are not at this stage yet.
Anyone who comes now either identifies with Judah or is a guest of Judah.
So too, Jews (of Judah) in the USA and elsewhere though equal citizens with
everybody else
from a "national-expression" point of view have aspects of being "guests".
They maybe very welcome and honored guests but they are guests nevertheless.
[Some Jewish citizens of the Diaspore (especially of the USA today) get
slightly offended when other Jews or Gentiles say they are "guests"
of the people they live amongst. The question is somewhat semantic.
At all events they cannot aspire to live in a "Jewish" country while remaining in
the USA. [This is despite the USA government being called "ZOG" by Edomite-Canaanite
"Identity" nuts.] In the State of Israel they can.
The Lost Ten Tribes in effect ALREADY HAVE countries of their own.
Their future inheritance in the area of Greater Israel is just that, something
in the future.
In the meantime Judah is working on the behalf of all Israel and should be
supported as much as possible.
On the other hand,
These points from Ezekiel should also be taken into account:
Ezekiel (11:18) hints that first the exiles will return to the Land of Israel
and after that they shall put away their idols and keep the Law (11:2). Ezekiel
says that Judah has an obligation to help the Lost Ten Tribes return. The
complete return of Judah is dependent upon the return of "Samaria" (16:53, 55,
61) meaning the Ten Tribes especially Manasseh. Manasseh today is mainly the
USA. God will renew His covenant with Judah and with Israel (16:62).
For more see:
Ezekiel Highlights
Brit-Am is the "still small voice" that contains the truth.