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3. Replies to Questions on the books, the Suebi of Germany, and all the world being descended from Israel!
Andrea wrote:
Dear Yair,
thank you for the book offer. I am enclined to buy the book TRIBES from you but would like to have some kind of opinion on whether the contents of this book are somewhat 'different' to those of ORIGINS and BIBLICAL TRUTH, both of which are in my possession already!
In particular, of course, I am talking abt. the 'germanic tribes' (so as not to say 'the Germans'!) . I would need to know whether there is more 'proof'' that, we, the SCHWABEN (suebs) on my fathers's side, are part of an israelite clan, and indeed on my mother's side (which we only now have started researching) probably FRISIAN OR DAENISH of Schleswig-Holstein in the 'old' peninsula of Jutland.
I would also like an answer to the following question my oldest sister posed, when we had another recent talk abt. this whole subject, which my family find intruiging, but as 'thinking' people that we germans are, she would ask me somewhat suspiciously amusing "Andrea, are there ANY PEOPLES or COUNTRIES or MINORITIES LEFT in the EARTH, that have NO ISRAELITE contingent whatsoever", if then, as Britam are suggesting, all these germanic tribes of 1st century AD where moving/migrating literally into each corner of the world, infiltrating each and every country at some point in history, and I am sure, mixing at some stage with every people/nation there is, particilarly since they have lost their identity!?!??! Would it then not be a good idea to post say a list on yr website (maybe you have done so already!), to say, the following people, ethnic groups, countries are definately NOT stemming from the 10 tribes? to make it all more plausible.
Best regards,
Andrea Waitschulis, nee Fode/Boysen
Surrey GB
Brit-Am Replies:
(a) The Book Offer and The Tribes
The book offer is valid only for 10 days.
We think it is a very good offer and urge those who are interested to take advantage of it while it is open. Anyone who despite the present temporary lower prices is hesitant about buying our works should not do so.
[If someone was going to sell you a new car at half price and you said you would take it on condition that the radio played nice music would you blame him for telling you to go elsewhere?]
There is enough material on our website to ascertain our general level of scholarship and research reliability or lack of it.
The Tribes contains a vast amount of information not found in our other works nor (on numerous points) in the works of others.
(b) The Suebi
Concerning the Suebi,
in The Tribes we trace the migration of the Suebi in two major movements from East Eurasia to Western Europe. We also associated them with the tribes of Joseph and Issachar. Reconsideration of some of the evidence indicates that these identifications may in part not be valid and not applicable to all of the groups later identified as Suebi.
We would also be hesitant in accepting a blanket identification between the Suebi with the present-day Schwabians.
On the whole the overwhelming mass of information in The Tribes is correct and has stood the test of recent research well.
(c) Are not all Peoples intermixed with Israelites?
Regarding the question raised by your sister:
Every now and again some bright chap reminds us that technically we are all related. Statistically it may be shown that somehow or other everyone on the planet in some way or other has intermarried within the last few centuries with everyone else! Groups descended from Israel may indeed have reached nearly every country at some stage or other.
This does not make all the world Israelite.
Similarly Jews have gone all over the world but all the world is still not Jewish.
We seek the Lost Ten Tribes in areas where they were concentrated, influenced the development of the national characteristics, and must comprise a significant proportion of the population in question.
This does not mean that everyone in the said places will be of Israelite descent.
Neither can we approach any individual and guarantee them that they have Israelite heritage.
We may only say that based upon the knowledge we have that descendants of Israelites were in certain areas and probably still are. This knowledge is confirmed by the Bible and consistent with our Ephraimite Criteria of Israelite Descent.
Tribal Characteristics
in a Nutshell
The Tribe of Benjamin
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