Reading your postings on 'Eurabia', i.e. a de-facto merger of Europe and the
Arab lands leads me to ask this. Do you think it's possible that almost all
of the Ten Tribe descended peoples of Europe have already immigrated out?
We know that from the 1600s thru the 20th century there was significant
immigration from European nations to the US and other English-speaking
colonies. I have read that it is now very difficult for European families
to simply move to the US and become citizens.
Maybe all those Brits, Scots-Irish, Nordics, Dutch, Germans, etc. who went
to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in the past were
more or less the last remaining seed of the Ten Tribes and that God has
started to shut the door in preparation for the creation of a genuine
Eurabia, with all that implies.
To me, it will be interesting to see to what extent the UK and Scandinavian
nations will allow themselves to be totally absorbed into the EU. For now
they do retain their own currency and therefore a greater degree of
sovereignty than fully invested EU countries. Maybe they won't go down that
In the course of 10 years or so I have gone from thinking that the whole
Brit-Am/Lost Ten Tribes (LTT) concept was ridiculous to now seeing almost
all geopolitical events through that prism. It seems to make sense of so
much of what we see happening in the world.
For the record, growing up I was never exposed to the Herbert Armstrong
Worldwide Church of God stuff and I do consider those religious beliefs to
be false. I had only a vague notion of what was meant by the LTT.
To those who may be reading this and not know much about Brit-Am, I ask that
you give it your objective consideration. Not as a replacement for your
religion (I don't see it that way, and it doesn't seek to be) but as a
movement that recognizes historical biblical truths, however out of fashion
they may be. When something is assailed from all sides as Brit-Am and the
US-Israel relationship is, you can be pretty sure that there is some
transcendent reason for it.
David Jackson
Roanoke, Texas
2. Cherie Koch: India, the Brahmans, and
RE: New Book Now Available! "Indian Interlude" by Hugh Davis
Shalom Yair,
The book looks interesting! I have read that the Brahma cult in India is
actually derived from descendants of Abraham who actually set him apart as
being revered (and became idolatrous.) Do you know anything about this
One writer stated, "There are certain striking similarities between the
Hindu god Brahma and his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and
Sarai, that are more than mere coincidences. Although in all of India there
is only one temple dedicated to Brahma, this cult is the third largest Hindu
Aside from the dissimilarity between Judeo-Christian and Hindu doctrine,
India is actually more of an ally to us than other countries in that region.
For one, they'd like to get rid of Pakistan, lol. Here is the most AMAZING
and moving speech given by a 13 year old Hindu girl in India regarding
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=tfe03MrAwNE& feature=player_embedded
India has the most men enlisted in the military, counting active and
reserves...over China.
I would love to hear any more that you have to add. Perhaps you have written
on this previously and I missed it.
Minyans, Kurds, Armenians, and UR.
Abraham and the Ram-Lamb?
The Almost-Consummated Sacrifice of the Son! Competing Wives and their
Allegorical Significance.
Isaac and the Mountain.
Different Hebrew Traditions Coalesced in Greek Mythology.
However there must have been some confusion among the Greek mythographers
concerning the chronology of the events for they seem to have compressed three
generations of Hebrew history (those of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph), into one
generation (that of Phrixus) of Greek mythology. Phrixus is the Minyan version
of Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, all rolled into one. As Isaac he is almost offered
up as a sacrifice by his father on a mountain top, but is saved at the last
minute by the miraculous appearance of a ram. As Jacob he goes off to the
Egyptian land where he stays until the end of his life. In each case his
descendants returned and his bones are carried back home for burial (this is
also true of Joseph). As Joseph, Phrixus has an episode with the wife of
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George Washington
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